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佛陀與佛法系列 第九講 覓寂2015年2月14日
在馬來西亞法悅林「佛陀與佛法」系列課程的講稿 今天第九次講座我們將會講述的主題如下:
1. 菩薩下生 菩薩下生 各位居士:大家午安。
菩薩的出生地是迦毘羅衛城(Kapilavatthu)。要談迦毘羅衛城,我們要先來談談佛陀時代印度的古國。在經典記載,古印度有十六大國。 在《增支部‧三法集》裡提到:
Kīvamahapphalo hoti kīvamahānisaṃso kīvamahājutiko kīvamahāvipphāro”? “Seyyathāpi, visākhe, yo imesaṃ soḷasannaṃ mahājanapadānaṃ pahūtarattaratanānaṃ issariyādhipaccaṃ rajjaṃ kāreyya, seyyathidaṃ – aṅgānaṃ, magadhānaṃ, kāsīnaṃ, kosalānaṃ, vajjīnaṃ, mallānaṃ, cetīnaṃ, vaṅgānaṃ, kurūnaṃ, pañcālānaṃ, macchānaṃ, sūrasenānaṃ, assakānaṃ, avantīnaṃ, gandhārānaṃ, kambojānaṃ, aṭṭhaṅgasamannāgatassa uposathassa etaṃ kalaṃ nāgghati soḷasiṃ. Taṃ kissa hetu? Kapaṇaṃ, visākhe, mānusakaṃ rajjaṃ dibbaṃ sukhaṃ upanidhāya”.(A.i.p,212.)
1. 鴦伽國(Aṅga),首都為瞻波城(Campā)。在佛陀時代,鴦伽國隸屬於摩揭陀國,被頻毘娑羅王統治。
It was to the east of Magadha, from which it was separated by the River Campā, and had as its capital city Campā, near the modern Bhagalpur (Cunningham, pp. 546-7). Other cities mentioned are Bhaddiya (DA.i.279; DhA.i.384) and Assapura (M.i.271).
The country is generally referred to by the name of its people, the Aṅgā, though occasionally (E.g., DhA.i.384) the name Aṅgarattha is used. In the Buddha’s time it was subject to Magadha, (ThagA.i.548) whose king Bimbisāra was, we are told, held in esteem also by the people of Aṅga (MA.i.394), and the people of the two countries evidently used to pay frequent visits to each other (J.ii.211). We never hear of its having regained its former independence, and traditions of war between the two countries are mentioned (E.g., J.iv.454; J.v.316; J.vi.271).
2. 摩揭陀(Magadha),首都為王舍城(Rājagaha)(包括現在的比哈爾省 (Bihar) 和奧里薩邦 (Orissa))。佛陀時代的國王為頻毘娑羅(Bimbisāra)王,接著由阿闍世(Ajātasattu,未生敵)王繼任。
Magadha had its capital at Rājagaha or Giribbaja where Bimbisāra, and after him Ajātasattu, reigned. Later, Pātaliputta became the capital. By the time of Bimbisāra, Aṅga, too, formed a part of Magadha, and he was known as king of Aṅga Magadha (see, e.g., Vin.i.27 and ThagA.i.544, where Bimbisāra sends for Sona Kolivisa, a prominent citizen of Campā, capital of Aṅga). But prior to that, these were two separate kingdoms, often at war with each other (e.g., J.iv.454f).
Several kings of Magadha are mentioned by name in the Jātakas - e.g., Arindama and Duyyodhana. In one story (J.vi.272) the Magadha kingdom is said to have been under the suzerainty of Aṅga. In the Buddha’s day, Magadha (inclusive of Aṅga) consisted of eighty thousand villages (Vin.i.179) and had a circumference of some three hundred leagues (DA.i.148).
Ajātasattu succeeded in annexing Kosala with the help of the Licchavis, and he succeeded also in bringing the confederation of the latter under his sway; preliminaries to this struggle are mentioned in the books (e.g., D.ii.73f., 86).
Under Bimbisāra and Ajātasattu, Magadha rose to such political eminence that for several centuries, right down to the time of Asoka, the history of Northern India was practically the history of Magadha. (A list of the kings from Bimbisāra to Asoka is found in Dvy.369 ; cp. DA.i.153; Mbv.96, 98).
At the time of the Buddha, the kingdom of Magadha was bounded on the east by the river Campā (Campā flowed between Aṅga and Magadha; J.iv.454), on the south by the Vindhyā Mountains, on the west by the river Sona, and on the north by the Gaṅges. The latter river formed the boundary between Magadha and the republican country of the Licchavis, and both the Māgadhas and the Licchavis evidently had equal rights over the river. When the Buddha visited Vesāli, Bimbisāra made a road five leagues long, from Rājagaha to the river, and decorated it, and the Licchavis did the same on the other side. DhA.iii.439 f.; the Dvy. (1p.55) says that monks going from Sāvatthi to Rājagaha could cross the Gaṅges in boats kept either by Ajātasattu or by the Licchavis of Vesāli.
3. 迦尸國(Kāsī),首都為波羅奈城(Bārāṇasī) 。迦尸國古代的國王曾是梵授(Brahmadatta)王。佛陀時代,迦尸國隸屬於憍薩羅國,被波斯匿王統治,也有人說迦尸國的國王是波斯匿王的弟弟。
在《中部‧愛生經》,茉莉王后問波斯匿王說:「大王,您心裡是怎麼想的?您愛迦尸國和憍薩羅國(Kāsi Kosala)嗎?」
At the time of the Buddha, it had been absorbed into the kingdom of Kosala, and Pasenadi was king of both countries (D.i.288; M.ii.111). The Mahāvagga (Vin.i.28l), however, mentions a Kāsika-rājā (king of Kāsi?) who sent a robe to Jīvaka. Buddhaghosa (see Vinaya Texts ii.195, n.2) says that this was a brother of Pasenadi and son of the same father. He was probably a sub-king of Pasenadi. Pasenadi’s father, Mahākosala, on giving his daughter in marriage to Bimbisāra, allotted her a village of Kāsi (Kāsigāma) as bath money (J.iv.342; J.ii.403; SA.i.110, 120f, etc.).
4. 憍薩羅國(Kosala),首都為舍衛城(Sāvatthī)。佛陀時代,憍薩羅國的國王是波斯匿(Pasenadi)王,後來由瑠璃王子(Viḍūḍabha; Viṭaṭūbha,毘琉璃)繼任。
波斯匿(Pasenadi)王的王后是茉莉王后(Mallikā devī),後來再娶了釋迦族的瓦莎跋剎帝利女(Vāsabhā khattiyā),瓦莎跋剎帝利女生了瑠璃王子。在瑠璃王子即位後,消滅了釋迦族,就在當天晚上,瑠璃王自己也死於暴風雨,這個故事未來有時間我們再來講述。
5. 跋耆國(Vajji),首都為毘舍離城(Vesāli,廣嚴城)。由離車族(Licchavi)所統治。
The inhabitants appear to have consisted of several confederate clans of whom the Licchavī and the Videhā were the chief. Vesāli was the capital of the Licchavis and Mithilā of the Videhas. In the time of the Buddha, both Vesāli and Mithilā were republics, though Mithilā had earlier been a kingdom under Janaka.
6. 末羅國(Mallā,力士),末羅國有兩部分,首都分別為巴瓦城(Pāvā)和拘尸那羅城(Kusinārā)。
The kingdom, at that time, was divided into two parts, having their respective capitals in Pāvā and Kusinārā. The Mallas of Pāvā were called Pāveyyaka Mallā, those of Kusināra, Kosinārakā. That these were separate kingdoms is shown by the fact that after the Buddha’s death at Kusināra, the Mallas of Pāvā sent messengers to claim their share of the Buddha’s relics (D.ii.165). Each had their Mote Hall.
7. 支提國(Ceti; Cetiya),首都可能是安隱城(Sotthivatī)。
The people of Ceti seem to have had two distinct settlements: one, perhaps the older, was in the mountains, probably the present Nepal (Bud. India, p.26). It was probably of the older Ceti that Sotthivatī was the capital, where once reigned Apacara, who uttered the first lie in the world. (J.iii.454ff Sotthivati is probably identical with Suktimati or Sukti-Sāhvaya of the Mahābhārata (iii.20, 50; xiv.83, 2); see also PHAI.81).
8. 宛嘎國(Vaṅgā) ,即現在的孟加拉國(Bangladesh)。
9. 倶盧國(Kuru),首都為因陀巴搭(Indapatta),即新德里所在地。
The Kuru country is generally identified as the district around Thānesar, with its capital Indapatta, near the modern Delhi (CAGI.379f).
10. 般遮羅國(Pañcāla),分為北般遮羅(Uttara Pañcāla)和南般遮羅(Dakkhiṇa Pañcāla)兩部分。北般遮羅的首都為堪毘拉城(Kampillanagara)。
Uttara Pañcāla and Dakkhiṇa Pañcāla. The river Bhagīrathi formed the boundary between the divisions. According to the Kumbhakāra Jātaka, the capital of Uttara Pañcāla was Kampillanagara, where a king named Dummukha once reigned. J.iii.379; also Mtu.iii.26; but the Dvy. (435) calls the capital Hastināpura. According to the Mahābhārata (i.138, 73-4), the capital was Ahicchatra or Chatravatī, while the capital of Dakkhiṇa -Pañcāla was Kāmpilya.
11. 婆蹉國(Macchā),首都為維拉搭城(Virātanagara),國王為維拉搭(Virāta)王。
The Macchā country lay to the south or south west of Indraprastha and to the south of Sūrasena. Its capital was Virātanagara or Vairāta, so called because it was the city of King Virāta. Rv.vii.6, 18; Law: Anct. Geog. Of India, p. 19.。
12. 首羅先那國(Sūrasena),首都為瑪突拉城(Mathurā)。
Sūrasena was located in the south of the Kuru country. Its capital was Mathurā. It is famous in the Epics and the Purānas because of its connection with Krsna, and the Yādavas.
13. 阿說迦國(Assaka,阿濕摩伽),首都為波搭那城(Potana),國王為安達卡王(Andhaka)。
The Assaka capital, Potana, it has been suggested, is the Paudanya of the Mahābhārata (i.77, 47). In the Buddha’s time the Assaka king is described as an Andhakarājā. He took a thousand for the plot of land sold for Bāvarī’s hermitage (SnA.ii.581).。
14. 阿槃提國(Avantī),首都為優禪尼城(Ujjenī),國王為光明王(Pajjota)。
In the Buddha’s time, the King of Avanti was Pajjota, a man of violent temper (Vin.i.277), and therefore known as Canda Pajjota. He wished to conquer the neighbouring kingdom of Kosambī, of which Udena was king, but his plans did not work out as he had anticipated. Instead, his daughter Vāsuladattā became Udena’s wife and the two countries continued to be on friendly terms. The romantic story of this marriage is given in DhA.i.191ff. For a summary seeVāsuladattā
15. 健陀羅國(Gandhāra),現在叫做「堪達哈」(Kandahar),屬於阿富汗(Afghanistan)的一省。當時的首都為德迦尸羅城(Takkasilā),國王為普古沙提(Pukkusāti)王。
Its capital was Takkasilā, famous for its university; its king in the time of the Buddha was Pukkusāti. There was friendly intercourse between him and Bimbisāra of Magadha.
16. 劍浮闍國(Kamboja,劍浮,劍浮沙,劍蒲,紺蒲,甘菩)。在印度西北,犍陀羅(Gandhāra)附近,生產牛、馬等。
16. 跋蹉國(Vaṃsā),首都為憍賞彌城(Kosambī)。佛陀時代跋蹉國的國王為優填王(Udena)。
Udena, son of Parantapa, also called Vaṃsarājā (E.g., J.iv.370,390), was its king in the time of the Buddha. Avanti lay to the south of the Vaṃsa country. The Vaṃsā were also called Vatsā (Bud. India, 3, 27; Mtu.i.34).
在《中部》第八十九經《法莊嚴經》(Dhammacetiyasuttaṃ),波斯匿王對佛陀說:「再者,尊者,世尊是剎帝利,我也是剎帝利;世尊是憍薩羅國人,我也是憍薩羅國人;世尊八十歲,我也八十歲(“Puna caparaṃ, bhante, bhagavāpi khattiyo, ahampi khattiyo; bhagavāpi kosalo, ahampi kosalo; bhagavāpi āsītiko, ahampi āsītiko.)……。」這是波斯匿王去世前,佛陀般涅槃的那一年,波斯匿王對佛陀所說的話。
在傳統上的解釋,淨飯王是古代大選王的直系後裔,所以說,佛陀也是正統的剎帝利(khattiya)傳承。 釋迦族家譜表