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发表于 1-12-2008 06:47 PM | 显示全部楼层
第一次在马来西亚看见damier never full
在服装秀看见有人拿damier neverfull 其实只是普通而已

使用道具 举报


发表于 1-12-2008 06:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 ketchup 于 1-12-2008 02:35 PM 发表


只有日本而已。。日本LV website有 announcement....

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发表于 1-12-2008 07:51 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 雨偲 于 1-12-2008 18:47 发表
第一次在马来西亚看见damier never full
在服装秀看见有人拿damier neverfull 其实只是普通而已

我倒觉得比起monogram 的漂亮...
至少lining已经赢了... 红红很夺目...

使用道具 举报

发表于 1-12-2008 07:53 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 孤单的紫色 于 1-12-2008 18:16 发表
他说100%和KLCC 的一样。会有HK LV 店的单据。单据上会写我的名字。 (就如你去一般LV装买店一样)。。。。
他还说可能会有一 ...

我看到他们有multicolore noe...RM800... 其实我也蛮心动...
有谁跟他们买吗? 买了PM我, 我也想看看实货...!!!

使用道具 举报

发表于 1-12-2008 08:08 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 1-12-2008 09:07 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 孤单的紫色 于 1-12-2008 20:08 发表

我在考虑着... 跟他们chat了后.... 感觉就是他们的货应该是偷出来的....

使用道具 举报

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发表于 1-12-2008 11:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 ketchup 于 1-12-2008 07:53 PM 发表

我看到他们有multicolore noe...RM800... 其实我也蛮心动...
有谁跟他们买吗? 买了PM我, 我也想看看实货...!!!

我前天到香港LV询问了multicolore noe港币10千5百哦

使用道具 举报

发表于 1-12-2008 11:30 PM | 显示全部楼层
不过也要小心。。 为什么他们不买二手店。。肯定会高过这价钱。那有人这么笨。10千5买几百。。我看还是信不过。。连几百也省了吧。。到店里买比较实际。。

使用道具 举报


发表于 1-12-2008 11:37 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 lovefishyee 于 28-11-2008 01:09 AM 发表



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发表于 1-12-2008 11:59 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 pipopipo 于 1-12-2008 11:30 PM 发表
不过也要小心。。 为什么他们不买二手店。。肯定会高过这价钱。那有人这么笨。10千5买几百。。我看还是信不过。。连几百也省了吧。。到店里买比较实际。。

我也不信会这么便宜 >.<

使用道具 举报

发表于 2-12-2008 09:36 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 kXXXXX] 于 1-12-2008 09:07 PM 发表

我在考虑着... 跟他们chat了后.... 感觉就是他们的货应该是偷出来的....


使用道具 举报

发表于 2-12-2008 11:01 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 非凡败家女 于 2-12-2008 09:36 发表



问题是, 如果真的拿去LV店check, 他们有办法check到吗?
如果同一个batch的产品, 应该会有同样的Serial number吧? 那如何可以很正确的identify哪个是贼货?
我很想知道... 因为我也不想买到贼货或有问题但肉眼看不到的货....

[ 本帖最后由 ketchup 于 2-12-2008 11:02 AM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 2-12-2008 11:01 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 非凡败家女 于 2-12-2008 09:36 AM 发表


真的有这种事情哦 。。。好恐怖哦。。。那么你的朋友是怎么知道这是抢回来的??

使用道具 举报

发表于 2-12-2008 01:04 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 kXXXXX] 于 2-12-2008 11:01 AM 发表


问题是, 如果真的拿去LV店check, 他们有办法check到吗?
如果同一个batch的产品, 应该会有同样的Serial number吧? 那如何可以很正确的identify哪个是贼货?
我很想知道... 因为我也不想 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2-12-2008 01:12 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 kXXXXX] 于 2-12-2008 11:01 AM 发表


问题是, 如果真的拿去LV店check, 他们有办法check到吗?
如果同一个batch的产品, 应该会有同样的Serial number吧? 那如何可以很正确的identify哪个是贼货?
我很想知道... 因为我也不想 ...

应该check 不到。。。。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2-12-2008 01:20 PM | 显示全部楼层
这是我跟那个friendster Hong Kong LV的MSN对话, 你们不如参考下。

me: someone there?
me: is this xiaosha?

hong kong LV!: no,xxxxxxxxx here and we have 5 staff

me: ic...
me: if that's the case... I will continue talk to xiaosha over the email...
me: thanks!

hong long LV!: i know,the email is i reply you de

me: oic!
me: haha..
me: cool...
me: can you currently let me know your ex-stock list?
me: also... do you send the item with the box as well?

hong kong LV!: everything you get from LV shop we all offer to you
hong kong LV!: box and bag and whole thing

me: ok.. how long will it take to deliver the item in normal case (let's say you have ex-stock)

hong kong LV!: one week to two weeks
hong kong LV!: normally 7 days
hong kong LV!: yesterday we just arrived one stock,it takes 7 days

me: do you have clearer picture for your multicolor noe?

hong kong LV!: wait ,i go check

me: thanks!

hong kong LV!: got,which colour you wan?
hong kong LV!: i send you detail pics

me: white

hong kong LV! sends M42229S-5.jpg
hong kong LV!: can you see tat?
hong kong LV! sends M42229S-7.jpg

me: yeah
me: y u guys only ship to msia?
me: how much is that noe?

hong kong LV!: not only ship to malaysia.malaysia got one of our branches
hong kong LV!: and most our customer from hongkong taiwan and mainland china

hong kong LV!: RM 800

me: can u briefly tell me how u guys get the stock?

hong kong LV!: sorry,its a secret
hong kong LV! sends M42229S-10.jpg

me: if i take 5... can u reduce the price somemore?

hong kong LV!: not sure le,cuz its a big business
hong kong LV!: and we not sure how custom there can pass or not

me: how to confirm the order?
me: CIMB?

hong kong LV!: ya
hong kong LV!: CIMB  

hong kong LV!: but our bag you cannot check at LV shop in malaysia,you know
hong kong LV!: cuz we get it from special way,so if check buy any LV shop,we've done
hong kong LV!: we wil never get stock anymore

me: ic...
me: in normal case... they can't really trace the stock rite?
me:  the serial number for similar batch item will be same... rite?

hong kong LV!: tat we all have
hong kong LV!: but our boss just warning us,cannot check in any LV shop worldwide
hong kong LV!: and really we dun care how many we sale.normally,our customer will buy one,and nv stop
hong kong LV!: so its not worth to play fire

me: ok... i'm just curious... how come u guys can get continuos supplies....
me: u r in HK?
me: wat if your company accidentally sell it to LV staff? very risky also...

hong kong LV!: ya~so tats why we really be careful
hong kong LV!: but its near,so more easy
hong kong LV!: you know every LV shop got camera

me: online ... we don't know who is on the other side....

hong kong LV!: yap.but we only sale bag to those who really like LV ppl.we also dun have too many stock.
hong kong LV!: and our busniess really doing well``although my salary not so high``^o)

me: u have commission?

hong kong LV!: i dun have commission```
hong kong LV!: its only my work```and the profit not so high,so boss don't wan give us commission
hong kong LV!: its bad``

me: give me your CIMB account..
me: any free gift can give me ar?

hong kong LV!: gift???I dun think they got gift```sorry```

me: hehehe... put a lot paper bag in...
me: do u have wallet / purse?

hong kong LV!: have
hong kong LV!: you can go my frienster pics there check
hong kong LV!: can i have the link again?
hong kong LV!: http://profiles.friendster.com/89967073
hong kong LV!: you go wallet ablum check

me: can i have the CIMB account..?
me: I bank in RM400 first.... ok?

hong kong LV!: which one you like?

me: multicolor noe....
me: do u have damier trevi PM also?

hong kong LV!: so the another 50% you wan pay face to face right?

me: yes...
me: if i don't like the stock? can get back that 50% ar?

hong kong LV!: ok.no problem.but honesly to say,once you give us desposite,its won't return to you.
hong kong LV!: if you dun wan,we need to keep RM400

me: ok...
me: do u have damier trevi PM also?

hong kong LV!: wait,lady.I ask them go check le

me: ok

hong kong LV!: opps,so if meet you up.only can meet you around KL.you know tat?

me: yes... i'm in KL

hong kong LV!: then good.so malaysia branch colleague will service you

me: ok... they will contact me?

hong kong LV!: of course will.and you also need to tell us your name

me: i'm Rachel  

hong kong LV!: we will write your name on our rXXXXXnd the original price in HKD

me: ok...
me: can put fake name?

hong kong LV!: not price we sale to you

me: haha

hong kong LV!: can

me: Put the Melissa Yu (the 珠光宝气 rich woman)
me: hahahha!!!!

hong kong LV!: also can```

me: what else u need from my side?

hong kong LV!: only your name,hehe

me: how u guy contact me?
me: when shall i pay?

hong kong LV!: contact number

me: (my mobile)
me: that's all?

hong kong LV!: and tmrw or tonight our malaysia service staff will contact you

me: ok..

hong kong LV!: then he or she will tell you account number and name
hong kong LV!: and after the stock arrive malaysia

me: icic...

hong kong LV!: he will contact you to meet up

me: ok...
me: pls check for me the damier trevi PM or GM...

hong kong LV!: ya ya

me: thanks!
me: wat price?

hong kong LV!: but i tell you honest.the zipper not so smooth as normal LV bag.tats why we can get it
hong kong LV!: but after you use several weeks,the zipper will be nice
hong kong LV!: or you add some oil or sum

me: y like that geh?

hong kong LV!: just have this little blemish,then we only can get this design

me: then how about the multicolore noe just now... any defeat?

hong kong LV!: tat one no

me: hehehehe...
me: both PM and GM also like tat?

hong kong LV!: ya, acutally its not a problem to me,cuz just not so smooth~dun have any problem
hong kong LV!: and cannot find tat if i am not telling you

me: how much?
hong kong LV!: RM 800 PM
hong kong LV!: GM RM 900

me: oohh....
me: nvm... let me get the noe 1st.... that one will be next stage

hong kong LV!: OK,if you like tat,you can buy again.if you dun like,you no need buy next time

me: thanks... i believe you havXXXXXof LV too ar?
me: other than LV... wat else u guys having?

hong kong LV!: so you tell me the name you want to write on rXXXXXnd your contact number again.sorry,too many customer now,i am so blur le``
hong kong LV!: acutally i prefer gucci```haha,i owe more gucci

me: Melissa Yu (In fact, I'm rachel).... +6 012 xxx xxxx

hong kong LV!: and our company also sale gucci,but in malaysia branch they didn't put pics there,i dun know why
hong kong LV!: my colleague there say malaysia dun have ebay such online shopping website
hong kong LV!: not popular i mean

me: have arr....
me: can put to lelong.com.my
me: ok.. i going off now..
me: bye
me: thanks for help

hong kong LV!: they introduce friendster website
hong kong LV!: ok,our colleague will contact you tmrw,he will tell you the account and name
hong kong LV!: thank you
hong kong LV!: good nite

使用道具 举报


发表于 2-12-2008 01:28 PM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2-12-2008 01:30 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2-12-2008 01:36 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 淑仪_熟鱼 于 2-12-2008 01:28 PM 发表



使用道具 举报

发表于 2-12-2008 01:36 PM | 显示全部楼层
(他们一直转弯抹角,好像希望我bank-in cash去那个户口,恐怕bank-in之后没有后文)
hong kong LV!: our salesman in malaysia contact you or not?

me: yes

hong kong LV!: ok,then thanks.if he got any problem,just tell us.have a nice day!

me: when are u guys sending out the stock?

hong kong LV!: after we confirm 50% payment had been bank in to our account
hong kong LV!: we wil send at once

me: i coming to HK next week actually...
me: do u think i can collect there instead?

hong kong LV!: o!!!ic~i dun think next week can,cuz next week all of us go Japan``
hong kong LV!: boss treat us travel Japan
hong kong LV!: and HONGKONG tat time too crowed
hong kong LV!: so many ppl

me: how long is the trip?

hong kong LV!: more than one week I think ,not confirm yet

me: i will going there for about 2months.... my company send me there
me: so.. i can drop by anytime to meet

hong kong LV!: o ic~then this situation i ask my boss first,ok?

me: your company all staff going to Japan ar??? so good!!!!!!!!!

hong kong LV!: ya~haha
hong kong LV!: got holiday ma

me: u talk to your boss and see...

hong kong LV!: all right.he is go out for lunch now
hong kong LV!: later i ask him

me: if i can collect there... i dun need to worry about the malaysia custom oredi..
me: by then... i can get more instead of only one...
me: my colleague might be interested too...
me: 3 of us are coming over next week

hong kong LV!: ok,our boss back.he say we cannot meet at HONGKONG

me: sigh...

hong kong LV!: if you want the bag,you just buy```if you don't want,also can be friend

me: if that the case... then i take the one yesterday...

hong kong LV!: ok.hope you can understand.its not only hongkong company.malaysia have their own branch...so its hard.
hong kong LV!: in hongkong have ppl only service for hongkong customer.
hong kong LV!: my work is to malaysia and taiwan

me: it;s ok.. understand...

hong kong LV!: check for you once again.the name write on rXXXXXs wat?

hong kong LV!: now we have 10 customer. they go to print together

me: melissa yu
hong kong LV!: oh,yes,pretty!you say you will go hongkong next week,but our stock in malaysia normally take one more week.so how can you get tat?

me: dun worry... i will sms the guy my sister contact later...

hong kong LV!: melissa yu
hong kong LV!: so tmrw after you bank in ,you just contact the staff in malaysia

me: okok...
me: really cannot meet in hk?
me: i wish i can used it immediately next week!!!!
me: so excited

hong kong LV!: my boss is very sensitive person. cuz he is doing so well in this busniess```
hong kong LV!: tats why he can be successful i think

me: but... u also sell it to hongkong ppl rite?

hong kong LV!: ya,another staff do tat
hong kong LV!: and most our customer are very familiar with us in hongkong

me: can i lias with him/her then?
me: so that u guys can lias with my aunty (she another LV fans)...

hong kong LV!: revenue check very often.hongkong here only do several customer

me: revenue check?

hong kong LV!: and you know china shanghai there,we got damn many customer

hong kong LV!: ya,tax ma~
hong kong LV!: if we pay tax,how can we get so cheap LV bag,hehe
hong kong LV!: normally ,i cannot talk too much

me: hmm... then no choice lor...
me: ok... i go for lunch 1st... talk to u again... thanks!!!

使用道具 举报

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