


楼主: chukh1


发表于 15-4-2007 12:54 AM | 显示全部楼层


对了,大家有没有注意到 KL 一些 pasar malam 有人免费派送《大纪元时报》,‘九评共产党’,到底是大马的 FLG 人士还是太阳过右翼的傀儡在煽风点火 ?

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发表于 15-4-2007 01:02 AM | 显示全部楼层


对了,大家有没有注意到 KL 一些 pasar malam 有人免费派送《大纪元时报》,‘九评共产党’,到底是大马的 FLG 人士还是太阳过右翼的傀儡在煽风点火 ?

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 楼主| 发表于 15-4-2007 01:03 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 15-4-2007 01:06 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 chukh1 于 14-4-2007 11:05 AM 发表

把它用在自己身上, 也是不錯..
我們跟大戶都是有各自思維的人..你要找吃, 人家也要找吃..
但是, 人家是大豬, 我們是小猪..
那麽,爲了生存, 大豬再毫無選擇下必定要去按按鈕..
但 ...




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 楼主| 发表于 15-4-2007 01:13 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 kitkatlow 于 15-4-2007 01:06 AM 发表



按鈕一開,十只小豬,就有九只被大豬吃,只有幸免的第十只有幸能跟大豬分享一些同伴的肉 ...

哈哈..我在痹着, 你进来要我认真的讨论啊? 哈哈..

但是,其实一个局, 不止大户跟散户..有时候是大户跟大户, 有时候是外资大户跟看場的..
有时候, 政府的好友大户都會进来的..嘻嘻嘻!!

无论怎样..小猪有信心做大猪, 也是可以被接受的..
哈哈..如果不要的话, 那么就成为有智慧的小猪,在等待大猪去按按钮, 享受美食咯..
大猪小猪有的吃..何乐而不为呢? 又何必去伤神伤脑筋..

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发表于 15-4-2007 03:09 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 chukh1 于 14-4-2007 11:18 发表

哈哈...要不要安排你的fans 去飛機場幫妳接風啊?
那么就要喝"十全大保靓汤" 补补身..


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Follow Us
发表于 15-4-2007 12:31 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #199 os 的帖子

Penang 的电子业先机已失。。。
看看中国的Intel,装配与测试在浦东与成都,新的wafer fab在大连,短短几年中国在Intel的发展版图已远远超越槟城。



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 楼主| 发表于 16-4-2007 12:54 PM | 显示全部楼层


原文在这里: http://chinese2.cari.com.my/myfo ... &extra=page%3D1

他奶奶..我的mood 来的時候, 原来可以写作文的..哈哈!

嗯..乘我还有mood 的時候, 多写一些..

话说, 当年我抓到了一些大图的時候, 就开始动身去研究中国和香港股市..
在这一个旅程里面, 我遇到了一个"师父"..
这个"师父"开始的時候, 就用了道的不言之教, 但是香港人的急功近利的心态,哪有可能会欣赏呢..最好就是给他们 number, 明天就开番的那种, 那么他们就把你当成神来拜..天天来供奉你, 跟你拿number.

但是我这个人就比较不执着于你给我的鱼, 我喜欢听,看成功的人他们的思维和他们的思考的方法,还有他们看待事物的角度, 不一样的角度能够给到自己狭小的眼光另一个更广阔的眼界, 看到的图也比较大,广, 远..

当我看到的時候, 周围的人都群起而攻之, 我看了就满心欢喜..真所谓"上士闻道勤而行之。中士闻道若存若亡。下士闻道大笑之。不笑不足以为道。"
我不要做傻仔, 我当然要做醒目仔..哈哈..人人看笑话, 我就要做"上士", 然后闻道勤而行之.
就算你再直接的问, 他也不会直接的告诉你, 所以我说我被点到吐血..
后来, 事后看回, 其实这个也是他的不言之教..他用道,用的凌厉尽致..我真的吐血吐到五体投地.

后来, 揣摩了这个"师父"的心理状态后, 领悟到他喜欢一些能够激起他思考机制的东西..
那么, 我就开始用问问题的方式去讨教...
曾经, 他抛下 newton 了解到了宇宙之到,而出现 f=ma 的formula, 我又问了一些问题, 还蛮象在挑战他的..因为他说万道皆一般, 一道通万道皆通..那么, 我就请教他, 既然newton 能够破解宇宙之道, 那么为何他在股市却烧到手呢? 嘻嘻...这个问题考到他了, 后来他觉得还蛮有意思的!
newton 曾经说过, 他能够了解宇宙之道, 但是他抓不到人性..

这段时间, 我的脑袋真的是消耗到底了...因为问一个好问题真的是非常的难..而且要确保问了问题, 能够得到一些自己在这个阶段不能够了解的知识和见解..
古人写的文章都是文言文, 有时候如果翻译的人,抓不到作者的想法,而依照自己的看法去诠释,那么就偏离了..
但是, 这个"师父" 非常的有趣, 点到我好像当一本金庸武侠小说来看..
当道融合你有兴趣的东西, 那么你就会看的津津有味..
这个"师父" 把道融合了股市..嘻嘻..因为他喜欢研究股市之道, 也因此赚到了退休的黄金..
虽然过程對我来说很痛苦..但是有人愿意用他了解的道,点出一个方向..我真的还蛮enjoy 的!
哈哈..怎样痛苦发? 每一次都只是短短几句, 就是一个点..你不痛苦?

那么, 他怎样点? 这里就顺便分享两个吧..


很难懂吧? 其实, 我领悟后..其实现代话就是抓着 supply and demand 而已..
当年, 他不用到中国,根本不用去考察..就买下了一个叫 denway 的股..是制造汽车的. 如果没记错, 好像是生产 honda 的..那个時候, 人人不看好, 说中国的汽车素质差日本的十万八千里..哈哈!他就拼命收...因为他知道,有一天,中国的中资产阶级的会跃起,而且消费能力会慢慢提高,当人有钱,消费能力高了, 就会买车.. 哈哈! 那么到了今天, 你看看吧..看看媒体如何报道中国的汽车制造行业..有多唱好就唱好..当年? 踩到一文不值..


几乎很多人都不看好..但是他买进..后来, 他自叹"俗人昭昭,我独昏昏;俗人察察,我独闷闷"
现在..二十多块..哈哈..如果没记错, 李四叔真个portfolio ,最赚钱的就是这个寿仔..



这个是做人的道, 但是也是投资之道..
投资者应该远离五色五音, 应该痛恨五色五音..
那么, 再股市里什么是五色五音? 哈哈..被人点了就通啦..
就是那些报告和消息咯...它让你目盲耳聋, 闭其门( 就是不再用心去思考!)

嘻嘻..后来这个师父收山了, 天天逍遥, 旅行,作运动, 多花时间跟儿子相处去了..
缘起缘灭, 我也只好顺其自然..有时候想想, 也蛮佩服他实践道的手法..
我觉得好笑的是, 当初的人都反过来当他神来拜,频频请他出山, 就这样错失了一个跟高手讨教的机会了..

讲真的,如果你叫我去读老子, 然后研究哲学之道..我真的会睡觉..得其形不得其意..
后来,"师父" 点出人有三大能力, 其中一个是联系能力..

原文为 马王堆汉墓皂书《老子》甲、乙本

(原 文)        (译 文)

五十六 五十六
知者弗言, 有智慧、真懂得的人不夸夸其谈,
言者弗知。 夸夸其谈的人不是有智慧、真懂得的人。
塞其兑, 堵住耳目孔窍,
闭其门。 关闭感官的门户。
和其光, 将自己的主观意识与客观事物的内在规律调和一致,
同其尘, 将自己的感官反映与客观事物的表象混同一致,
挫其锐, 折断主观意识与客观事物内在规律不一致的锋芒,
解其纷, 拆解感官反映与客观事物表象之间的纠纷,
是谓玄同。 这就叫做冥默中与道混同为一(主观意识和客观
故不可得而亲, 所以(对于达到这种境界的人)没有办法亲近他,
亦不可得而疏; 也没有办法疏远他,
不可得而利, 没有办法去利于他,
亦不可得而害; 也没有办法去伤害他,
不可得而贵, 没有办法使他尊贵,
亦不可得而贱, 也没有办法使他卑贱,
故为天下贵。 所以这种人是天下最难得的人。

很多時候, 阅读很多人得发表, 自我主观得的成分会比较多..但是,我不会去批评..
我坚守着 "挫其锐,解其纷,和其光,同其尘,是谓玄同"..

[ 本帖最后由 chukh1 于 16-4-2007 12:58 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 16-4-2007 02:48 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 8-5-2007 02:55 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #208 chukh1 的帖子











自从去年读了8K前辈的E书,我就深知钱赚钱的重要。我不要再留在rat race里,一生为人打工。公司不会管我们的生死,就算我们为它做牛做马几十年,一旦我们的价值没有了,或经济不好,大信封还是一样来。


國際商業機器裁員1300人 - Thursday, May 03, 2007

新世紀關閉房貸部門裁2000人 - Saturday, May 05, 2007
(紐約4日訊)美國最大次級房貸業者新世紀(New Century)4月初申請破產保護后,至今無法找到願意接手的買家。該公司決定關閉房貸部門,裁員2000人。

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 楼主| 发表于 8-5-2007 04:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Mr.Business 于 8-5-2007 02:55 PM 发表



哈哈.吹水的作品, 你都要收..

有目标就好咯..努力去huut 他..
勇于take risk 的, 就迈向创业成为老板的梦想咯..

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发表于 8-5-2007 04:37 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #211 chukh1 的帖子


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 楼主| 发表于 8-5-2007 05:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Mr.Business 于 8-5-2007 04:37 PM 发表

这点我就给不到意见咯. 我自己都在一步一步走着..
加油咯..一同前进, 一同共勉咯..

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 楼主| 发表于 27-6-2007 03:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
趁今天还有点时间和mood, 就写多一点。。

例如,行业的趋势,国家的经济景气,公司的growing, 还有大众的心理expectation..

如果用5% 的利率,那就是说你把钱放进银行吃利息,需要20年才能本利打和。。
如果用在上市公司, 例如PE 是10, 那么就是说你用现在的钱去买historical result,用现在的价钱买进需要10年回本, 纯粹去衡量需要多久回本,纯粹以成本角度来切入。
对我来说,银行的利率和公司的PE 就只能用在这里做一个比较。。
但是, 风险就在其中了! 并不是说低PE 就代表那间公司是好!如果当行业开始下滑或者国家经济景气不好,影响到了公司的earning, 那么PE 再低也没有用。。 有时候因为一些out of expectation 的事情发生,PE 往往起不了作用。。

成功的投资者是要“预测”! 对!就是预测。。虽然很多书籍都说预测是笨蛋做的傻事。。
但是, 风险就在于有时候大众因为媒体的过度乐观影响,而导致他们对上市公司的前景过度乐观而给与超乎价值的过度乐观预测。
当上市公司的价格已经过度乐观被预测出来,那么这个时候 PE 就是一个好工具用来评估或者衡量这个 expectation 因素!
高PE 只要有高 earning growth 就可以被拉低, 所以每个金融评估工具,投资者都必须好好的反复思考他的用途,和什么时候派上用场

那么, 调高利率其实是各国政府用来调控经济热度的软性政策,是用来吸纳市场上的过度流动资金,或者减少货币流通量。。
没错, 初步用意确实是如此。。但是如果走向极端,那么就会引发灾难。。
例如, 当利率高,市场货币流通量减少,那么银行跟银行之间的借贷成本就会提高。。银行不会做亏本生意,成本高,就会提高售价借出去。。如果这样的情形循环下去,企业就会感受到借贷成本的压力,而减少投资需求。。连带的就会影响到国家经济。。

利率有时候跟CPI 是有关系的。。
就算银行的利率是10%..但是如果通胀是18%, 那么聪明的投资者是不会傻傻放在银行吃利息的。。
但是如果通胀那么高,物价也会高,那么就会影响民生经济, 那么政府就会下令提高利率以压抑通胀。。
最好的作战。。就是美国的 FED..volcker 以前就发现把利率提高到高于 CPI 2% 就能够压抑通胀。 greenspan 也曾经善用这个方法。

所以,聪明的投资者,而不是靠运气,赚了也不知道自己怎样赚,亏了也不知道自己怎样亏, 就必须寻根问底,搞清楚真正背后的主要因素是什么。。

但是利率逐步提高并不代表是坏事。。而且可能意味着那个国家的的经济很好,开始过热,太多的钱在市场去追求有限的资源, 那么导致物价提高,通胀提升。。最主要的是要看是不是已经到达了不合理水平!
这个不合理水平就是政府做傻事的时候! 因为他们为了保护某些东西,为了保护,他们也必须要牺牲其他方面,世界上没有完善的方法能够两全其美。。

所以,结论是,不是投资回报率高,一堆人买股票就会大升,有时候必须去明白市场上最有Power 的一群如政府,外资,大庄等等。他们的力量和动作才能决定市场的大升,而且这些动作是环环相扣。如果自己按照自我意念,喜欢就拆开一边来看,看不透又拆另一边来看,那么到最后,什么都看没有的!

这些都是关于 balancing art..就看那一位政府的高层或者大将有足够的智慧,勇气和技巧去balance 那个经济,谁人先做傻事,谁先做,谁先死。。

如果你问我,我不会看利率和本益比之前的互动。。而是利率跟汇率跟通胀之间微妙的关系, 本益比还有其他算数程式只是这些微妙关系下的小弟而已。。哈哈!

http://chinese5.cari.com.my/myfo ... 39504&page=2###

mood 来就疯。。竟然可以那么认真的写,下笔如有神。。

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发表于 27-6-2007 09:31 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 chukh1 于 27-6-2007 03:50 PM 发表

http://chinese5.cari.com.my/myfo ... 39504&page=2###

mood 来就疯。。竟然可以那么认真的写,下笔如有神。。

思過頭,會變成日也思夜也思 思出白髮就不好了

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 楼主| 发表于 24-7-2007 10:33 AM | 显示全部楼层
Excerpts from an interview with AirAsia 's Tony Fernandes

STARBIZ: Why does AirAsia need the two daily flights into Singapore?

Datuk Tony Fernandes: If Malaysia wants to become a low-cost carrier (LCC) hub, it needs to be connected to at least all the major cities in Asean. Right now, AirAsia is in three of the four major cities ¡V Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta and Bangkok ¡V and only Singapore is left.

With passengers coming to KL, they have an option of flying within Malaysia and Asean. If we do not offer the Singapore connection at cheaper rates than the current RM800 for a round trip, these passengers would just bypass us and use Tiger Airways instead. Not opening the route, to us, is a missed opportunity for AirAsia.

Next year, the Singapore Grand Prix will begin and we can potentially do a lot of advertising to get the hundreds and thousands of people who descend at the races to see parts of Malaysia if they can find a cheaper way to fly into KL.

They can fly to Langkawi, Penang, Kota Kinabalu and Kuching if they come into Malaysia.

In your view, why is MAS objecting to a possible early timeline?

Did anyone wait for AirAsia to be of a certain size? From the start, we were up against an airline that had subsidies, enough aircraft and support from the Government.

Just look at us. Five years ago we had just two planes and today, we carry 18 million passengers. We did not have 62 labs or 20 management consultants telling us what to do or 17 code names. It was survival for us and now look at our growth. No one protected us and today, MAS has a bigger market capitalisation than ours and its profits are double that of ours. So why is one national champion trying to hold back the growth of the other? What encouragement is there for other entrepreneurs in this marketplace if our growth is held back?

Look at the CIMB group. It is now a regional bank but not once did Datuk Nazir Razak talk about protection in Malaysia even when CIMB had to compete with banks like Maybank or even Public Bank.

So Idris (MAS managing director Datuk Idris Jala) needs to take a global view. It is a free market out there. Why stop others from growing? I am really surprised at what he said. He should not be scared for MAS. For one, he has better employees; we know that as we have hired some of them!

He talked about Firefly (MAS¡¦ budget carrier based in Penang). He said that Firefly could not fly to where AirAsia was flying. I have no issue with that if Firefly wants to fly anywhere but we should also be flying wherever it flies. We are even thinking of flying the Penang-Kota Baru route and we could even fly to Koh Samui when the runway is made bigger. If MAS wants to fly from Penang to JB on a Fokker, we have no issue on that.

They even have Subang even though we fought so hard to stay back in Subang. Maybe Idris has opened something interesting for us, i.e. Subang. We can both operate from Subang.

We even support the idea of a bullet train linking both the cities and welcome Australia¡¦s Jetstar to fly into Malaysia. Look at India. It has just decided on an open skies policy with Malaysia and that means a lot more competition.

We welcome competition even though we would be flying to Amritsar. We must not be afraid of competition. It is time to get rid of the chip on our shoulders. We are as good as Singapore and we can take them on. Just get that inferiority complex off.

How many Singaporeans currently fly AirAsia from Johor Baru?

About 30%-40% of our load factor from JB. From my recent trip, I found out that a lot of the youths in Singapore want to fly with us.

Would Singapore allow AirAsia to fly into Changi as previously that was not possible?

At one stage, they were a stumbling block but that has changed. Singapore also needs connectivity and it too has budget airlines, so their interest is protected.

What if AirAsia does not get the two flights to Singapore this year?

It puts us back a year and it would be a blow to FAX. We ordered 15 Airbus and that means we have a lot of seats. We want to tap into the Singapore market for our long-haul flights to Amritsar, Hangzhou, Stansted and Australia. Come on, this is Visit Malaysia Year and what we need is connectivity. We should be talking about tourism in Malaysia.

The Government is planning to build a new LCC hub at KLIA to cater for over 30 million passengers and it would be one of the biggest LCC airports in the region. Imagine the LCC without a link to Singapore; would it be feasible? It is just like saying to the world there should be no link from Heathrow to Paris for the LCCs. Can you imagine the low-cost industry without Paris? That should tell you why Singapore should be in.

I have fought so hard all these years for us to be what we are. Our workers have been with us and they deserve credit, as without them, we would not have grown to this size. They deserve to get their bonuses and salary increases for they have managed to ride the tide in difficult times during the severe acute respiratory syndrome, tsunami, and having to compete with an airline that is subsidised.

AirAsia today is a Malaysian global brand and it has done an awesome job. We do not have unions but we still deliver the best. I think they should not be shortchanged anymore. We need Singapore to give our staff more and our passengers the link.

Our shareholders are also very important, the individual shareholders and institutional such as the Employees¡¦ Provident Fund and Tabung Haji, for they believe in our growth story. We have letters from them asking when we can fly to Singapore and I cannot answer them.

Would the Government allow AirAsia to fly from Subang?

Maybe. We do not mind any form of competition, provided it is fair and it is better for Malaysia.

What are the key routes that AirAsia X needs to be successful?

London and Australia are important. We would fly to London via Stansted. In Australia, we are looking at Avalon or Newscastle. We would not want to go where MAS flies, but at some point in time, we would need to go where MAS is going.


tony 仔讲的东西证明他不简单!他看到问题在那里!哈!
是我的话,也会去南下去用tigerair 的服务!哈哈!

[ 本帖最后由 chukh1 于 24-7-2007 10:35 AM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 24-7-2007 10:33 AM | 显示全部楼层
AIRASIA Bhd boss Datuk Tony Fernandes believes Malaysia has more to gain than Singapore if the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore air sector is open to competition.

He was refuting Malaysia Airlines managing director Datuk Idris Jala's argument that Singapore would win and Malaysia would lose out if the KL-Singapore route was liberalised.

Despite that, Fernandes wants the Government to consider AirAsia¡¦s request for limited access of two daily flights to Singapore by the end of the third quarter, in time for the September launch of AirAsia X, Malaysia¡¦s first long-haul low-cost carrier.

¡§We want it to tie in with the launch of AirAsia X. It is a crucial thing for us and we know Singaporeans would use our services,¡¦¡¦ he told StarBiz in an interview. Fernandes is also a director of Fly Asian Xpress Sdn Bhd (FAX), the operator of AirAsia X.

Early last week, there was a glimmer of hope that the timeframe for limited access to Singapore might be brought forward, prior to the liberalisation of air access to Asean capital cities by Jan 1, 2009, at the request of some budget carriers.

By mid-week, Idris had objected to a new timeframe by saying that ¡§local airlines were not ready to operate in a fully liberalised environment and we (MAS) are not ready.¡¦¡¦

Before the week was out, the Government clarified that the Jan 1, 2009 timeframe would remain but the limited access to Singapore may have to be looked into. In the meantime, MAS would continue sharing a duopoly with Singapore Airlines on the KL-Singapore sector.

¡§We cannot continue to isolate ourselves. As it is, Malaysia is already losing out by not opening up the route with travellers bypassing Kuala Lumpur to go to Singapore or Bangkok.

¡§Just imagine the traffic volumes if we can tap into the over 35 million passengers who fly in and out of Changi every year,¡¦¡¦ Fernandes said.

Fernandes also disagreed with the suggestion that AirAsia was not ready to compete.

¡§It is unfair to hold us back just because MAS is not ready, and that is the only reason (for the delay in opening up the sector). MAS just needs protection,¡¦¡¦ Fernandes said.

He added that AirAsia did not ask that the timeframe be brought forward and ¡§respected the Government¡¦s decision on the open skies policy¡¦¡¦ but it still wanted access to Singapore.

So do many travellers who want cheaper fares for this 45-minute flight that cost over RM800 for a round trip inclusive of taxes. The KL-Singapore sector is the priciest for a 45-minute flight from one capital city to another.

Fernandes is not the only one who wants the sector opened; many other industry experts share his sentiment. For instance, Standard & Poor¡¦s analyst Shukor Yusof, who is based in Singapore.

Shukor also does not believe that Singapore would win. To him, the real winner would be AirAsia and travellers who want choices.

¡§Having choices is what people want and if Malaysia is keen to be an low-cost carrier (LCC) hub, the time is right to open up the sector. An earlier timeline to Asean Open Skies would disrupt MAS¡¦ business turnaround plan and that is why MAS is objecting,¡¨ he said.

Another analyst said: ¡§Having lost out to Changi to be a premier hub, there is no time to waste for Malaysia to become an LCC hub, and connectivity to all major cities in Asean is vital.

¡§AirAsia is already connecting KL to Jakarta and Bangkok; and for travellers, the Singapore link via the LCC is important. For an LCC hub to be successful, it needs airlines, connectivity and passengers.¡¦¡¦

The Government has plans to build a new LCC hub at the KL International Airport to cater up to over 30 million passengers.

¡§Fernandes and AirAsia have lifted Malaysia¡¦s reputation in the global aviation sector and this is something the Government should look at. Whether you like him or not, he has guts. He just needs Singapore to fit his jigsaw puzzle and it should be given to him so that AirAsia can become a regional LCC,¡¦¡¦ Shukor said.

If AirAsia is allowed to fly into Singapore, Singapore¡¦s Tiger Airways and Jetstar Asia would also be allowed to fly into Malaysia.

¡§We are not worried about Tiger or even Singapore Airlines, but what MAS should worry is the Middle Eastern airlines like Qatar Airways, Etihad Airways and Emirates. They are buying aircraft like buying sugarcane juice and opening destinations like no one else,¡¦¡¦ Fernandes said.

¡§What we want is a level playing field, and if I and (Datuk) Kamaruddin (Meranun, the deputy CEO of AirAsia) were running MAS, we would take on SIA. This is because MAS has the world¡¦s best cabin crew, so MAS should really be looking at offering a better product,¡¦¡¦ Fernandes said.

Fernandes added that in the past, AirAsia has shown that wherever it goes, it creates a new market for itself and this has benefited not just the LCC but other airlines plying the same route.

So AirAsia's request for limited access should be considered favourably as AirAsia would continue to create more demand that will benefit even MAS, he said.

看tony 仔shoot MAS 的马来老管理层,真的很好看!哈哈!
中东老买飞机好像买 sugarcane juice! 哈哈!
tony 仔讲话也很有趣!嘻嘻!

[ 本帖最后由 chukh1 于 24-7-2007 10:38 AM 编辑 ]

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发表于 24-7-2007 11:03 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #217 chukh1 的帖子


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发表于 24-7-2007 11:12 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 chukh1 于 24-7-2007 10:33 AM 发表

看tony 仔shoot MAS 的马来老管理层,真的很好看!哈哈!
中东老买飞机好像买 sugarcane juice! 哈哈!
tony 仔讲话也很有趣!嘻嘻!

呵呵,好精彩的文章。东尼果然够姜够辣~ (印度咖喱的确与众不同啊)

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 楼主| 发表于 24-7-2007 11:16 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 红青蜓 于 24-7-2007 11:03 AM 发表

不怕。。不怕!他应该算是幕僚团的一员!他的tune hotel 跟 tune money ,还有他应该跟dato nazir 很老友!哈!

最近我翻看我Miss 掉的新闻。。大马政府整个剧本真的好大project..
那个泛亚铁路,北部石油管,bakun 电力,selangor-pahang 输水计划等等。。


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