


楼主: jeffanb


发表于 24-4-2014 10:03 PM | 显示全部楼层
想请问jeff大大我有一间在Taman bukit jambul (现在250k) ,前两年拿去refinance,现在供着,如果现在想卖掉,是不是也要遵守你们讨论的新的法令,那我是不是不能卖了?

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发表于 25-4-2014 08:16 AM | 显示全部楼层
ps_yeoh 发表于 24-4-2014 09:39 PM
要找三百千一下的屋有什么介绍吗。最好是靠近gelutong express way。


价钱应该可以商量的.. 符合你的 budget

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发表于 25-4-2014 09:16 AM | 显示全部楼层
kenny5531 发表于 24-4-2014 10:03 PM
想请问jeff大大我有一间在Taman bukit jambul (现在250k) ,前两年拿去refinance,现在供着,如果现在想卖掉 ...


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发表于 25-4-2014 10:11 AM | 显示全部楼层
jeffanb 发表于 23-4-2014 04:32 PM
之前的确说是”past and Future", 不过最新的应该是non-retrospective, 也就是说只有在01-Mar或之后签s ...


Penang’s NewHousing Rules Effective 1 February 2014
December 19th, 2013 Leavea comment
file:///C:\Users\ITD079\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image001.jpgUPDATE:The new housing rules announced in the 2014 Penang state Budget approved at thePenang State Assembly and proposed to be effective from 1 February 2014 aredesigned to protect Penang from being adversely affected by a property bubbleas well as ensuring that public housing and affordable housing are bought bygenuine purchasers who are qualified first time buyers from lower andmiddle-income groups.
Public housing are low-cost houses up to RM42,000 and low-medium cost housesfrom RM72,500 to RM400,000 on the island and from RM72,500 to RM250,000 on theSeberang.
As a responsible government seeking sustainable economic growth anddevelopment, the Penang state government is careful to avoid the pitfalls ofany property bubble that will bring hardship to the rakyat and damage theeconomy. Japan is a good lesson of the dangers of a property bubble. Thesehousing rules were discussed with stakeholders especially those from theproperty industry who had objected to them.
The state government has set up a RM500 million Public Housing AndAffordable Housing Fund to build 20,000 units of public housing and affordablehousing in all 5 districts of Penang. This is the largest amount set aside byany state government in Malaysian history to build affordable and publichousing. Naturally, these new rules are necessary as the state government isconcerned that first-time buyers may not be given the first opportunity to buythem and reduce exploitation for speculative gain.
104 Units of Shared Ownership Scheme (SOS) & 51 Units ofRent-Buy Scheme
Further the State Government would also implement Malaysia’s first everShared Ownership Scheme(SOS), a historic joint purchase initiative between thestate government and poor purchasers, for those who just miss out on getting a90% or 100% bank loan, by offering a 30% interest-free loan from the stategovernment whilst they need to borrow the remaining 70% from banks instead of a90% or 100% bank loan. 104 units of low-cost houses in Taman Sungai Duri,Seberang Perai Selatan will be the pilot scheme for SOS. The State Governmentwould also implement a “rent-buy scheme” of 51 units in Taman Seruling EmasFlats, Seberang Perai Selatan for the poor who are unqualified to obtain anybank loans or where banks refuse to lend any amount of loans to them.
As a people-centric government, the Penang state government wants to achievehousing democracy that allows every working family to own their own homes.Ensuring that public housing (low cost and low medium cost houses) is owned bythe poor and genuine first time buyers is our priority. The state government iscommitted to assisting first-time buyers to have the opportunity to buyaffordable homes and is willing to accept any criticism or face any legalchallenges by those who oppose this commitment, whether from NGOs or BN.
The Penang state EXCO had during its last meeting refined the new housingrules for clarity and certainty as follows:
1. Public Housing – Low Cost And Low Medium Cost Housing
All low cost homes (up to RM42,000) and low-medium cost homes(up toRM72,500) purchased cannot be sold for 10 years from the date of Sale andPurchase Agreement. Those who wish to sell during the first 10 years mustappeal to the state government and can only be sold to “listed buyers”. Theprice transacted will not be set by the state government but will be on a“willing buyer, willing seller” basis by both the “listed buyer” and theseller. Listed buyers are those who have registered with the Housing Departmentof the state government and are certified as low income groups that arequalified to purchase low-cost or low-medium cost housing. This 10 year rulewill cover all past and future purchases. The balloting of houses will besubject to oversight by an auditing firm, the first time this is done by anystate government in Malaysia.
2. Affordable Housing
Affordable housing is classified as houses which were initially purchasedbelow RM400,000 on the island and RM 250,000 on the mainland. Affordablehousing purchased can not be sold for for a period of 5 years from date ofSales and Purchase Agreement. Those who wish to sell during the first 5 yearsmust appeal to the state government and can only be sold to “listed buyers”.The price transacted will not be set by the state government but will be on a“willing buyer, willing seller” basis by both the “listed buyer” and theseller. “Listed buyers” are those who have registered with the HousingDepartment of the state government and are certified as middle-income groupsthat are qualified to purchase affordable housing. This 5 year rule will onlycover all properties transacted on or after 1 February 2014. In other words itwill not be retrospective but affect only Sales and Purchase Agreement signedon or after 1 February 2014.
3. Purchases By Non-Citizens
Non-citizens can only purchase properties in Penang in excess of RM1 millionand for landed property on the island must exceed RM2 million. All purchases ofproperties by non-residents will be subject to a 3% levy on the transactedprice for Sales and Purchase Agreement signed on or after 1 February 2014. Exemptionsare provided for purchases for industry purposes or for a purpose that promotesemployment, education, human talent or promoting Penang as an international andintelligent city.
4. 2% Levy On Property Purchased After 1.2.2014 Sold Within 3 Years
A 2% levy will be imposed on the seller for all property sold within 3 yearsfrom the date of the Sales & Purchase Agreement(SPA) signed from 1 February2014. In other words, this is not retrospective. Properties bought with the SPAsigned before 1 February 2014 will not be subject to this levy. Only propertiesbought with the SPA on or after 1 February 2014 will be subject to the 2% levyif sold within 3 years. This 2% levy is not applicable to affordable housing.
Active discussions are continuing with the Bar Council, banks, propertydevelopers both in and outside Penang as well as other associations to briefthem on the new housing rules which are in force for SPA signed on or after 1February 2014 , except for low-cost or low-medium cost housing.
Source: Buletin Mutiara


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发表于 25-4-2014 10:12 AM | 显示全部楼层
jeffanb 发表于 23-4-2014 04:32 PM
之前的确说是”past and Future", 不过最新的应该是non-retrospective, 也就是说只有在01-Mar或之后签s ...


Penang’s NewHousing Rules Effective 1 February 2014
December 19th, 2013 Leavea comment
file:///C:\Users\ITD079\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image001.jpgUPDATE:The new housing rules announced in the 2014 Penang state Budget approved at thePenang State Assembly and proposed to be effective from 1 February 2014 aredesigned to protect Penang from being adversely affected by a property bubbleas well as ensuring that public housing and affordable housing are bought bygenuine purchasers who are qualified first time buyers from lower andmiddle-income groups.
Public housing are low-cost houses up to RM42,000 and low-medium cost housesfrom RM72,500 to RM400,000 on the island and from RM72,500 to RM250,000 on theSeberang.
As a responsible government seeking sustainable economic growth anddevelopment, the Penang state government is careful to avoid the pitfalls ofany property bubble that will bring hardship to the rakyat and damage theeconomy. Japan is a good lesson of the dangers of a property bubble. Thesehousing rules were discussed with stakeholders especially those from theproperty industry who had objected to them.
The state government has set up a RM500 million Public Housing AndAffordable Housing Fund to build 20,000 units of public housing and affordablehousing in all 5 districts of Penang. This is the largest amount set aside byany state government in Malaysian history to build affordable and publichousing. Naturally, these new rules are necessary as the state government isconcerned that first-time buyers may not be given the first opportunity to buythem and reduce exploitation for speculative gain.
104 Units of Shared Ownership Scheme (SOS) & 51 Units ofRent-Buy Scheme
Further the State Government would also implement Malaysia’s first everShared Ownership Scheme(SOS), a historic joint purchase initiative between thestate government and poor purchasers, for those who just miss out on getting a90% or 100% bank loan, by offering a 30% interest-free loan from the stategovernment whilst they need to borrow the remaining 70% from banks instead of a90% or 100% bank loan. 104 units of low-cost houses in Taman Sungai Duri,Seberang Perai Selatan will be the pilot scheme for SOS. The State Governmentwould also implement a “rent-buy scheme” of 51 units in Taman Seruling EmasFlats, Seberang Perai Selatan for the poor who are unqualified to obtain anybank loans or where banks refuse to lend any amount of loans to them.
As a people-centric government, the Penang state government wants to achievehousing democracy that allows every working family to own their own homes.Ensuring that public housing (low cost and low medium cost houses) is owned bythe poor and genuine first time buyers is our priority. The state government iscommitted to assisting first-time buyers to have the opportunity to buyaffordable homes and is willing to accept any criticism or face any legalchallenges by those who oppose this commitment, whether from NGOs or BN.
The Penang state EXCO had during its last meeting refined the new housingrules for clarity and certainty as follows:
1. Public Housing – Low Cost And Low Medium Cost Housing
All low cost homes (up to RM42,000) and low-medium cost homes(up toRM72,500) purchased cannot be sold for 10 years from the date of Sale andPurchase Agreement. Those who wish to sell during the first 10 years mustappeal to the state government and can only be sold to “listed buyers”. Theprice transacted will not be set by the state government but will be on a“willing buyer, willing seller” basis by both the “listed buyer” and theseller. Listed buyers are those who have registered with the Housing Departmentof the state government and are certified as low income groups that arequalified to purchase low-cost or low-medium cost housing. This 10 year rulewill cover all past and future purchases. The balloting of houses will besubject to oversight by an auditing firm, the first time this is done by anystate government in Malaysia.
2. Affordable Housing
Affordable housing is classified as houses which were initially purchasedbelow RM400,000 on the island and RM 250,000 on the mainland. Affordablehousing purchased can not be sold for for a period of 5 years from date ofSales and Purchase Agreement. Those who wish to sell during the first 5 yearsmust appeal to the state government and can only be sold to “listed buyers”.The price transacted will not be set by the state government but will be on a“willing buyer, willing seller” basis by both the “listed buyer” and theseller. “Listed buyers” are those who have registered with the HousingDepartment of the state government and are certified as middle-income groupsthat are qualified to purchase affordable housing. This 5 year rule will onlycover all properties transacted on or after 1 February 2014. In other words itwill not be retrospective but affect only Sales and Purchase Agreement signedon or after 1 February 2014.
3. Purchases By Non-Citizens
Non-citizens can only purchase properties in Penang in excess of RM1 millionand for landed property on the island must exceed RM2 million. All purchases ofproperties by non-residents will be subject to a 3% levy on the transactedprice for Sales and Purchase Agreement signed on or after 1 February 2014. Exemptionsare provided for purchases for industry purposes or for a purpose that promotesemployment, education, human talent or promoting Penang as an international andintelligent city.
4. 2% Levy On Property Purchased After 1.2.2014 Sold Within 3 Years
A 2% levy will be imposed on the seller for all property sold within 3 yearsfrom the date of the Sales & Purchase Agreement(SPA) signed from 1 February2014. In other words, this is not retrospective. Properties bought with the SPAsigned before 1 February 2014 will not be subject to this levy. Only propertiesbought with the SPA on or after 1 February 2014 will be subject to the 2% levyif sold within 3 years. This 2% levy is not applicable to affordable housing.
Active discussions are continuing with the Bar Council, banks, propertydevelopers both in and outside Penang as well as other associations to briefthem on the new housing rules which are in force for SPA signed on or after 1February 2014 , except for low-cost or low-medium cost housing.
Source: Buletin Mutiara


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发表于 25-4-2014 10:16 AM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
darienong 发表于 25-4-2014 09:16 AM
refinance但是没有转名字吧?如果没有转名字,你持有这间公寓的时间是从你签买卖合约买它的时候算起的。。 ...

那天我有问槟州房屋局.他们说现在要卖的没问题,现在买的十年里不可卖,低过4百K只可以卖给槟城人,外州人只可以买超过4百K的房屋,要买的人还要向他们申请真的是这样吗?一下子很多的槟岛屋都成了槟州政府的廉价屋,亏他们想得到。我觉得买到政府屋的0K,像我以前没屋时申请时拿不到,没办法下才买别的屋子,现在我觉得买100K至300多K的很不公平,要就他们自己起LMC,不要拿我们的,当是他们的.好了这只是我本身意见而己,谢谢。 本帖最后由 andy_pg 于 25-4-2014 10:47 AM 编辑


参与人数 1人气 +5 收起 理由
darienong + 5 我很赞同



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发表于 25-4-2014 10:38 AM | 显示全部楼层
andy_pg 发表于 25-4-2014 10:16 AM
那天我有问槟州房屋局.他们说现在要卖的没问题,现在买的十年里不可卖,低过4百K只可以卖给槟城人,外州人 ...


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发表于 25-4-2014 10:51 AM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
lich 发表于 25-4-2014 10:38 AM


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发表于 25-4-2014 11:46 AM | 显示全部楼层
andy_pg 发表于 25-4-2014 10:16 AM
那天我有问槟州房屋局.他们说现在要卖的没问题,现在买的十年里不可卖,低过4百K只可以卖给槟城人,外州人只 ...

你得到的答案跟据我所知是一致的。你的产房虽然卖价超出250千,但是因为你的产房是在 "SENARAI SKIM PERUMAHAN BERSTRATA KOS SEDERHANA RENDAH" 的名单内,据我手头上有的名单,Taman Bukit Jambul Blok D,E,F,G & H 跟 Taman Bukit Jambul Blok A, B & C, 分别列在名单的第14 跟16项目。


参与人数 1人气 +5 收起 理由
jeffanb + 5 谢谢分享



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发表于 25-4-2014 12:10 PM | 显示全部楼层
lich 发表于 25-4-2014 10:38 AM


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发表于 25-4-2014 02:18 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 25-4-2014 10:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 26-4-2014 01:45 AM | 显示全部楼层
峇央峇鲁One Sky及One World 年度产业值将调低10%

槟岛市政局例常会议今日通过将峇央峇鲁One Sky及One World的年度产业价值(Annual Property Value)调低10%,这也是市局最终的决定,业主若不满可通过法律途经寻求解决。


槟岛市政局财务管理小组交替主席黄顺祥表示,One Sky及One World属于居家办公(SOHO),年度产业价值必须高过住宅单位,所以门牌税还是以商业单位的10.3%来计算,不能随意更改。

他说,市局经过4月11日与购屋者进行对话会后,再与附近的商业单位作出对比后,决定将有关单位的年度产业价值调低10%。根据资料,One Sky共有250个商业单位;One World则有288个商业单位。

他举例,One Sky门牌税收费最高是2881令吉,调整后是2593令吉;最低2348令吉40仙,调整后是2113令吉56仙。至于One World门牌税,收费最高2426令吉68仙,调整后是2184令吉01仙;最低是1972令吉45仙,调整后是1775令吉21仙。

他说,One Sky及One World是槟岛首个居家办公室单位。他强调这并非首开先例,希望居民引以为鉴,日后购买房屋时,应确定是否属于商业用途单位。


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发表于 26-4-2014 09:56 AM | 显示全部楼层
各位大大, 觉得Asas Dunia这个developer如何?
到目前为止他们的project都ok吗? 交付期, 房屋品质等等之类的考量...
他们最近应该会launch在Valdor的project, 大家有什么评语吗?

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发表于 26-4-2014 10:09 AM | 显示全部楼层
充少 发表于 25-4-2014 02:18 PM


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发表于 26-4-2014 11:23 AM | 显示全部楼层
housing in penang is super high liao.. still worth to buy?
the montly loan can be covered by monthly rental???

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发表于 26-4-2014 05:40 PM | 显示全部楼层
coolim 发表于 26-4-2014 10:09 AM


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发表于 27-4-2014 12:03 AM | 显示全部楼层
darienong 发表于 25-4-2014 11:46 AM
你得到的答案跟据我所知是一致的。你的产房虽然卖价超出250千,但是因为你的产房是在 "SENARAI SKIM PERU ...


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发表于 27-4-2014 10:49 AM | 显示全部楼层
andy_pg 发表于 27-4-2014 12:03 AM

N-Park 不必向槟州房屋局申请,因为N-Park不是在 "SENARAI SKIM PERUMAHAN BERSTRATA KOS SEDERHANA RENDAH" 的名单内。N-Park本身属于Condominium。

本帖最后由 1398 于 27-4-2014 10:51 AM 编辑


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发表于 27-4-2014 05:00 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
请问哪里可以检查那个 affordable house / skim perumahan kos sederhana rendah 的 property list? 要看看想买的产业有没有在 list 里面

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