今天我终于明白为什么污捅那么努力地把 LGBT 标签为 “性开放”、“道德败坏”、“叛教”、“变态有病”的了。原来市场那么大,原来连我认为非常知书达理的网友都会举脚举手赞同,为之疯狂。真的很方便一下,这样就可以瞬间把反对党个人/安美嘉这些挺LGBT群体的个人变成会到处脱衣露车头灯、滥交的道德败坏之士。不废吹灰之力。
By ages 25-29, 88 percent say theyve received oral sex from a man, and 72 percent say theyve received it in the last year. (Men confirm this: 86 percent say theyve given it, 74 percent in the last year.) Thats pretty close to the 91 percent of men aged 25-29 who say theyve received oral sex from a woman and the 77 percent who say theyve received it in the past year.