发表于 6-1-2016 02:30 AM
NON RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS | Description | Acquisition of 100% equity interest in VLT Wholesale Sdn. Bhd.("VLT") comprising 100 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each in VLT, for a total cash consideration of RM100,000.00 | We refer to the announcements dated 31 December 2015 ("Initial Announcement") (Reference No. GA1-28122015-00002 and GA1-31122015-00055) in respect of the above subject matter.
Unless otherwise stated, the definitions used throughout this announcement shall have the same meaning as defined in the Initial Announcement.
The Board of Directors of Yen Global Berhad ("Yen" or "the Company") wishes to provide herewith the following additional information in relation to the Acquisition:- 1. Net Assets and Net Profit of VLT: There is no audited accounts available as this is the first year of operation of VLT. Based on VLT's management accounts for the period ended 31 December 2015, it is in a Net Liability position of RM27,177 with a net loss for the period of RM27,277.
2. Basis for arriving at the consideration: The Board of Yen is of the opinion that the consideration is justified and fair in view of the following: (a) VLT has commenced operations with a proper business setup with existing office, agents, customers and service provider. (b) VLT has signed a reciprocal carrier services agreement with a major customer with a projected revenue of RM1.5 million per annum and is expected to grow in later years. (c) VLT has the potential to procure further future contracts from existing customers or other parties in similar industry.
This announcement is dated 5 January 2016. |
发表于 12-1-2016 02:10 PM
收购VLT批发 YEN全球进军电讯业
财经新闻 财经 2016-01-12 13:12
他说,不过为了保持竞争力,暂时不提高价格,不过将会扩大产品系列,以确保服装设计符合市场的趋势和探讨定价策略。【南洋网财经】 |
发表于 17-3-2016 09:21 PM
COMBINATION OF NEW ISSUE OF SECURITIES | Description | YEN GLOBAL BERHAD ("YEN" OR THE "COMPANY")PROPOSED PRIVATE PLACEMENT OF NEW ORDINARY SHARES OF RM0.50 EACH IN YEN, REPRESENTING NOT MORE THAN TEN PERCENT (10%) OF THE ISSUED AND PAID-UP SHARE CAPITAL OF YEN (EXCLUDING TREASURY SHARES, IF ANY) ("PROPOSED PRIVATE PLACEMENT") | On behalf of the Board of Directors of Yen (“Board”), TA Securities Holdings Berhad (“TA Securities”) wishes to announce that the Company proposes to undertake the Proposed Private Placement. Please refer to the attachment below for further details of the announcement.
This announcement is dated 16 March 2016. | http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/5032473
发表于 26-3-2016 05:45 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 27-3-2016 03:03 AM 编辑
2016-03-26 09:01
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | Yen Global Berhad ("Yen" or "the Company")Distributorship Agreement between VLT Wholesale Sdn. Bhd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Yen and Gemtek Technology Co. Ltd. | The Board of Directors of Yen Global Berhad ("Yen" or "the Company") wishes to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary VLT Wholesale Sdn. Bhd. ("VLT") has on 24 March 2016 entered into a Distributorship Agreement ("DA") with Gemtek Technology Co. Ltd ("Gemtek") for VLT to be the distributor of Gemtek to promote, market and sell the products such as LTE, Broadband, IOT and other telecommunication products in the South-East Asian region.
Gemtak is a company incorporated in Taiwan and listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange and is principally involved in the manufacture of telecommunication products.
The DA will not have any effect on the issued and paid up share capital of the Company and is not expected to have any material impact on the earnings, earnings per share, net assets per share and gearing of the Group for the financial year ending 31 July 2016. However, it is expected to contribute positively towards the future earnings of Yen Group.
None of the directors and/or major shareholders of Yen and/or persons connected with them have any interest, direct or indirect, in the DA.
This announcement is dated 25 March 2016. |
发表于 29-3-2016 04:14 AM
31 Jan 2016 |
PERIOD | 31 Jan 2016 | 31 Jan 2015 | 31 Jan 2016 | 31 Jan 2015 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 |
1 | Revenue | 5,188 | 8,462 | 10,991 | 16,315 | 2 | Profit/(loss) before tax | -2,254 | -390 | -3,911 | -926 | 3 | Profit/(loss) for the period | -2,254 | -400 | -3,911 | -953 | 4 | Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent | -2,254 | -5,808 | -3,911 | -6,290 | 5 | Basic earnings/(loss) per share (Subunit) | -1.81 | -0.39 | -3.14 | -5.04 | 6 | Proposed/Declared dividend per share (Subunit) | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Net assets per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent ($$) | 0.2379 | 0.3122
发表于 31-3-2016 02:26 AM
Type | Reply to Query | Reply to Bursa Malaysia's Query Letter - Reference ID | IQL-28032016-00002 | Subject | Distributorship Agreement between VLT Wholesale Sdn Bhd ("VLT"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yen Global Berhad ("YEN") and Gemtek Technology Co Ltd ("GEMTEK") | Description | Yen Global Berhad ("Yen" or "the Company")Distributorship Agreement between VLT Wholesale Sdn. Bhd.("VLT"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Yen and Gemtek Technology Co. Ltd. ("Gemtek") | Query Letter Contents | We refer to your Company’s announcement dated 25 March 2016, in respect of the aforesaid matter. In this connection, kindly furnish Bursa Securities with the following additional information for public release:- Salient terms of the distributorship agreement, including but not limited to the following:
1. Scope of distributorship (i.e. product ranges, exclusivity, terms of distributorship and to define the renewal terms, if any).
2. Pricing and terms of payment.
3. Rights and obligations of relevant parties.
4. Termination provision. | We refer to the announcement dated 25 March 2016 ("Initial Announcement") (Reference No. GA1-24032016-00049) in respect of the subject matter.
Unless otherwise stated, the definitions used throughout this announcement shall have the same meaning as defined in the Initial Announcement.
VLT and Gemtek each separately referred to as a "Party" or collectively referred to as the "Parties".
The Board of Directors of Yen Global Berhad ("Yen" or "the Company") wishes to provide herewith the following additional information in relation to the salient terms of the Distributorship Agreement ("DA"):-
1. The product range included in the DA are as follows: (a) LTE products - Wifi Dongle, Indoor CPE (Customer Premise Equipment), Router, Home Gateway, etc. (b) Broadband products - VDSL modem, GPON CPE and products, etc. (c) GIOT (Green Internet of Things) Products - Node adaptor, Asset tracker, Gateway, etc. Gemtek appoints VLT as its distributor to promote, market and sell the products ("Products") and to provide services for the Products ("Services") throughout the South-East Asian region ("Territory") and VLT accepts the appointment and undertakes to promote, market, sell and provide the same in and throughout the Territory solely upon the terms and conditions in the DA. The DA is on a non-exclusive basis.
2. The DA shall commence on the date of signing of the DA which was on 24 March 2016 ("Effective Date") and continue for a period of one (1) year thereafter ("Initial Term") and shall be automatically renewed on a yearly basis unless terminated earlier as follows:- 2.1 Either party may cancel the DA effective on the last day of the Initial Term, or any renewal term, by serving written notice of such termination on the other Party at least ninety (90) days prior to the effective date thereof. 2.2 Gemtek shall be entitled to forthwith terminate the DA: if VLT commits any material breach, becomes insolvent, assigns or attempts to assign the DA without Gemtek's prior written consent and does any act or omission which discredit Gemtek's reputation and/or brand. 2.3 Gemtek retains the right, in its sole discretion, to upgrade or modify the Products from time to time. In addition, upon thirty (30) days prior notice to VLT, Gemtek may add or delete Products stated in the DA. Upon receipt of any such notice of an upgrade or modification, or upon the expiration of the notice period set forth above for additions or deletions to the Territory in DA, VLT shall cease to market and distribute earlier versions of the Products deleted from the Territory in the DA.
3. Payment Payment of invoices by VLT shall be made within sixty (60) days upon the receipt of invoices issued by Gemtek.
4. VLT's duties and obligations 4.1 Marketing, Sale and Storage of the Products VLT shall at all times: 4.1.1 use its best endeavours to promote and extend the sale of the Products and usage of the Services throughout the Territory. In the event VLT is unable or unsuccessful in servicing any account(s) in the Territory for any reason whatsoever, Gemtek after prior consultation with VLT reserves the right to continue servicing said account(s). VLT agrees to permit Gemtek to review all of VLT's promotion and advertising material for the Products and Services. VLT shall not use and shall withdraw and retract any promotion or advertising that Gemtek finds unsuitable; 4.1.2 not directly or indirectly in anyway whatsoever promote, offer for sale, sell, distribute, provide any of the Products of Services outside the Territory; 4.1.3 give preferential treatment, focus and priority when promoting, advertising and displaying the Products or Services in VLT's shop, store, display areas or in any other place for the sale or offering for sale of the Products or Services; and 4.1.4 remain solely responsible for all maintenance and support to any person or company who purchase Products from VLT with regard to the Products. VLT shall, at its expense, further engage and maintain a sales, service and products handling organization in the Territory, staffed with such experienced personnel as are necessary to enable VLT to perform its obligation under the DA.
5. Pricing of the products Pricing shall only be determined and quoted by Gemtek at the time of each order after taking into consideration the size of the order and the costs of the components at the relevant time.
This announcement is dated 30 March 2016. |
发表于 1-4-2016 02:58 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | Yen Global Berhad ("Yen" or "the Company")Distributorship Agreement between VLT Wholesale Sdn. Bhd.("VLT"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Yen and Gemtek Technology Co. Ltd. ("Gemtek") | We refer to the announcements dated 25 March 2016 ("Initial Announcement") (Reference No. GA1-24032016-00049) and 30 March 2016 (Reference No. GA1-29032016-00015) in respect of the subject matter.
Unless otherwise stated, the definitions used throughout this announcement shall have the same meaning as defined in the Initial Announcement.
VLT and Gemtek each separately referred to as a "Party" or collectively referred to as the "Parties".
The Board of Directors of Yen Global Berhad ("Yen" or "the Company") wishes to provide herewith the following additional information in relation to the salient terms of the Distributorship Agreement ("DA"):-
Shipping arrangements shall be on a Free On Board (FOB) China/Taiwan basis as set out in INCOTERMS 2010 unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.
Payment of invoices by VLT shall be made within sixty (60) days upon invoice date which is in line with INCOTERMS FOB.
VLT shall inform Gemtek if it knows, suspects or has reason to believe that the Products are being sold, distributed, advertised, promoted and or marketed by another company in the Territory. Gemtek, upon ascertaining the authenticity of that unauthorized distribution in the Territory, shall be obliged to contact the unauthorized distributor to advise that they are to stop the sale, distribution, advertisement, promotion and marketing of the Products in the Territory.
In any cause of action brought upon by customers of Products from Gemtek distributed by VLT, Gemtek's maximum liability is expressly limited to the amount paid by VLT to Gemtek within the twelve months' period immediately preceding the cause giving rise to the claim.
Gemtek shall be obliged and bound to pay or reimburse for all costs incurred under the provisions of the Gemtek warranty as stated in the printed terms and conditions found in each of the Products brochure or those authorized by Gemtek in a separate writing.
This announcement is dated 31 March 2016. |
发表于 22-4-2016 04:18 AM
FUND RAISING | Description | YEN GLOBAL BERHAD ("YEN" OR THE "COMPANY")PROPOSED PRIVATE PLACEMENT OF NEW ORDINARY SHARES OF RM0.50 EACH IN YEN, REPRESENTING NOT MORE THAN TEN PERCENT (10%) OF THE ISSUED AND PAID-UP SHARE CAPITAL OF YEN (EXCLUDING TREASURY SHARES, IF ANY) ("PROPOSED PRIVATE PLACEMENT") | 1. INTRODUCTION Further to the Company’s announcement dated 16 March 2016, the Board of Directors of Yen wishes to announce that Yen had on 21 April 2016 entered into a Subscription Agreement ("Subscription Agreement") with Gemtek Investments Co., Ltd. ("Gemtek Investments" or "Subscriber") whereby Gemtek Investments has agreed to subscribe for 12,500,000 ordinary shares of RM0.50 each in Yen ("Yen Shares") ("Subscription Shares"), representing ten percent (10%) of the existing issued and paid-up share capital of Yen at the indicative subscription price of RM0.50 per Subscription Share ("Indicative Subscription Price"). The five (5)-day volume weighted average market price ("5D-VWAP") of Yen Shares up to and including 20 April 2016 ("LPD") is RM0.5328, and the Indicative Subscription Price represents a discount of 6.16% to the above 5D-VWAP.
2. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT FOR THE SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT 2.1 Approval from Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) The Subscription Agreement is conditional upon approval being obtained from Bursa Securities for the listing of and quotation for the Subscription Shares on or before 30 June 2016 or such later date as the Subscriber and Yen may mutually agree in writing ("Cut-Off Date") ("Bursa Approval"). The Subscriber may terminate the Subscription Agreement by giving notice in writing to Yen if Bursa Approval is not obtained by the Cut-Off Date.
2.2 Subscription Price In the event that the actual subscription price ("Subscription Price") is more than the Indicative Subscription Price of RM0.50, the Subscriber has the right to accept the higher subscription price or otherwise terminate the Subscription Agreement by giving notice in writing to Yen. The Subscription Price will be calculated based on a discount of up to 10% to the 5D-VWAP preceding the price fixing date.
2.3 Unconditional Date The Subscription Agreement shall become unconditional upon the date on which the conditions precedent are fulfilled.
3. INFORMATION ON GEMTEK INVESTMENTS Gemtek Investments is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gemtek Technology Co., Ltd. which is a public company listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation with a market capitalisation of approximately NT$5,224 million (equivalent to RM627.74 million based on an exchange rate of NT$100 to RM12.0165 (Source: Bank Negara Malaysia website)) as at the LPD. Gemtek Investments is headquartered in Hsinchu, Taiwan, with a focus on investment activities in new technologies and new ventures.
As at the LPD, Gemtek Investments has an issued and paid-up share capital of NT$800,000,000 (equivalent to RM96,132,000 based on an exchange rate of NT$100 to RM12.0165 (Source: Bank Negara Malaysia website)).
The directors of Gemtek Investments are Chen Hung-Wen, Yang Cheng-Jen and Shyu Rong-Huei.
4. APPROVAL REQUIRED The subscription of the Subscription Shares is conditional upon Bursa Approval for the listing of and quotation for the Subscription Shares.
5. INTEREST OF DIRECTORS, MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS AND/OR PERSONS CONNECTED WITH THEM None of the directors, major shareholders of Yen and/or persons connected with them has any interest, direct or indirect, in the Subscription Agreement.
This announcement is dated 21 April 2016. |
发表于 14-5-2016 03:13 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | Yen Global Berhad ("Yen" or "the Company")Proposed Group Reorganization via Inter-companies Disposal and Acquisition of the wholly-owned subsidiary | The Board of Directors ("Directors") of Yen Globa Berhad ("Yen" or "the Company"), wishes to announce that Yen has on 13 May 2016 entered into a Share Sale Agreement to undertake a group reorganisation ("Reorganisation") via inter-company's disposal of the entire issued and paid up share capital in Edwin Jeans (M) Sdn. Bhd. ("Edwin Jeans") which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Evatech Sdn. Bhd. ("Evatech" or "the Vendor") of which in turn is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yen, for Yen to acquire of 1,000,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each ("the Sale Shares") of Edwin Jeans, representing 100% equity interest in Edwin Jeans for a total consideration of RM2,100,000.00 ("Acquisition").
The details of the announcement is attached herewith.
This announcement is dated 13 May 2016. | http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/5092185
发表于 22-5-2016 04:58 AM
FUND RAISING | Description | YEN GLOBAL BERHAD ("YEN GLOBAL" OR THE "COMPANY")PROPOSED PRIVATE PLACEMENT OF NEW ORDINARY SHARES OF RM0.50 EACH IN YEN GLOBAL, REPRESENTING NOT MORE THAN TEN PERCENT (10%) OF THE ISSUED AND PAID-UP SHARE CAPITAL OF YEN (EXCLUDING TREASURY SHARES, IF ANY) ("PROPOSED PRIVATE PLACEMENT") | We refer to the announcements made on 16 March 2016 and 21 April 2016 in relation to the Proposed Private Placement (“Announcements”). Unless otherwise defined, the definitions set out in the Announcements shall apply herein.
On behalf of Yen Global, TA Securities wishes to provide additional information in relation to the Proposed Private Placement as set out in the attachment.
This announcement is dated 19 May 2016. | http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/5096629
发表于 4-6-2016 03:58 AM
FUND RAISING | Description | YEN GLOBAL BERHAD ("YEN GLOBAL" OR THE "COMPANY")PROPOSED PRIVATE PLACEMENT OF UP TO 12,500,000 NEW ORDINARY SHARES OF RM0.50 EACH IN YEN GLOBAL ("PLACEMENT SHARES"), REPRESENTING TEN PERCENT (10%) OF THE ISSUED AND PAID-UP SHARE CAPITAL OF YEN GLOBAL TO GEMTEK INVESTMENTS CO., LTD ("PROPOSED PRIVATE PLACEMENT") | We refer to the announcements made on 16 March 2016, 21 April 2016, 19 May 2016, 20 May 2016 and 26 May 2016 in relation to the Proposed Private Placement (“Announcements”). Unless otherwise defined, the definitions set out in the Announcements shall apply herein.
On behalf of Yen Global, TA Securities wishes to announce that the Board has on 1 June 2016 fixed the issue price for the placement of 12,500,000 Placement Shares at RM0.520 per Placement Share (“Issue Price”).
The Issue Price represents a discount of RM0.0571 or approximately 9.89% over the five (5)-day volume weighted average market price of the Yen Global Shares up to and including 31 May 2016 of RM0.5771.
This announcement is dated 1 June 2016. |
发表于 11-6-2016 02:32 AM
1. Details of Corporate Proposal | Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ? | No | Types of corporate proposal | Private Placement | Details of corporate proposal | Private placement of up to 12,500,000 new ordinary shares of RM0.50 each in Yen Global ("Yen Global Shares") representing ten percent (10%) of the issued and paid-up share capital of Yen Global to Gemtek Investments Co., Ltd ("Private Placement") | No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal | 12,500,000 | Issue price per share ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.5200 | Par Value ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.500 | Latest issued and paid up share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following | Units | 137,500,000 | Currency | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 68,750,000.000 | Listing Date | 13 Jun 2016 |
发表于 18-6-2016 05:01 AM
Notice of Interest Sub. S-hldr (29A)Particulars of Substantial Securities HolderName | GEMTEK INVESTMENTS CO. LTD. | Address | 15-1 Zhonghua Road, Hsinchu Industrial Park
30352 Hsinchu
Taiwan, Province of China. | Company No. | 12770968 | Nationality/Country of incorporation | Taiwan, Province of China | Descriptions (Class & nominal value) | Ordinary shares of RM0.50 each | Name & address of registered holder | Gemtek Investments Co. Ltd of 15-1 Zhonghua Road, Hsinchu Industrial Park, Hukou, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30352 |
Date interest acquired & no of securities acquired | Currency | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) | Date interest acquired | 09 Jun 2016 | No of securities | 12,500,000 | Circumstances by reason of which Securities Holder has interest | Private Placement | Nature of interest | Direct | Price Transacted ($$) | 0.520 |
| Total no of securities after change | Direct (units) | 12,500,000 | Direct (%) | 9.09 | Indirect/deemed interest (units) | 0 | Indirect/deemed interest (%) | 0 | Date of notice | 17 Jun 2016 |
发表于 26-6-2016 01:47 AM
30 Apr 2016 |
PERIOD | 30 Apr 2016 | 30 Apr 2015 | 30 Apr 2016 | 30 Apr 2015 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 |
1 | Revenue | 6,162 | 7,662 | 17,153 | 23,977 | 2 | Profit/(loss) before tax | -5,293 | -2,424 | -9,204 | -3,350 | 3 | Profit/(loss) for the period | -5,308 | -2,344 | -9,219 | -3,297 | 4 | Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent | -5,308 | -2,344 | -9,219 | -8,634 | 5 | Basic earnings/(loss) per share (Subunit) | -4.26 | -0.39 | -7.39 | -6.92 | 6 | Proposed/Declared dividend per share (Subunit) | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Net assets per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent ($$) | 0.1958 | 0.3122 |
发表于 29-6-2016 01:56 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 29-6-2016 03:08 AM 编辑
By Gho Chee Yuan / theedgemarkets.com | June 28, 2016 : 7:28 PM MYT
(吉隆坡28日讯)园园集团(Yen Global Bhd)以341万令吉脱售蒙亏的子公司,以改善流动性和现金流,同时筹集额外营运资本。
这家综合服装生产商今日向大马交易所报备,已与Goh Siew Lan及Chew Choon Har签署售股协议,悉数脱售Twin Access私人有限公司的股权。
一旦完成交易,Twin Access将不再是园园集团的独资子公司。
根据园园集团,Twin Access主要从事市场营销、分销和零售牛仔服饰和其他时装。该公司在截至去年7月31日的2015财政年,蒙受6万3829令吉额税后亏损,营业额为35万9227令吉,因出清滞销库存导致赚幅较低。
NON RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS | Description | Yen Global Berhad ("YEN" or "the Company")Proposed disposal of 300,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each by Yen in the Capital of Twin Access Sdn. Bhd. ("TASB"), representing 100% equity of TASB for a cash consideration of RM3,408,000.00 ("Proposed Disposal") | The Board of Directors of Yen Global Berhad ("Board") wishes to announce that the Company has on 28 June 2016, entered into a conditional Shares Sale Agreement ("SSA") with Ms. Goh Siew Lan and Ms Chew Choon Har for the Proposed Disposal.
Please refer to the attachment for details of the Proposed Disposal.
This announcement is dated 28 June 2016. | http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/5134629
发表于 2-7-2016 04:05 AM
Type | Reply to Query | Reply to Bursa Malaysia's Query Letter - Reference ID | IQL-30062016-00001 | Subject | Proposed disposal of 300,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each by Yen in the Capital of Twin Access Sdn. Bhd. ("TASB"), representing 100% equity of TASB for a cash consideration of RM3,408,000.00 ("Proposed Disposal") | Description | Yen Global Berhad ("YEN" or "the Company")Proposed disposal of 300,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each by Yen in the Capital of Twin Access Sdn. Bhd. ("TASB"), representing 100% equity of TASB for a cash consideration of RM3,408,000.00 ("Proposed Disposal") | Query Letter Contents | We refer to your Company’s announcement dated 28 June 2016, in respect of the aforesaid matter. In this connection, kindly furnish Bursa Securities with the following additional information for public release:- - Details breakdown of how the disposal consideration amounting to RM3.408 million is derived at upon taking into consideration of YEN’s advances of RM3.025 million to TASB and the present market value of all assets and property, plant and equipment.
- Reasons for YEN to advance to TASB together with the relevant dates, amounts being remitted for each tranche and how was it being utilised for.
- The details of the property pursuant to Part C, Appendix 10A of the Main Market Listing Requirements.
- Purpose of the Tenancy Agreement between Edwin Jeans (M) Sdn Bhd and TASB.
- The expected gains or losses to the group arising from the Proposed Disposal.
| Please refer to the attachment for details.
This announcement is dated 01 July 2016. | http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/5139633
发表于 5-7-2016 05:18 AM
NON RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS | Description | Yen Global Berhad ("YEN" or "the Company")Proposed disposal of 300,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each by Yen in the Capital of Twin Access Sdn. Bhd. ("TASB"), representing 100% equity of TASB for a cash consideration of RM3,408,000.00 ("Proposed Disposal") | We refer to the announcement dated 28 June 2016 ("Initial Announcement") (Reference No. GA1-23062016-00063) and reply to query dated 01 July 2016 (Reference No. GA1-01072016-00021) in respect of the above subject matter.
Unless otherwise stated, the definitions used throughout this announcement shall have the same meaning as defined in the Initial Announcement.
The Board of Directors of Yen Global Berhad ("Yen" or "the Company") wishes to provide herewith the following additional information in relation to the Proposed Disposal:- 1. Disposal price of RM383,000 The disposal price was derived and agreed upon using the following calculation based on management accounts of TASB as at 31 May 2016: | RM | Negative equity of TASB | (549,000) | Adjustments | | Net book value of property | (2,638,000) | Market value of property | 3,700,000 | Miscellaneous asset written off | (130,000) | | | Disposal consideration | 383,000 |
2. Gain on disposal to the Group of about RM935,000 The gain on disposal to the Group to be taken up upon completion by the next financial year was calculated based on the expected negative equity of TASB of RM552,000 by the close of this financial year to be added back to Group profit upon deconsolidation and the disposal price of RM383,000 giving a total gain of RM935,000.
This announcement is dated 4 July 2016. |
发表于 16-7-2016 01:33 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 16-7-2016 03:53 AM 编辑
吴国民是通过家族企业Extreme Lifestyle私人有限公司,持有YEN全球21.87%股权。
Type | Reply to Query | Reply to Bursa Malaysia's Query Letter - Reference ID | IQL-15072016-00001 | Subject | Article entitled : "Gemtek raises its stake in Yen Global ?" | Description | Yen Global Berhad ("Yen" or "the Company")Article entitled : "Gemtek raises its stake in Yen Global ?" | Query Letter Contents | We refer to the above article entitled "Gemtek raises its stake in Yen Global" appearing in STARBIZ on Page 3, 15 July 2016, a copy of which is enclosed for your reference. In particular, we would like to draw your attention to the underlined sentence which is reproduced as follows : - "A 20% block of shares of Yen Global Bhd crossed off-market yesterday, with sources indicating that the buyer could be linked to Taiwan-based Gemtek Technology Co Ltd".
In accordance with Bursa Securities' Corporate Disclosure Policy, kindly furnish Bursa Securities with an announcement for public release confirming or denying the above reported article in particular the underlined sentences after due and diligent enquiry with all the directors, major shareholders and all such other persons reasonably familiar with the matters about which the disclosure is to be made in this respect. In the event you deny the above reported sentences or any other part of the article, you are required to set forth facts sufficient to clarify any misleading aspects of the same. In the event you confirm the above reported sentences or any other part of the article, you are required to set forth facts sufficient to support the same. | Reference is made to the article entitled "Gemtek raises its stake in Yen Global?" appearing in STARBIZ on page 3 dated 15 July 2016.
It was quoted in the article: "A 20% block of shares of Yen Global Bhd crossed off-market yesterday, with sources indicating that the buyer could be linked to Taiwan-based Gemtek Technology Co. Ltd".
The Board of Directors of Yen Global Berhad ("Yen" or "the Company") after due enquiry with all directors and major shareholders of the Company, the Company wishes to confirm that the Company has today received notification by way of Form 29B from Gemtek Investments Co. Ltd,("Gemtek"), a substantial shareholder of Yen, that they have raised their stake through an acquisition of 28,750,000 shares of Yen in an off market deal on 14 July 2016. The total shareholding of Gemtek after the acquisition stands at 41,250,000 shares.
Kindly also refer to the announcement on change in the interest of substantial shareholder dated 15 July 2016.
This announcement is dated 15 July 2016. |
发表于 16-7-2016 03:51 AM
Name | GEMTEK INVESTMENTS CO. LTD | Address | 15-1 Zhonghua Road, Hsinchu Industrial Park
30352 Hsinchu
Taiwan, Province of China. | Company No. | 12770968 | Nationality/Country of incorporation | Taiwan, Province of China | Descriptions (Class & nominal value) | Ordinary shares of RM0.50 each | Name & address of registered holder | Gemtek Investments Co. Ltd of 15-1, Zhonghua Road, Hsinchu Industrial Park, Hukou, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30352. | Details of changesCurrency: Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) Type of transaction | Description of Others | Date of change | No of securities
| Price Transacted ($$)
| Acquired | | 14 Jul 2016 | 28,750,000
Circumstances by reason of which change has occurred | Off market acquisition | Nature of interest | Direct | Direct (units) | 41,250,000 | Direct (%) | 30 | Indirect/deemed interest (units) | 0 | Indirect/deemed interest (%) | 0 | Total no of securities after change | 41,250,000 | Date of notice | 15 Jul 2016 |
发表于 2-8-2016 03:39 AM
By Chester Tay / theedgemarkets.com | August 1, 2016 : 8:52 PM MYT
(吉隆坡1日讯)园园集团(Yen Global Bhd)今日一共有694万股,或相等于5.06%的股权在场外易手。
(编译:倪嫣鴽) |
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