发表于 15-6-2007 09:31 AM
回复 #20 kray_keigo 的帖子
我尽量找找看 在网上你可以找到很多的CARTRIDGE和TONER的制造商
不过 那些都算是downstream的行业 而upstream的如JADI就很少了 |
发表于 15-6-2007 09:43 AM
Printer Shipments in China to Reach 9.6 Million Units in 2005
Lyra projects a robust compound annual growth rate of 27 percent
NEWTONVILLE, MA (March 23, 2004)—Chinais an attractive market for printer and toner vendors because of itssize, potential for expansion, and rapid economic growth. A new reportfrom Lyra Research, The Toner Market in China: Forecast and Demand Factors, estimatesthat laser, ink jet, and dot matrix printer shipments in China grewfrom 3.5 million units in 2001 to 5.7 million units in 2003 andprojects that shipments will reach 9.6 million units in 2005 (see figure).Lyra forecasts that printer shipments will grow at a robust compoundannual growth rate of 27 percent between 2001 and 2005 due to the rapidpace of industrialization in the country, projected strong economicgrowth, and a large population of users.

"China is becoming an important market forprinter vendors, and as printer shipments in this country grow, so toowill demand for ink and toner," commented David Rocheleau, vicepresident of research and content at Lyra and author of the report. Heelaborated upon the dynamics of the Chinese economy. "In China, growthin the printer market is closely linked with government initiativesdesigned to boost high technology and related manufacturing products.The printer market has matured in the United States, Europe, and Japan,and printer prices are falling dramatically in these regions. To remaincompetitive, many printer manufacturers have moved their manufacturingoperations to China to take advantage of the country's lowermanufacturing costs and inexpensive labor. Today, China is one of thelargest printer and consumable manufacturers in the world."The report combines Lyra's forecastsfor laser printers, laser-based MFPs, copiers, and supplies withselected vendor interviews to provide a comprehensive view of China'sgrowing toner market. The Toner Market in China: Forecast and Demand Factorsincludes key historical and forecast figures for the Chinese laserprinter and copier market including shipments, installed base, anddomestic production; laser printer shipments in China by brand; currentvendor market shares for copiers; a worldwide bulk toner forecast; andan examination of Chinese distribution channels for bulk toner andtoner cartridges. A complete description and table of contents for thereport can be found on Lyra Research's Web site at www.lyra.com. |

楼主 |
发表于 15-6-2007 10:03 AM
发表于 15-6-2007 10:59 AM
回复 #23 kray_keigo 的帖子
生意方面呢 它们是做“散卖”的(AFTERMARKET) 不是OEM的
大概13罢了 高咩?? |
发表于 15-6-2007 11:36 AM
Competingwith toner manufacturers around the world. Toners manufacturing can be
segmentedinto two broad categories:
Originalbrand toners, which are either produced internally by original brand
owner(OBO) manufacturers or sub-contracted to original equipment
manufacturers(OEM) using specifications provided by the OBO; and
Compatibletoners – made by independent toner manufacturers such as Jadi
Imaging – which are formulated and produced independentlyfrom the OBO, and
canbe used in a wide range of brands. Typically, refilled/recycled cartridges canbe
soldat as low as half the selling price of original cartridges.
Basedon an independent research report, JadiImaging is the onlymanufacturer of toners in
Malaysia, and the country depends heavily onimported toners. There are approximately 160
tonercartridge re-fillers and re-manufacturers in Malaysia with a high proportionusing
importedtoners. Given the export orientation of the Group, Jadi Imaging (which is currently
rankedjust inside the list of top 10 independent toners manufacturers in the world)competes
directlyagainst other independent toner manufacturers (which include AQC Group, Elfotecand
Tomoegawa)as well as original brand owners (such as Hewlett Packard, Canon and Lexmark) in
theglobal toner market (which has an estimated size of 160,000-170,000 tonnesp.a.). The
Grouphopes to become one of the largest independent manufacturers of toners by 2008. |
发表于 15-6-2007 12:01 PM
发表于 15-6-2007 12:24 PM
看看STEMLIFE吧 那个PE才叫高吧 好像是3digits了
想像一下 如果你用现在的价钱买 而它的业务是平平的 (虽然不大可能。。。)你投资的钱一百多年后才收得回... |
发表于 15-6-2007 12:25 PM
krei_keigo,share_world 兄
读了下面资料,可以帮忙告诉我TONER粉是怎样制造的吗 ???  http://www.malvern.com/LabEng/industry/toners/overview.htm
Direct Electrostatic Printing Photocopying, laser printing and industrialdigital printing all have their roots in electrophotographic technologyinvented 30 years ago. Since that time, companies such as AGFA-Gevaert, Xerox,Lexmark, Sharp, Hewlett Packard, and others have incorporated various forms ofelectrophotographic technology into their printers.
Direct electrostatic printing is based on aprinciple that is deceptively simple. A toner source delivers charged tonerparticles through a print head structure (consisting of a polymeric substratewith apertures and at least one set of control electrodes) to the imagereceiver (a sheet of paper, for example) in front of a back electrode. Thepropulsion field present between the toner source and the back electrode, meansthat negatively charged toner particles are attracted to the receiver on theback electrode, thus creating an image on the paper.
Toner Manufacturing Process
The traditional "pulverizationtechnique" of toner particle production involves the blending of resin,charge agent control, wax, carbon black, and iron oxide. This is then heatedand melted under high pressure, extruded through a dye and granulated.
The resulting flakes are ground by air jetmilling. Air jet mills can produce micron-sized particles without generatingheat, which would otherwise denature the toner product. Spinning classifierwheels at the top prevent particles leaving the mill before they have beenground to a size below the classifier cut size. Unground particles are returnedto the bed via an internal mill recycle. The cut size is controlled by varyingthe speed of the classifier (the faster the spin, the lower the cut size).Superfines (whose presence often represents wastage in the milling process) areremoved and additives may be blended with the toner before final bagging.
Toner particle size can be controlled towithin ±0.3 - 0.5 µm, whereas the average particle size is 8 µm. Particlesize distribution can also be controlled. Depending on specificrequirements, the standard deviation of particle size distribution can bearound 1.0 µm.
On-line particle size measurement is now usedby many toner manufacturers to continuously monitor the particle sizedistribution and, by using multiple analyzers at different steps of theprocess, measure the unit operation yield in real-time.
Why is toner particle size distribution important?
A great deal of R&D effort has gone intoimproving print head design and toner transfer. The goal has been to producesimpler and increasingly more accurate systems with fewer components andimproved imaging, which are suitable for a wide range of consumer andindustrial digital printing applications. Final image quality though can becompromised by the quality of the toner itself.
Toner companies have therefore been facedwith the task of improving the toner particles. While individual manufacturershave their own formulae for toners, most comprise around 90% thermo-plasticsthat are colored with 10% carbon black pigment and set with infra-red followingtransfer to paper. Traditionally, dry toner particles are made by compounding,pelletizing and granulation, followed by micronization, classification andsieving. This results in a fine powder with a tight specification for particlesize distribution. However, the method has several drawbacks, notably variationin particle shape and charge-to-mass ratio as well as the creation of dustparticles. These can cause problems as the particles are propelled through tinyapertures in the print head. Larger or irregularly shaped particles can causeblockage while dust particles adhere to the print head surface and are toosmall to have enough charge to be controllable.
The ability to control the effects ofelectrostatic and electrodynamic forces lies with the way in which the toner isprepared. Preparation affects particle shape, particle size, particle sizedistribution, charge and surface treatment. The trend is to the smaller,narrower particle size and particle size distribution requirements needed forthe production of higher resolution images.
Traditionally the electrozone counter methodhas been the standard for particle size analysis in toner manufacture,something that is now being replaced with on-line, real-time particle sizingthat allows direct and immediate control of the production process.
Why is toner particle shape so important?
Recent years have seen the development of wetchemical toner processes such as suspension polymerization and emulsionpolymerization, which do not involve a milling or classification stage andwhich have the merit of allowing much greater control of the size distribution,shape and material properties of the toner particles produced. Compared topulverized toner the shape is far more regular. Many companies are nowproducing both monochrome and color toners using a wet polymerization process.The toners produced using this process produce material with a narrowerparticle size and particle shape distribution; this offers improved powderflowability, improved transfer ratio from the photoconductor to the paper andimproved image quality.
A number of companies have patented chemicalprocesses for growing toner particles of well-defined shapes. With the abilityto produce toners with more precise shape and size distributions comes the needto characterize such materials. Most particle size analysis instruments are notable to measure shape but one exception is the Sysmex FPIA-3000. Thisinstrument has wide use in the toner industry and many patents have beenproduced based on the optimization of particle shape. Methods have beendeveloped using circularity as the key parameter. A circularity of 0.95-0.96 isoptimum, lower than this the toner particles act as an abrasive, higher than thisand they act as a lubricant.
The Sysmex FPIA-3000 uses sheath flow andpatented high speed image analysis for rapid particle size and shapecharacterization. Analysis typically takes 5 minutes compared with the 2-3hours necessary using traditional techniques such as conventional microscopy.
Toner manufacturers invest heavily in novelproduction techniques in order to develop processes that will maximize theproportion of particles with high circularity.
The main problem has always been to find asimple way of monitoring this parameter. The Sysmex FPIA-3000 offers a rapidway for routine shape characterization. In addition to particle size data itdisplays images of the particles and also displays a circularity diagram to theanalyst who then has all the necessary data for informed decision-making.
[ 本帖最后由 屠狗辈 于 15-6-2007 02:14 PM 编辑 ] |

楼主 |
发表于 15-6-2007 01:15 PM
发表于 15-6-2007 02:20 PM
努力完了跟我讲是什么 哈哈哈哈
Early toner manufacturing involved the pulverizing and sorting of black,charged graphite. However, toner technology has become gradually moresophisticated in order to meet the ever-increasing quality and technicaldemands of the industry. The mobility of the toner in the supply reservoirmechanism, the transferability performance to paper, and the property ofpeeling from the drum are all affected by toner particle size, shape andmaterial properties. In addition, colorants (predominantly pigments), resins,electric charge control agents and releasing agents have been added to toners asblend components. Fluidizing agents, lubricants and electric charge controlagents have also been applied to the exterior of the toner particles.
Toner production methods have also continued to develop. There are twofundamental technologies applied to toner production – the pulverization methodand the polymerization method. The conventional pulverization method, where aningot (or a film) as raw toner material is pulverized and sorted, is slowlybeing superceded by the polymerization method, which is capable of yieldingtoner particles closer to a spherical shape. The polymerization method, whichis also referred to as the chemical toner method is a technique in whichgranulation is conducted by utilizing an aqueous medium.
Size and shape measurement
With the ability to produce toners with more precise shape and sizedistributions comes the need to characterize such materials. Size can becharacterized using the circle equivalent diameter - which isdefined as the diameter of a circle that has the same area as the projectedparticle image. With this diameter, various irregularly shaped particles can beevaluated on the basis of a single consistent measure. Shape is characterizedusing circularity - a parameter that compares the perimeter ofthe projected particle image with the circumference of the area-equivalentcircle thus permitting a numerical representation of complex particle shapes -see figure 1.
Figure 1: Calculation of circularity parameter
A circularity of 0.95-0.96 is optimum. Toner particles with a lower thanoptimum circularity value, act as an abrasive, reducing the lifetime of printingmechanism components and producing a lower quality image. Equally tonerparticles with a higher than optimum circularity (i.e. perfect spheres with acircularity of 1.00) act as a lubricant and do not transfer to the print mediumproperly.
Optimized image quality depends to a great extent upon achieving both anarrow size distribution (centered around a mean diameter of 8um-10um) and anarrow shape distribution (centered around a mean circularity of 0.95-0.96) -see figure 2.
[ 本帖最后由 屠狗辈 于 15-6-2007 02:22 PM 编辑 ] |

楼主 |
发表于 19-6-2007 09:16 AM
原因-看到买家被“压“着来打很奇怪,不正常现象  |
发表于 19-6-2007 09:41 AM

楼主 |
发表于 19-6-2007 10:58 AM
发表于 19-6-2007 12:02 PM
CEO也是大股东 ???
基本面 ????

楼主 |
发表于 19-6-2007 03:53 PM
发表于 26-7-2007 11:24 AM
JADI IMAGING HOLDINGS BERHAD ("Jadi Imaging" or "Company")
Contents :
We refer to the announcements dated 21 May 2007, 14 June 2007, 28 June 2007 and 2 July 2007.
On behalf of the Board of Directors of Jadi Imaging, RHB InvestmentBank Berhad (formerly known as RHB Sakura Merchant Bankers Berhad)("RHB Investment Bank") is pleased to announce that the SecuritiesCommission ("SC") had vide itsletter dated 23 July 2007 which was received on 24 July 2007, approvedJadi Imaging's proposal to transfer its entire issued and paid-up sharecapital from the Second Board to the Main Board of Bursa MalaysiaSecurities Berhad ("Bursa Securities") ("Proposed Transfer Listing"),subject to the following conditions:
(i) The transfer listing to theMain Board of Bursa Securities can only be implemented upon JadiImaging's completion of the proposed bonus issue and duly complyingwith the minimum paid-up capital requirement of RM60,000,000 forcompanies' listing on the Main Board of Bursa Securities; (ii) RHB Investment Bank / Jadi Imaging to inform SC upon completion of the Proposed Transfer Listing; and
(iii) Jadi Imaging to fully comply with the relevant requirements ofthe Policies and Guidelines on Issue/Offer of Securities pertaining tothe implementation of the Proposed Transfer Listing.
This announcement is dated 25 July 2007.
今天成交量突然暴涨...是和这个有关吗 ?? |

楼主 |
发表于 26-7-2007 02:42 PM
发表于 26-7-2007 02:54 PM

楼主 |
发表于 26-7-2007 04:14 PM
发表于 26-7-2007 05:06 PM
| |