哈哈~~~难道你会说刀是用来杀人的,后来才用在厨房? http://www.a1b2c3.com/drugs/gen001.htm The word drug has acquired bad connotations in recent years because the widespread abuse of a few chemicals that affect the central nervous system has become a serious sociological problem. Nevertheless, drugs act on many other organs in the body, can benefit as well as harm the nervous system, and have made possible a revolution in the way modern doctors treat disease.
abuse : Abuse is the improper usage or treatment for a bad purpose.
The word drug has acquired bad connotations in recent years because the widespread abuse of a few chemicals that affect the central nervous system has become a serious sociological problem. Nevertheless, drugs act on many other organs in the body, can benefit as well as harm the nervous system, and have made possible a revolution in the way modern doctors treat disease.
abuse : Abuse is the improper usage or treatment for a bad purpose.
迷信是个形容词,可以同时用在宗教或者科学上,无神论者如果极端到某个境界其实就和那些极端宗教人士差不多。建议这里各位看看下 South Park Season 10 Episode 12 和 13,里面描述了在未来世界里全部人类都是无神论者,但是他们还是为了各自对无神论的理解而互相攻击。这是其中一点的对话:
UAA Leader: What?! Three-way phone channel onscreen! [the main screen lights up with two windows. On the left window appear the UAL leader and the UAL, on the right window appear Blavius and the otters]
Shvek: [from UAL headquarters] What are you otters doing?! This is our attack!
Blavius: [from AAA headquarters] Yes. And we're attacking both of you!
UAA Leader: You fools! This will be the end of us all!
Blavius: Then accept our answer to the Great Question, and we will withdraw.
UAA Leader: Your answer to the Great Question is illogical!
Cartman: What is the Great Question?
KIT-9: What atheists should call themselves.
Shvek: Unified Atheist League is the most logical name.
UAA Leader: >Unified Atheist Allianace makes more sense.
Blavius: No! Allied Atheist Alliance! That way it has three A's! That is the logical choice!
Shvek: So be it. We cannot agree; prepare to die.
你没有看那个link吗?开头她都写到 “started as a political and nationalist conflict”
Groups on both sides, including Hamas and Gush Emunim, evoke religious arguments for their uncompromising positions.[3] The Likud is currently the most prominent Israeli political party that includes the Biblical claim to the Land of Israel in its platform.[4]
The Land of Canaan or Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel) was, according to the Torah, promised by God to the Children of Israel. The Israelites conquered and ruled that land from the 14th or 13th century BCE to the 1st century BCE (with short periods of foreign rule), remaining an ethnic majority of the population in the area until the 7th century CE. Contemporary history of the Arab–Israeli conflict is very much affected by Christian and Muslim beliefs and their interpretations of the idea of the Chosen concept in their policies with regard to the "Promised Land" and the "Chosen City" of Jerusalem.[5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Israel