If we include the foregone revenue (in the form of gas subsidy) totaling RM230.6 billion after regulated gas prices came into effect on May 1997, Petronas total financial contribution to the Malaysian economy could reach RM1.11 trillion in 40 years.
Just imagine, if 20 percent from RM1.11 trillion Petronas contribution to the federal government in the form of royalties paid to the state since 1974, a total of RM222 billion would be used to develop Sarawak.
The Sarawak government would not wait for 53 years to persuade the federal government to build the Pan-Borneo Highway if 20 percent of the oil royalties paid to the government of Sarawak beginning of 1974.
.......................................................................................................... 才给RM3 billion的零用钱,他们就像猴子开心到得意忘形,他们忘了国阵政府过去40年吞掉了砂州超过RM200 billion的石油税!