



【MAGNUM 3859 交流专区】万能 (前名MPHB 马化控股)

发表于 26-3-2010 10:49 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复  湖俊

寻宝之旅 发表于 26-3-2010 10:29


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发表于 26-3-2010 11:55 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 301# 湖俊

有些股卖了会后悔,像LPI,RM7++ 买了几粒,RM9++全都卖了。 如果没卖,收到的股息都已经高过股价了,

使用道具 举报

发表于 31-3-2010 02:09 PM | 显示全部楼层

看看CIMB InvestmentBank 对于MPHB的评价,对于万能的评价最好,很看好万能的积宝游戏。


http://www.investalks.com/attach ... Sh1IvdPCHfqHaZCo7cA

使用道具 举报

发表于 31-3-2010 02:35 PM | 显示全部楼层

看看CIMB InvestmentBank 对于MPHB的评价,对于万能的评价最好,很看好万能的 ...
百万千万梦想 发表于 31-3-2010 02:09 PM

现在是2.4哦! 发了!

使用道具 举报

发表于 31-3-2010 02:51 PM | 显示全部楼层
现在是2.4哦! 发了!
kimhorchan 发表于 31-3-2010 02:35 PM

    TARGET PRICE above RM3.xx

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发表于 6-4-2010 10:17 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 6-4-2010 10:30 PM | 显示全部楼层
买u-mobile = 放钱masuk VT的pocket .
malaysia的mobile market也快包何了

使用道具 举报

发表于 6-4-2010 10:33 PM | 显示全部楼层
MPHB now substantial shareholder in Farlim

KUALA LUMPUR: MULTI-PURPOSE HOLDINGS BHD [] (MPHB), through itssubsidiary AA Anthony Securities Sdn Bhd, has emerged as substantialshareholder with 10.9% stake in property developer Farlim (Group) Bhd.

In an announcement to Bursa Malaysia on June 4, MPHB said it had overthe period of Feb 6, 2009 to June 1, 2009, acquired a total of11,442,000 shares of RM1 each in Farlim through direct businesstransaction representing 9.45% of the issued and paid-up capital ofFarlim.

MPHB paid some RM3.2 million for the acquisition excluding brokerage fees, stamp duty and clearing fees.

Despite the global economic downturn that has affected the cash flow ofseveral companies recently, Multi-Purpose Holdings Bhd’s (MPHB) cashposition has been building up steadily.

According to its annual report for FY2008, ended Dec 31, MPHB issitting on a healthy cash pile of RM468.94 million. The company’s netcash generated from operations stood at RM604.7 million, from anegative position of RM96.89 million in FY2007.

Financial results for 1QFY2009, ended March 31, show that the group’s cash position has continued to grow.

As of 1QFY2009, MPHB’s cash stood at RM585.04 million compared withRM471.21 million a year earlier, while cash generated from operationssurged to RM191.28 million compared with RM23.73 million.

MPHB group managing director Datuk Surin Upatkoon says part of the cashwill be used to pare down the group’s long-term debt of RM2 billionarising from the privatisation exercise in Magnum Corp Bhd.

Because of the long-term borrowings, MPHB’s net gearing shot up to 127.8% as at 1QFY2009.

Nevertheless, after paring down its debt, MPHB’s healthy cash pile willstill enable the group to distribute dividends, which it had committedto for the past two years, says Surin.

“We aim to maintain our dividend policy for this year, but the quantumwill depend on the group’s performance. Nevertheless, it shouldn’t be aproblem for us to pay at least eight sen dividend this year,” Surintells The Edge in a phone interview recently.

MPHB rewarded its shareholders with a dividend per share of 10 sen forFY2008, which represents a 62% dividend payout ratio of the group’s netprofit. The group started paying dividends from FY2007. A check withBloomberg data shows that MPHB had a dividend yield of 9.4% as ofFY2008, which analysts say is on the high side.

MPHB has been able to accumulate more cash following a corporateexercise to take cash-rich Magnum Corp private at a premium of RM3.45per share. The exercise was completed in 2QFY2008.

Through Magnum Corp, MPHB is able to gain access to some of its prizedlandbank, including Mimaland in Gombak as well as a parcel located nearthe Universiti Sains Malaysia in Penang.

Magnum Corp has a landbank totalling 2,266 hectares,  with the mostvaluable plots being located in Gombak, Rawang and Sepang in Selangor.Magnum Corp also owns Mimaland in Gombak, while in Sepang, it has someplots held under West Country Sdn Bhd.

MPHB had planned to expand into the property development business , buthad apparently delayed its plans due to the weak property market causedby the global economicdownturn.

Last Thursday however, the group seemed to betaking another step further into property development after it emergedas a substantial shareholder of Farlim (Group) Bhd, with a 10.9% stake.

“Property development is still the way forward for the group. As youcan see, we just took a few pieces of land and we are looking intodeveloping some of them from the third quarter of this year onwards,”Surin says.

He adds that MPHB’s pilot mixed development project located in JalanSultan Ismail in the heart of Kuala Lumpur is awaiting design approval.

Late last year, MPHB embarked on a corporate exercise that enabled thegroup to cherry-pick some of Magnum’s prized landbank for RM550 millionvia a redemption of redeemable unsecured loan stocks-A (RULS-A) fromMagnum Holdings Sdn Bhd.

However, Surin says property development businesses will only start tocontribute to the group’s revenue from FY2010 onwards. He adds thatbarring unforeseen circumstances, MPHB should be able to achieve thesame level of profits in FY2009 as it did in FY2008.

According to a recent research report by Kim Eng Securities,MPHB’s  revenue for the 1Q2009, ended March 31, was 4% higherat  RM831.2 million, underpinned by gaming and financial services.

However, net profit was 6.3% lower compared with a year earlier toRM45.02 million from RM48.04 million, while earnings per share (EPS)plunged 53% to 4.9 sen, from 10.4 sen.

Kim Eng says the lower EPS was caused by higher tax charge, minorityinterests and a larger share base, following the conversion of 115.3million warrants into MPHB shares in the first quarter.

Nevertheless, the securities firm has raised its FY2009 EPS forecast by14%, taking into consideration the better-than-expected stock market inrecent weeks and higher gaming revenue, as opposed to its initialforecast of a small contraction in revenue in 2009, the research housesays.

Since March 16, MPHB has risen more than 40% to RM1.47 last Thursday.Kim Eng says following the rise in share price since early March, theresearch house has downgraded MPHB to a “hold”. However, the securitiesfirm maintains its  target price at RM1.35, a level the stock crossedlast Thursday.

With its growing cash pile, MPHB has become more attractive as adividend stock, and that that will garner it more attention fromlong-term retail investors.

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发表于 6-4-2010 10:34 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 6-4-2010 10:38 PM | 显示全部楼层
原本充滿錢景的公司,敗在增持虧錢的垃圾公司, 白白將股東的錢丟進VT的口袋 . . . . jackpot業績多好都是假的, 賺到的錢全透過偷龍轉鳳的方式轉到高層自己口袋 ..想不到mphb高層竟然巴結VT一起玩我們這些小股東

使用道具 举报

发表于 6-4-2010 10:52 PM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 6-4-2010 11:19 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 湖俊 于 6-4-2010 11:29 PM 编辑

STT 用 10亿来买33% u-mobile,让人觉得u mobile是值 30亿?u mobile能赚钱?

1 去年 日本外资 买进和卖出 umobile的时候都是 200million美金,他们退出的原因是说和股东意见不合
2 去年 mphb put option买下 41% umobile,马币 2亿8千万。
3 今年 STT 买下同样 33% 分量的股的时候,用马币 10亿

so, STT 买下 之前 日本外资丢出来的分量,那么 mphb 买 下的41% 都是从VT那边买过来的咯?33%的分量能卖10亿的,但41%却卖人家2亿多?

umobile在大马的占有率少过1%呢,没有infrastructure,没有顾客。用celcom network,赚到都要分给axiata,生意不好还是要付租金,搞不好现在还在亏钱呢。就因为那个3G 执照值钱?跟STT合作的前景在哪里?

使用道具 举报

发表于 6-4-2010 11:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
近期 mphb 还有从 U television 另买了 6.3% 1亿4千4百万 价值 的umobile股份过来。
看样子 mphb很积极下。又觉得 STT 很水鱼下。

使用道具 举报

发表于 7-4-2010 12:59 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 K男 于 7-4-2010 01:01 AM 编辑
近期 mphb 还有从 U television 另买了 6.3% 1亿4千4百万 价值 的umobile股份过来。
看样子 mphb很积极下。 ...
湖俊 发表于 6-4-2010 11:28 PM




赌球执照成型--手机上网赌-手机柜台下注【以前跑马有和MAXIS合作下注赛马-其实就是同一个老板】-电脑上网赌。。。VT有本身的电讯公司和执照【BJTOTO和U MOBILE相补相成不是不可能】--若真的如传闻现有的三个都可以经营赌球--最吃亏的就是MPHB【没有网络平台-电讯平台支援】--所以选择和VT合作不是不可能。。。而跑马本身就有MAXIS了


使用道具 举报

发表于 7-4-2010 07:34 AM | 显示全部楼层
STT  花钱 买 烂货,是要进入大马市场。
若说是看中无线宽频市场,他对手多到== maxis, celcom, digi, p1, ytl-e, TM

说到 合作 手机下注
1 maxis tanjong = 阿南达
2 umobile toto = VT
3 celcom
4 digi

若酱紫的情况,VT 竟然还要人家share?


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发表于 7-4-2010 07:56 AM | 显示全部楼层
想想 digi celcom maxis用多久多少年的时候来 分到 目前的 占有率, 为了提升那个一两% 的 顾客 还必须花多少资金和策略来 抢生意, umobile靠那个STT又什么法宝能一下就抢到个10%吗?更奇怪的是umobile母公司 uTelevision还能一直放掉股份,若umobile真的值得 30亿,母公司还为什么要贱价卖?那个母公司的director -- abdul rahiX + shahabuddiX 还 discount 3x% 卖出 股份呢。公司高层都丢票了,还去接票?

若要说umobile有可能未来有成绩 (如当年的Digi 崛起),但不是眼前的几年就能做到的。他不够其他三家的资金雄厚,也不够知名度和顾客群。VT 想出之前大赚 digi 那几招哦?找来一个又一个外资来托高价钱?

几十亿酱紫来“亏”(我不敢说未来一定亏,但短期没有赚的可能),在外面要卖多少4D jackpot才赚回来cover?不要期望什么高股息了。

使用道具 举报


发表于 7-4-2010 08:51 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 7-4-2010 09:16 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 LIKA 于 7-4-2010 09:23 AM 编辑


有digi 不選,選這種沒有市場佔有率即沒有技術的公司??
若博彩業真的能夠與電信業結合(政府答應的話), 擁有賭牌的你 是否還需要自己出錢拉攏電訊公司??? 當然是電訊業拉攏博彩業者才對吧 ...... 不過 一切只是憑空想像而已, 也許實際情況比我們想的簡單多 . .

值得注意的是, 又多個call warrent了, 大股東們到底要怎樣玩這場遊戲呢?
0.18x2 +2.2 = 2.56 ... 願者上釣嘍 . . . .

使用道具 举报

发表于 7-4-2010 09:56 AM | 显示全部楼层
赌球执照成型--手机上网赌-手机柜台下注【以前跑马有和MAXIS合作下注赛马-其实就是同一个老板】-电脑上网赌。。。VT有本身的电讯公司和执照【BJTOTO和U MOBILE相补相成不是不可能】--若真的如传闻现有的三个都可以经营赌球--最吃亏的就是MPHB【没有网络平台-电讯平台支援】--所以选择和VT合作不是不可能。。。而跑马本身就有MAXIS了
K男 发表于 7-4-2010 12:59 AM


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发表于 7-4-2010 10:14 AM | 显示全部楼层
可能他们打算一起合作发展用手机买toto、jackpot了,下一步就是网上买toto、jackpot,布下天罗地网阵,看你 ...
新力爱力新 发表于 7-4-2010 08:51

不要去妄想什么 手机 下注 的东西了。到时候真的有酱紫的东西难道只会给某一个电讯公司而已咩。用sms买字能赚什么。sms一封才多少钱。早都有打电话买万字的系统了,都不见得有什么热潮。总之目前为止还没有什么理由让我相信 u mobile是黑马。

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