【TROP 5401 交流专区】丽阳机构(前名DIJACOR 成隆机构)
发表于 1-4-2015 05:52 AM
PROPOSED DISPOSAL BY SAPPHIRE INDEX SDN BHD, A WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDIARY OF TROPICANA, OF LEASEHOLD LAND MEASURING APPROXIMATELY 308.72 ACRES OF NET LAND AREA WITHIN THE VICINITY OF KOTA KEMUNING IN THE STATE OF SELANGOR TO ECO SANCTUARY SDN BHD (FORMERLY KNOWN AS PROMINENT STREAM SDN BHD), A WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDIARY OF ECO WORLD DEVELOPMENT GROUP BERHAD (FORMERLY KNOWN AS FOCAL AIMS HOLDINGS BERHAD) (“PROPOSED DISPOSAL”) | We refer to the announcements dated 19 March 2014, 29 August 2014 and 5 December 2014 (“Announcements”) in relation to the Proposed Disposal. Unless otherwise stated, all abbreviations used in this announcement shall have the same meanings as those defined in the Announcements.
On behalf of the Board of TCB, we wish to announce that the Proposed Disposal has been completed today following the payment of the Balance Consideration of RM423,607,060.80 by Eco Sanctuary Sdn Bhd (formerly known as Prominent Stream Sdn Bhd) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the SPA.
This announcement is dated 31 March 2015. |
发表于 16-4-2015 12:51 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 16-4-2015 01:47 AM 编辑
專注房產業務 麗陽機構近2億售子公司
財經企業15 Apr 2015 23:14
(吉隆坡15日訊)麗陽機構(TROP,5401,主要板房產)以近2億令吉,全面脫售Tenaga Kimia私人有限公司的73%股權。
房地產發展商麗陽機構發文告指出,旗下Tropicana Tenaga Kimia私人有限公司,以1億9470萬令吉,將Tenaga Kimia私人有限公司的73%股權,脫售給美國Austin Powder控股的子公司,即亞太Austin Powder公司。
Tenaga Kimia業務包括為建築、礦業及油氣領域,製造和供應乳化炸藥(emulsion explosives)和技術爆破(technical blasting)服務。【中国报财经】
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | TROPICANA CORPORATION BERHAD (“TROPICANA” OR “COMPANY”)
PROPOSED DISPOSAL OF 73% EQUITY INTEREST IN TENAGA KIMIA SDN BHD (“TKSB”) (“PROPOSED DISPOSAL”) | The Board of Directors of Tropicana wishes to announce that on 15 April 2015, a share sale agreement was entered into by and among Tropicana Tenaga Kimia Sdn Bhd (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sumber Saujana Sdn Bhd, which in turn is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tropicana)(“TTK”), Oon Hoe Sing (“OHS”), Austin Powder Asia Pacific Inc. (“APAP” or “Purchaser”) and Tenaga Kimia Sdn Bhd (“TKSB”) for the Proposed Disposal of TTK’s and OHS’ (collectively referred to as “Sellers”) entire shareholding of 73% and 2% respectively in TKSB (“Sale Shares”) to APAP for a total cash consideration of RM200,000,000 (“Sales Consideration”) (“SSA”).
The consideration for TTK’s 73% shareholdings amounts to RM194,666,667 (“TTK Sales Consideration”). Upon the completion of the Proposed Disposal, TTK will no longer have any equity interest in TKSB, and accordingly TKSB will cease to be a subsidiary of TTK.
Further details are set out in the attachment hereto.
This announcement is dated 15 April 2015.
http://www.bursamalaysia.com/mar ... nouncements/1934721 |
Attachments Proposed Divestment of TKSB.pdf
发表于 17-4-2015 09:46 PM
2015-04-17 13:19
大股東:丹斯里陳志成(約70.53%)(星洲日報/財經) |
发表于 26-4-2015 04:01 AM
財經財經微觀24 Apr 2015 20:52
(吉隆坡24日訊)麗陽機構(TROP,5401,主要板房產)今年將推出2至3項發展計劃,包括在本月推出Tropicana Aman(前稱為運河城Canal City)綜合城鎮發展計劃的首階段,發展總值(GDV)約130億令吉。
麗陽機構總執行長拿督游國成說,Tropicana Aman發展計劃靠近莎阿南哥打哥文寧(Kota Kemuning),發展總值約130億令吉的發展計劃,將涵蓋雙層和三層樓的排屋。
除了Tropicana Aman發展計劃,該公司將在年內推出2至3項發展計劃。
該公司週四與Tenby國際學校簽署夥伴協議,以在Tropicana Aman,建設國際學校。該學校的建築成本約4500萬令吉,預計2018年竣工。
游國成指出:“該國際學校是項催化劑,可吸引買家購買Tropicana Aman發展計劃下的房地產。”【中国报财经】 |
发表于 27-4-2015 02:44 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | PRESS RELEASE: TROPICANA PARTNERS WITH TENBY SCHOOLS TO BUILD AN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL CAMPUS IN TROPICANA AMAN, KOTA KEMUNING | We are pleased to enclosed herewith a press release entitled, "Tropicana partners with Tenby Schools to build an international school campus in Tropicana Aman, Kota Kemuning" for your attention. | http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/4717249
发表于 7-5-2015 04:02 PM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 7-5-2015 08:33 PM 编辑
虽退出联营计划 LAPIS续经营丽阳国际学校
财经新闻 财经 2015-05-07 12:48
丽阳机构在文告指出,去年2月,子公司丽阳SJII教育管理(TSEM)、丽阳教育管理(TEM)、LAPIS和Warisan Istimewa签署合约,在双溪毛糯成立圣约瑟机构国际学校。
不过,LAPIS在今年1月要求不再参与此项目,三方最后同意终止股东协议,丽阳机构和Warisan Istimewa将分别持有TEM的85%和15%股权。
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | TROPICANA CORPORATION BERHAD (TROPICANA OR COMPANY)- SHAREHOLDERS AGREEMENT IN RESPECT OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL | We refer to our announcement dated 14 February 2014 (“Announcement”) in relation to the Shareholders Agreement entered between Tropicana, Lasallian Asia Partnership for International Schools Pte Ltd (“LAPIS”), Warisan Istimewa Sdn Bhd (“WISB”) and Tropicana Education Management Sdn Bhd (“TEM”) (“TEM Shareholders Agreement”) in relation to the construction of an international school. Unless otherwise stated, all abbreviations used in this announcement shall have the same meaning as those defined in the Announcement.
On 29 January 2015, Tropicana received a letter by LAPIS requesting not to subscribe for shares in or participate in TEM as shareholder in accordance with the TEM Shareholders Agreement.
Subsequently, the Board of Directors of Tropicana wishes to announce that on 6 May 2015, Tropicana, LAPIS, WISB and TEM have mutually agreed to terminate the TEM Shareholders Agreement vide a termination letter (“Termination”). Consequently, LAPIS will not hold any shares in TEM. Pursuant to the Termination, without the participation of LAPIS, the shareholders of TEM will remain as Tropicana and WISB with shareholdings of 85% and 15%, respectively.
The Termination is not expected to have any material effect on the earnings, net asset and gearing of Tropicana for the financial year ending 31 December 2015. Save for the Termination, the TSEM Shareholders Agreement dated 12 February 2014 remains in full effect and is pending fulfilment of the conditions precedent in accordance with the terms of the TSEM Shareholders Agreement.
This announcement is dated 6 May 2015. |
发表于 12-5-2015 04:27 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 15-5-2015 11:32 PM 编辑
丽阳机构唱丰收 首季净利涨146%
二零一五年五月十五日 晚上九时二十八分
丽阳机构有信心今年销售额可媲美去年写下的15亿令吉,因为第2季开始,加影Tropicana Heights和莎阿南Tropicana Aman的有地产业获得热烈反应。
同时,该公司指出,脱售Tenaga Kimia私人有限公司和Tropicana City Mall与办公楼,预计可筹得合共7亿3470万令吉资金。
31 Mar 2015 |
PERIOD | 31 Mar 2015 | 31 Mar 2014 | 31 Mar 2015 | 31 Mar 2014 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 |
1 | Revenue | 390,920 | 252,675 | 390,920 | 252,675 | 2 | Profit/(loss) before tax | 41,070 | 17,321 | 41,070 | 17,321 | 3 | Profit/(loss) for the period | 26,971 | 19,674 | 26,971 | 19,674 | 4 | Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent | 19,277 | 7,827 | 19,277 | 7,827 | 5 | Basic earnings/(loss) per share (Subunit) | 1.37 | 0.66 | 1.37 | 0.66 | 6 | Proposed/Declared dividend per share (Subunit) | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Net assets per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent ($$) | 2.0800 | 2.1400
发表于 12-5-2015 04:27 AM
EX-date | 23 Jun 2015 | Entitlement date | 25 Jun 2015 | Entitlement time | 05:00 PM | Entitlement subject | Final Dividend | Entitlement description | Share dividend on the basis of 1.3 treasury share for every 100 existing ordinary shares of RM1.00 each held in the Company ("Share Dividend"). Any fractions arising from the distribution of Share Dividend will be disregarded. | Period of interest payment | to | Financial Year End | 31 Dec 2014 | Share transfer book & register of members will be | to closed from (both dates inclusive) for the purpose of determining the entitlement | Registrar or Service Provider name, address, telephone no | SYMPHONY SHARE REGISTRARS SDN BHDLevel 6, Symphony HousePusat Dagangan Dana 1Jalan PJU 1A/4647301Petaling JayaTel: 03-7841 8000 / 03-7849 0777 | Payment date | 15 Jul 2015 | a.Securities transferred into the Depositor's Securities Account before 4:00 pm in respect of transfers | 25 Jun 2015 | b.Securities deposited into the Depositor's Securities Account before 12:30 pm in respect of securities exempted from mandatory deposit | 23 Jun 2015 | c. Securities bought on the Exchange on a cum entitlement basis according to the Rules of the Exchange. | Number of new shares/securities issued (units) (If applicable) |
| Entitlement indicator | Ratio | Ratio | 1 : 100 | Rights Issue/Offer Price |
| Par Value | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 1.000 |
发表于 12-5-2015 04:28 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | PRESS RELEASE: TROPICANA POSTS 137% INCREASE IN PRE-TAX PROFIT TO RM41.1 MILLION IN Q1 FY2015 ON SUSTAINED PROPERTY SALES AND ASSETS UNLOCKING | We are pleased to attach herewith a press release dated 11 May 2015 and entitled, "Tropicana posts 137% increase in pre-tax profit to RM41.1 million in Q1 FY2015 on sustained property sales and assets unclocking" for your attention. | http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/4733949
发表于 13-5-2015 01:19 PM
发表于 13-5-2015 07:56 PM
本帖最后由 chun83 于 13-5-2015 09:33 PM 编辑
发表于 13-5-2015 10:07 PM
发表于 14-5-2015 01:02 AM
2015-05-13 16:48
(星洲日報/財經‧報道:李文龍) |
发表于 26-5-2015 04:51 AM
RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS | Description | TROPICANA CORPORATION BERHAD ("TROPICANA" OR "COMPANY")RELATED PARTY TRANSACTION ON THE SALE OF PROPERTY BY TROPICANA PROPERTIES ODEON SDN BHD, A WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDIARY OF TROPICANA, TO GLORADE SDN BHD | Pursuant to paragraph 10.08 (1) of the Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”), the Board of Directors of Tropicana wishes to announce that Tropicana Properties Odeon Sdn Bhd (“Odeon” or “Vendor”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tropicana, had on 25 May 2015 entered into a sale and purchase agreement (“SPA”) with Glorade Sdn Bhd (“Glorade” or “Purchaser”) for the disposal of a parcel of leasehold property held under H.S. (D) 119107, P.T. No. 26584, Mukim of Batu, District of Kuala Lumpur and State of Wilayah Persekutuan KL (formerly held under H.S.(D) 97436, Lot 2450, District of Kuala Lumpur and State of Wilayah Persekutuan KL) measuring approximately 3,399 square metres together with a two and a half storey building erected thereon bearing postal address Lot 2450, Jalan Ambong (Jalan 1), Taman Kepong Baru, 52100 Kuala Lumpur ( “Property”) for a total cash consideration of RM12,000,000.00 (“Sales Consideration”) (“Disposal”).
Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Chee Sing (“TSDT”), Dato’ Dickson Tan Yong Loong and Mr Dillon Tan Yong Chin (“DTYC”) are directors of Tropicana and Inspirasi Tepat Sdn Bhd (“ITSB”), a company not within the Tropicana group of companies. TSDT has a total equity interest, direct and indirect, of 70.5% in Tropicana and 55.0% in ITSB. Tan Sri Dato’ Cheng Joo Teik (“TSC”) is a director and major shareholder of Glorade and ITSB. He has an equity interest of 75.3% and 15.0% in Glorade and ITSB, respectively. As certain directors and major shareholder of Tropicana and a director and major shareholder of Glorade are connected persons via ITSB, the Disposal is deemed a Related Party Transaction (“RPT”).
Further details are as set out in the attachment hereto.
This announcement is dated 25 May 2015. | http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/4749457
发表于 19-6-2015 01:06 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 20-6-2015 12:01 AM 编辑
丽阳创办人陈志成退休 三子陈永全任执行董事
财经新闻 财经 2015-06-19 08:09
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | PRESS RELEASE: TROPICANA ANNOUNCES THE RETIREMENT OF ITS FOUNDER TAN SRI DATO' DANNY TAN AND STREAMLINES ITS BOARD | We are pleased to attach herewith a press release dated 18 June 2015 and entitled, "Tropicana announces the retirement of its founder Tan Sri Dato' Danny Tan and streamlines its Board" for your attention.
Please refer to attachment below. | http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/4777205
发表于 19-6-2015 04:16 AM
Date of change | 18 Jun 2015 | Name | Miss DIANA TAN SHEIK NI | Age | 29 | Nationality | Malaysia | Designation | Executive Director | Directorate | Executive | Type of change | Resignation | Reason | To pursue other business or career opportunities. | Details of any disagreement that he/she has with the Board of Directors | No | Whether there are any matters that need to be brought to the attention of shareholders | No | Qualifications | Ms Diana Tan graduated with a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from Kings College, University of London, United Kingdom in 2007. | Working experience and occupation | She is a Director of Tropicana Golf & Country Resort Berhad, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tropicana Corporation Berhad ("Tropicana" or "the Company") and other private limited companies. She also sits on the Board of Trustees of Tropicana Foundation, a non-profit organisation. | Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer | Her father, Tan Sri Dato' Tan Chee Sing, is a major shareholder of Tropicana. Her brother, Dato' Dickson Tan Yong Loong, is the Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer whilst another brother, Mr Dillon Tan Yong Chin, is an Executive Director of Tropicana. Her father, Tan Sri Dato' Tan Chee Sing, had tendered her resignation as the Group Executive Vice Chairman of the Company with effect from 18 June 2015. | Any conflict of interests that he/she has with the listed issuer | None | Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries | Direct Interest- 200,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each (0.01%) |
发表于 19-6-2015 04:18 AM
Date of change | 18 Jun 2015 | Name | Mr DION TAN YONG CHIEN | Age | 25 | Nationality | Malaysia | Designation | Executive Director | Directorate | Executive | Type of change | Appointment | Qualifications | Mr Dion Tan graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Information Management for Business from University College London, United Kingdom in 2011. He obtained a Master of Science in Management with Information Systems and Innovation from London School of Economics, United Kingdom in 2012. | Working experience and occupation | Mr Dion Tan was with Accenture, a global management and technology consulting firm, as a strategy consultant for more than 2 years. He has experience in telecommunications, media and property sector.He sits on the Board of Tropicana Golf & Country Resort Berhad (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tropicana) as well as several private limited companies locally. | Directorship of public companies (if any) | Tropicana Golf & Country Resort Berhad | Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer | His father, Tan Sri Dato' Tan Chee Sing, is a major shareholder of Tropicana. His eldest brother, Dato Dickson Tan Yong Loong, is the Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer whilst another brother, Mr Dillon Tan Yong Chin, is an Executive Director of Tropicana. Save as disclosed, he does not have any family relationship with any other Directors and/or major shareholders of Tropicana, nor any conflict of interest with Tropicana. |
发表于 19-6-2015 04:18 AM
Date of change | 18 Jun 2015 | Name | Tan Sri Dato' TAN CHEE SING | Age | 60 | Nationality | Malaysia | Designation | Vice Chairman | Directorate | Executive | Type of change | Resignation | Reason | To pass the baton of leadership. | Details of any disagreement that he/she has with the Board of Directors | No | Whether there are any matters that need to be brought to the attention of shareholders | No | Qualifications | "O" Level | Working experience and occupation | Tan Sri Dato' Tan is a businessman and entrepreneur having a wide spectrum of businesses with extensive experience in property development, resort management, restaurants and leisure through his investments in public and private limited corporations. He is also the Group Executive Vice Chairman of Tropicana Golf & Country Resort Berhad, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tropicana Corporation Berhad ("Tropicana" or "the Company"), the Chairman of Sports Toto Malaysia Sdn Bhd and the Deputy Chairman of Tropicana Foundation. | Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer | His sons, Dato Dickson Tan Yong Loong and Mr Dillon Tan Yong Chin are members of the Board of Tropicana. Save as disclosed, Tan Sri Dato' Tan does not have any family relationship with any other Directors and/or major shareholders of Tropicana.Her daughter, Ms Diana Tan Sheik Ni, had tendered her resignation as an Executive Director of the Company with effect from 18 June 2015. | Any conflict of interests that he/she has with the listed issuer | None | Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries | Direct interests:- 411,842,718 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each (28.91%)Indirect interests:- 604,855,827 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each (42.46%) |
发表于 19-6-2015 04:19 AM
Date of change | 18 Jun 2015 | Name | Datuk Seri MOHAMAD NORZA BIN ZAKARIA | Age | 49 | Nationality | Malaysia | Designation | Deputy Chairman | Directorate | Independent and Non Executive | Type of change | Appointment | Qualifications | Datuk Seri Mohamad Norza graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce (Major in Accounting) from University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia in 1988. He is a Chartered Accountant of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) and a fellow of the Australian Certified Practising Accountants (FCPA). | Working experience and occupation | Datuk Seri Mohamad Norza began his career with Messrs. Arthur Andersen & Co. / Hanafiah, Raslan & Mohamad as a Senior Audit Assistant from September 1988 to January 1990 before joining Bank Negara Malaysia as an Executive in the Bank Regulation Department from February 1990 until October 1991. He then joined PETRONAS as a Senior Executive, Finance & Administration in its Gas & Petrochemical Development Division from November 1991 until April 1994. He was appointed as the Group Financial Controller of SPK Sentosa Corporation Berhad in May 1994 and left in March 1995.He was the Group General Manager of Audit in Mun Loong Berhad from April 1995 to December 1997. He became the Chief Executive Officer of Gabungan Strategik Sdn Bhd in January 1998 and left in March 2004. He then served as the Political Secretary to the Minister of Finance II of Malaysia from April 2004 to March 2008. Currently, he is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Citaglobal Sdn Bhd. | Directorship of public companies (if any) | Public Listed Companies:-1. Bintulu Port Holdings Berhad2. TH Heavy Engineering Berhad3. TH Plantations Berhad |
发表于 1-7-2015 04:44 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | TROPICANA CORPORATION BERHAD (TROPICANA OR COMPANY)PROPOSED DISPOSAL OF 73% EQUITY INTEREST IN TENAGA KIMIA SDN BHD (TKSB) (PROPOSED DISPOSAL) | We refer to our announcements dated 15 April 2015, 7 May 2015 and 14 May 2015 (“Announcements”) in relation to the Proposed Disposal. Unless otherwise stated, all abbreviations used in this announcement shall have the same meaning as those defined in the Announcements.
The Board of Directors of Tropicana wishes to announce that on 30 June 2015, TTK, OHS, APAP and TKSB have entered into a supplemental agreement to amend and modify specific terms and provisions of the SSA (“Supplemental Agreement”).
1. Salient Terms of the Supplemental Agreement 1.1 The salient terms of the Supplemental Agreement includes the following: (i) Section 1.1(c) of the SSA is amended by deleting it in its entirety. Section 1.1(c) reads: “In the event that on 1 March 2018 the Prime Lease has been extended by TKSB for an additional 15 year term comprising 3 terms of 5 years each with rental adjustments for each 5 year term and no notice of termination thereof has been given by SMEO, Purchaser will pay to Sellers an aggregate amount of RM3,000,000 on 1 March 2018.”;
(ii) Section 1.2(a) of the SSA is amended to allow the Closing Date to take place no later than 7 July 2015;
(iii) Section 1.2(b)(i)(C) of the SSA is amended by deleting it in its entirety. Section 1.2(b)(i)(C) reads: “receipt of an executed amendment, in form and substance satisfactory to Purchaser in its sole discretion, to be effective on the Closing, to that the Prime Lease dated as of 1 March 2013 by and between SMEO and TKSB as Lessee”;
(iv) In addition, the following is to be incorporated into the SSA:
In the event that, at any time prior to 1 March 2023, the lease agreement dated 1 March 2013 between SMEO as Lessor and TKSB as Lessee is terminated by SMEO, then the Sellers will pay to the Purchaser up to an aggregate of RM25,000,000 of any of TKSB's costs of relocation from its current manufacturing site with all such costs to be a guarantee obligation of Tropicana guarantying the obligations of TTK under the SSA;
The Supplemental Agreement shall form part of and be read as an integral part of the SSA and all other conditions to the SSA shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect.
This announcement is dated 30 June 2015. |
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