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楼主: winray


发表于 3-5-2014 02:00 PM | 显示全部楼层
宗教和政治息息相关, 迟早赔偿代价


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owenlee + 5 我很赞同



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发表于 3-5-2014 02:31 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 3-5-2014 02:33 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 3-5-2014 03:58 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 3-5-2014 06:57 PM | 显示全部楼层
poloc1987 发表于 3-5-2014 02:33 PM


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发表于 3-5-2014 06:59 PM | 显示全部楼层
q(T_T)p 发表于 3-5-2014 03:58 PM


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发表于 3-5-2014 07:04 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 3-5-2014 07:58 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
wang14 发表于 2-5-2014 09:47 PM
通奸要用石头打死, 这个我支持


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发表于 3-5-2014 07:59 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
Foz 发表于 3-5-2014 06:57 PM


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发表于 3-5-2014 10:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
杀无赦 发表于 3-5-2014 02:31 PM

本帖最后由 zyrtec 于 4-5-2014 08:36 PM 编辑


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发表于 4-5-2014 06:53 PM | 显示全部楼层
q(T_T)p 发表于 3-5-2014 07:58 AM

Tuesday, October 22, 2013                  SEX-MAD SATANIC CIA-SULTANATE

Shannon Marketic - 'sex slave'

Brunei means sex, sadism and the CIA.

Brunei to bring in tough new sharia law

In 1997, former Miss USA Shannon Marketic says that she, and other girls, were held as 'sex slaves' by the royal family of Brunei, who claim to be good Moslems.

Brunei small cunt..

Brunei serves "as a virtual cash cow for covert and overt U.S. operations..."

Brunei has been involved in "covertly supporting the Nicaraguan contras during the Reagan administration and contributing to the CIA-linked Bosnia Defense Fund in the 1990s, to pumping tons of cash into Bill Clinton’s Foundation and Library in Little Rock, Arkansas."

Brunei is America's East Pacific Cash Cow and Military Base ...

'Sex-mad' Prince Jefri Bolkiah, brother of the Sultan of Brunei.

Prince Jefri is the classic Moslem prince.

His Royal Highness Pengiran Digadong Sahibul Mal Pengiran
Muda Jefri Bolkiah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien
enjoys sex.

He "has blown billions on call girls, up to 40 at a time."

He "has a harem which he abuses."

He "has a yacht named Tits."

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发表于 4-5-2014 06:59 PM | 显示全部楼层
dupont378 发表于 4-5-2014 06:53 PM
Tuesday, October 22, 2013                  SEX-MAD SATANIC CIA-SULTANATE

Shannon Marketic - 'se ...


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发表于 4-5-2014 07:49 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 4-5-2014 08:29 PM | 显示全部楼层
q(T_T)p 发表于 4-5-2014 10:59 AM

In court, the playboy Prince of Brunei,
his former fiancée... and the erotic life-size
statues he had made of her

  • Mother of his five-year-old who lives in £6m Las Vegas home he bought her testifies in multi-million dollar court case against his former lawyers
The flamboyant prince of Brunei has had to endure the embarrassment of having his former
fiancée - the model of four of his by now famous life-size erotic statues -
giving evidence in a court case.

Prince Jefri Bolkiah, a member of the Brunei Royal family who is worth some £1.2billion,
is suing two of his former lawyers for £5million.

He claims they fleeced him of millions while managing his properties, one of which being the
Sunninghill Estate, in Ascot, where he housed the X-rated naked statues of his one-time lover.


Sex doll: Micha Raines was the model for four erotic sculptures commissioned by Prince Jefri Bolkiah, a member of the Brunei Royal family


In the flesh: Mischa Raines leaves court after she testified on the stand in Manhattan

The prince commissioned the statues of him having sex with Micha Raines,
who yesterday was forced to give evidence in the case at Manhattan state Supreme Court.
Known for his extravagant lifestyle - he has a yacht called Tit
(the lifeboats are names Nipple 1 and Nipple 2) and was alleged to have a harem of 40 women
- the 56-year-old was engaged to Miss Raines, from Las Vegas.
The statues depict the prince and Miss Raines, his one-time personal assistant and mother to one o
f his 18 children, entwined in a number of positions.

At one point Prince Jefri kept the statues in his £7million Long Island estate,
though their current whereabouts is not known.

The 41-year-old was called as a witnessfor the prince in the case, in which he claims
the two lawyers connedhim over a property.
While in the witness box she looked little like the statues... perhaps because she was clothed.
Miss Raines patiently answered a series of questions about Mr Bolkiah's business practices over
the years she was with him.
She described how Prince Jefri had beenimpressed by the husband-and-wife legal team he's now suing,
ThomasDerbyshire and Faith Zaman, who were put in charge ofselling the prince's 23-room
Sunninghill Estate.
Among the left-behind goodies at the Sunninghill Estate were the X-rated statues of
Miss Raines in action with the prince.

The royal fired the lawyers in 2006 and now says they fleeced him of millions while
managing his properties.
The prince hired them after just oneface-to-face meeting in London in the summer of 2004, she said,
andRaines herself handwrote several notes, on Prince Jefri's behalf, tothe couple,
expressing his satisfaction with them.
Mr Bolkiah, who is currently married to three wives, having divorced two others,
does not give any money to his former partner.


Miss Raines stayed behind Prince Jefri of Brunei as photographers snapped
pictures of the pair outside the court today

ButMiss Raines shared the prince's fabulous wealth between 1996 and 2005,when
they were together.
At one point, she said, she was 'earning'£33,000 a month.

' I was paid a salary when I was working for him,' she said.
' And when I was his fiancée, I was given gifts.'

Evennow she and their five-year-old son live in a £6million Las Vegashouse that was a
gift from the prince. She added: 'He still calls a fewtimes a month.'

Sofar, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Ira Gammerman has barred defencelawyers
from introducing evidence of Prince Jefri's extravagance andlife of sex and luxury.

The case continues.

本帖最后由 dupont378 于 4-5-2014 12:34 PM 编辑


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q(T_T)p + 3 谢谢分享



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发表于 5-5-2014 09:38 AM | 显示全部楼层
星星的女儿 发表于 3-5-2014 07:59 PM

他們除了錢大之外,國內很多馬來人都失業。你以為個個都是駕幾百萬的車? 很多只是駕幾千塊汶幣的二手車罷了。


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