怀孕喝amway protein还是cosway protein还是新鲜豆浆好呢?
发表于 9-3-2011 07:38 PM
搂主 ,如果你要一个健康爱睡不爱哭 ,请听听本人意见 : 安利 protein 一天六勺 , omega 3 fish oil , E , ...
Ppatrick 发表于 8-3-2011 12:43 PM
安利 protein,多少钱一罐? |
发表于 9-3-2011 07:57 PM
发表于 20-3-2011 10:56 PM
rm108 .. 你是什么原因要吃 ??
Ppatrick 发表于 9-3-2011 07:57 PM
買來醫好痘痘臉,請問有效嗎?早餐加黑芝麻+麥片,OK嗎? |
发表于 21-3-2011 08:38 PM
发表于 26-3-2011 01:02 PM
不用考虑酱多,自己做豆浆 |
发表于 27-3-2011 05:06 PM
不过我支持amway protien,本人吃了很好,小孩我就不懂,最好问营养师或者医生,baby最好不要乱给东西吃,母奶最好,大了才开始被vitamin。。
ps(听说amway开放他们的农场给任何人进去观看,产于制造vitamin等,国际知名的geografy都进去拍摄过,cosway的做了吗?谢谢) |
发表于 22-4-2011 09:04 AM
发表于 26-4-2011 08:13 AM
希望楼主可以生一个健健康康,白白胖胖的宝宝哦 |
发表于 25-8-2011 12:29 PM
我每天早晚各一粒美国WonderLabs的1000mg维他命C, 精神很好.
ascorbic acid的维他命C, 有点酸性, 吃饱 ...
byte77 发表于 2011-3-2 18:36
综上所述,虽然维生素C是维持人体代谢所必需的物质,对防治多种疾病有很重要的临床价值,但是过量摄入对人体无益,甚至有害,所以必须牢记:切忌滥用。 |
发表于 25-8-2011 12:38 PM
本帖最后由 byte77 于 25-8-2011 12:45 PM 编辑
回复 29# 刘备修
坦白说,google搜索一下,你会发现中国医药方面的文章都是贴来贴去,没有新意,可信度很低,而且他们几乎不同意alternative medicine。找很多东西的资料都是一样,特别科技方面的东西要查英文的,而不是中文的,因为中文的都是贴来贴去,因为中国网站没有盗版的意识。
我只看西方关于alternative medicine的最新英文资料和个人分享,而不是中国网站不停重覆的单一资料。 |
发表于 25-8-2011 12:43 PM
本帖最后由 byte77 于 25-8-2011 01:11 PM 编辑
刘备修 发表于 25-8-2011 12:29 PM
Vitamin C Boosts Life Expectancy and Removes Plaque(血栓) from Blood Vessels
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 by: Melanie Grimes
(NaturalNews) A high intake of vitamin C is shown to improve life expectancy by six years. Not only does vitamin C help prevent the diseases that shorten life, but the vitamin itself has life sustaining properties. Vitamin C is known to help prevent heart attacks and strokes. It repairs blood vessels and helps reduce heart disease, which are the leading causes of death in the United States.
The vitamin C intake of more than eleven thousand Americans, aged of 25 to 74, was studied from 1971 to 1974. Then the participants were followed for another ten years. Those with the higher levels of serum (bloodstream) vitamin C lived longer. With only 300 mg a day, heart disease was reduced by 50 percent in men and about 40 percent in women. Those with higher levels of vitamin C in their blood lived six years longer than their counterparts.
With even higher doses of vitamin C, researchers found that plaque was removed from artery walls, thereby reducing further risk from heart attacks. Doses of 1,500 (mg) were found to be effective. Studies with guinea pigs showed that a five week regime of 5,000 mg per day prevented plaque build-up, while only 60 mg a day did not prevent the damage to blood vessels. The doses used to remove plaque have been found to be 1,500(mg) a day for one year.
The mechanism that is used by vitamin C is via the production of collagen. Vitamin C has the effect of increasing collagen production, and collagen is important in maintaining the cell wall of the circulatory system: veins, arteries and capillaries.
The minimum daily dose may be sufficient for some, but to repair damage and restore health, larger doses are needed. Many health advocates recommend doses of 1,000 to 3,000 per day, spread out during the day. Pregnant women can double these amounts of vitamin C.
Side effects from vitamin C are rare, but a deficiency can cause gingivitis, bleeding gums, nosebleeds, swollen joints, anemia, and weight gain due to a slowing of the metabolism.
Vitamin C is water-soluble and leaves the body in urine, which is why dosing is recommended at frequent intervals throughout the day. It is preferable to obtain vitamin C from foods. Sources of vitamin C are fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits, along with green peppers, leafy greens, broccoli, tomatoes, strawberries, white potatoes, winter squash, berries, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower.
About the author
Melanie Grimes is a writer, award-winning screenwriter, medical journal editor, and adjunct faculty member at Bastyr University. She also teaches homeopathy at the Seattle School of Homeopathy and the American Homeopathic Medical College.
A trained homeopath, she is the editor of the homeopathic journal, Simillimum, and has edited alternative and integrative medical journals for 15 years. She has taught creative writing, founded the first Birkenstock store in the USA and authored medical textbooks.
"Are megadoses of vitamin C safe for the baby?"
I knew that Frederick R. Klenner, MD (the trailblazer of vitamin C quacks) gave large doses to over 300 pregnant women and reported virtually no complications in any of the pregnancies or deliveries (Irwin Stone, The Healing Factor, chapter 28). Indeed, hospital nurses around Reidsville, North Carolina, the region where Dr.Klenner practiced, noted that the infants who were healthiest and happiest were in Klenner's care. The hospital staff dubbed them the "Vitamin C Babies."
建议你看看这个网站:http://www.cforyourself.com/ |
发表于 26-8-2011 12:42 PM
我也吃COSWAY的PROTEIN.可以说。。价廉物美! |
发表于 6-9-2011 05:12 PM
大家别争,吃ATP吧! |
发表于 7-9-2011 12:21 AM
amway protein 是最安全,历史最久的,最容易被人体吸收,下个出最新amway protein |
发表于 9-9-2011 01:20 AM
amway protein有大豆分离蛋白是不好的
cosway的成份就不知道有什么了 |
发表于 9-9-2011 01:23 AM
whiteblackcofee 发表于 27-2-2011 10:04 AM
他其他产品很多都是OEM本地的 |
发表于 9-9-2011 01:27 AM
CC71 发表于 26-8-2011 12:42 PM
vincent tan的东西多半都是商业化的,就像country farm.
woods microbiotics 的老师说有时候看价钱买产品的是买不到好东西的 |
发表于 9-9-2011 01:28 AM
回复 34# steven7749
他是不是有isolated soy protein.
如果是的话他不是完整的大豆,为什么呢? |
发表于 9-9-2011 01:29 AM
回复 1# maelaitay
还是新鲜的豆浆最好 |
发表于 22-10-2011 12:12 AM
请问cosway/Amway protein吃了皮肤会美吗、 |
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