


楼主: 机车女孩


发表于 24-3-2010 09:01 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复  misai

机车女孩 发表于 23-3-2010 09:25 PM


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发表于 24-3-2010 06:17 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 24-3-2010 06:38 PM | 显示全部楼层
不要偷懒啦 , 都旷废了两个月 了。。。。

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发表于 24-3-2010 10:54 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 24-3-2010 11:12 PM | 显示全部楼层

Photographer: Wernher Krutei

Basket Star, Gorgonocephalus arcticus
Notes: Even though this looks like some kindof underwater shrub, Basket Stars are in fact carniverous animals withfive branching arms that extend and form a net to capture prey. Thisanimal lives in cold waters from the North Atlantic to Siberia.
found from the Arctic to Cape Cod at depthsreaching 4,000 feet. It belongs to the family Gorgonocephalidae("Gorgon-headed", which is named after the snake-haired sisters of Greekmythology. Reaching some 20 inches across, the basket star snags plankton inits canopy of branching arms and ushers them to its mouth on the underside ofthe center disk.

-肉食动物,也有五只大触角用来捕食。住在冷海域。。可以在0 to -4000 feet 找到它。。他的学名是从希腊女神(头长满蛇)那里得来的。。他想不像长满蛇角的海星呢?

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 楼主| 发表于 25-3-2010 12:16 AM | 显示全部楼层
Snail fish 蝌蚪鱼

Snailfishes are scorpaeniform marine fish of the family Liparidae. Widely distributed from the Arctic to Antarctic Oceans including the northern Pacific, the snailfish family contains approximately 23 genera and 195 species. They are closely related to the sculpins of the Cottidae family and the lumpfish of the Cyclopteridae family. Snailfish are sometimes included within the latter family.
The snailfish family is poorly studied and few specifics are known. Their elongate, tadpole-like bodies are similar in profile to the rattails.Their heads are large with small eyes; their bodies are slender todeep, tapering to a very small tail. The extensive dorsal and anal finsmay merge or nearly merge with the tail fin. Snailfish are scalelesswith a thin, loose gelatinous skin; some species, such as the spiny snailfish (Acantholiparis opercularis)have prickly spines as well. Their teeth are small and simple withblunt cusps. The deep-sea species have prominent, well-developedsensory pores of the head, part of the animals' lateral line system.
The pectoral fins are large and provide the snailfish with its primary means of locomotion. They are benthic fish with pelvic fins modified to form an adhesive disc; this nearly circular disc is absent in Paraliparis and Nectoliparis species. Snailfish range in size from Paraliparis australis at 5 centimetres (2.0 in) to Polypera simushiraeat some 77 centimetres (30 in) in length. The latter species may reacha weight of 11 kilograms (24 lb), but most species are toward thesmaller end of this range. Snailfish are of no interest to commercial fisheries.
The habitats chosen by snailfish are as widely variable as theirsize; they are found in both shallow intertidal zones and at depths of7,500 metres (24,600 ft) or more, in both cold and warm waters. Thediminutive inquiline snailfish (Liparis inquilinus) of the northwestern Atlantic is known to live out its life inside the mantle cavity of the scallop Placopecten magellanicus. The kelp snailfish (Liparis tunicatus) lives amongst the kelp forests of the Bering Strait and the estuary of the St. Lawrence River. Other species are found on muddy or silty bottoms of continental slopes. Snailfish are abundant in most (especially polar) waters and are highly resilient.
Reproductive strategies are also known to vary among the species. At least one species, the abyssal snailfish (Careproctus ovigerum) of the North Pacific, is known to practice mouth brooding;that is, the male of the species carries the developing eggs around inhis mouth. All species are known to lay a small number (c. 300) ofrelatively large eggs (4.5-8 mm in diameter). Other species of thegenus Careproctus lay their eggs in the gill cavities of king crabs.
The diet of snailfish consists primarily of small benthic crustaceans, mollusks, polychaete worms, and other small invertebrates. Some species are also piscivorous. Specialist species such as Paraliparis rosaceus feed exclusively on sea cucumbers.
In October 2008, a UK-Japan team discovered a shoal of Pseudoliparis amblystomopsis at a depth of 7.7km (4.8 miles) in the Japan Trench, these are believed to be the deepest living fish ever recorded [1].

- wikipedia

住在最深的深海鱼。。。样子有点像蝌蚪,身上没有鱼鳞,小眼睛。。。吃一些小虾,螃蟹,贝类,海虫维生。。 目前对于它记录还是很不完整, 很少人研究。不过相信是最深的深海鱼,可以在7.7KM深的海域找到它。。。

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发表于 25-3-2010 09:11 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 186# 机车女孩


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发表于 25-3-2010 09:52 AM | 显示全部楼层
千呼万唤 , 终于贴出来了。。。。。。。。

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 楼主| 发表于 4-4-2010 03:20 PM | 显示全部楼层
乒乓海绵 ping-pong tree sponge

The Chondrocladia lampadiglobus, a ping-pong tree sponge, lives morethan a mile and a half below the surface of the sea. It looks more likea piece of modern art than an animal: it has an array of spherical,translucent globes on stalks that join together at the center. It looksharmless, decorative even. But it’s a carnivore. Shrimps or othercritters that settle on it quickly become stuck; the sponge thenconsumes them.

他很美,却不温柔。。。 类似乒乓球树的海面,可是肉食动物。。 不放过任何游向他的虾蟹类。。

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 楼主| 发表于 4-4-2010 04:04 PM | 显示全部楼层

RE: 深海奇物。。。。乒乓海绵和深海水母



有三角形的。。。Deep sea jellyfish Periphylla periphylla
Deepsea jellyfish or medusa, Periphylla periphylla, lives at 1000-7000m,migrating up to surface in winter. Norwegian fishermen relate largenumbers create problems with their fisheries. Only known species whichdevelops directly from the egg. Perphylla emits a secretion whichcontains particles that flash repetitively for up to 1 minute.

指南针水母 compass jelly Chrysaora hysoscella

Usually, compass jellyfish are seen only in deeper waters and afterit was spotted a lifeguard plucked it from the sea to protect swimmers.
The 10in creature is now recovering at Newquay's Blue ReefAquarium. Because of the depth at which they live, it is very rare fora live compass jellyfish to be put on display.
The jellyfish get their name from the V-shaped markings and darkcircle on their bells, which resemble an old-fashioned sea compassrose.
Its four frilly mouth tentacles hang from the centre of the body and can trail up to 4ft in length.
Althoughnot popular with bathers, increasing numbers of the jellyfish inBritish waters could be good news for the endangered leatherbackturtle, which preys on them.

他会指南吗?不会。。如果他会的话就不会被漂到浅海被人捡起来了。。。他的名字的由来是因为他身上有v的形状很像以前的指南针。。他的出现可以帮助提高letherback turtle (最大型的海龟)的数量因为它可是海龟的食物。。。


五颜六色的水母 Detecting Fluorescence: Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red in the Deep Sea
To attract prey, this jellyfish fluoresces in the blue light of theocean. In fluorescence, atoms or molecules absorb light at onewavelength and re-emit light at a longer wavelength, which correspondsto a lower energy.
-- To find out how fluorescence is functional for ocean organisms, visit Fluorescence: the Secret Color of the Deep.


“外星来的红水母“ the brilliant, blood-red Crossotanorvegica jellyfish
In the black depths of the frigid Arctic Ocean, scientists on a 2005expedition found a splash of color: The brilliant, blood-red Crossotanorvegica jellyfish (pictured).
The creature was spotted by aremotely operated vehicle 8,530 feet (2,600 meters) underwater during atwo-month National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)expedition to the Canada Basin, the deepest and least explored part ofthe Arctic waters.
Though C. norvegica is not a new species,several new deep-sea animals were discovered during theexpedition--some of which were announced in recent research papers in2009.
Biologist and team member Kevin Raskoff, of MontereyPeninsula College in California, was surprised at the diversity ofjellyfish living in the extreme polar seas.
"We knew there weregoing to be interesting jellies up there," Raskoff said by email, "butthe reality surpassed all of our imaginations!"

新品种 narcomedusa
A new genus and species of narcomedusa--a group of commonjellyfish--was discovered from one specimen in 2002 and by the hundredsin 2005 (pictured, an individual spotted in 2005), a scientist said inDecember 2009.
That scientists could discover a new genus ofsuch a well-known jellyfish group highlights how little we know aboutthe Arctic, Monterey Peninsula College's Raskoff said by email.
Jellies are among the least understood groups of animals on Earth, Raskoff added. "They seem about as alien as animals get."

Each siphonophore, such as the one seen above in 2005, is actually acolony of creatures related to jelly fish—such as the nectophores, orswimming bells, on the right half above, which provide propulsion forthe colony. The members of the colony share a tubular stem (shown inorange), which delivers nutrients.
Reaching 10 feet (3.1 meters)in length, some siphonophores are among the largest animals in the deepsea, Monterey Peninsula College's Raskoff said in December 2009.

这一串的水母是有一只一只的铃型水母组成的。。。这样他们可以通过橙色的干一起分享食物。。他们可以说是深海最长的动物, 可以长达3.1米

This red-and-purple Crossota millsae, collected deep in the ArcticOcean in 2005, is also found off of California and Hawaii, a scientistsaid in December 2009.
Biologists are realizing that jellyfishare more common predators in the oceans than thought, MontereyPeninsula College's Raskoff said by email.
"They are a very underappreciated and understudied group that have big roles to play in the food webs of the deep sea."

Sminthea arctica (pictured in 2005) is the most common jellyfish found in the Arctic Ocean, a scientist said in December 2009.
Scientistsplan to research more of the unexplored Arctic waters before warmingand ice melt drastically transforms the ocean environment, according toNOAA's Web site.

???? 陆地上的水母????  

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 楼主| 发表于 4-4-2010 04:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
深海天使 sea angel
Biologists captured a so-called sea angel, Clione limacina (pictured),at about 1,148 feet (350 meters) during a 2005 research expedition tothe Arctic Ocean.
This little angel apparently doesn't mindshowing a little skin: It's actually a naked snail without a shell,scientists said in December 2009.
Such marine snails--most ofthem the sizes of lentils--are widely eaten by many species, makingthem the "potato chip" of the oceans, biologist Gretchen Hofmann, ofthe University of California, said in a 2008 statement.

其实它是无壳的海蜗牛。。新加坡海底世界就可以看到了。。。很可爱, 我觉得他有令人心情舒服的效果哦。。因为看着他在水中自由自在的游,心情也会变得很轻松和平静。。。
看看以下 的录影。。

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发表于 4-4-2010 07:36 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 190# 机车女孩



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发表于 4-4-2010 09:31 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 5-4-2010 07:38 PM | 显示全部楼层
很好 , 多一篇 水母篇 了。。。。

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发表于 7-4-2010 01:03 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 7-4-2010 01:10 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 keonglah 于 31-5-2010 02:11 AM 编辑







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发表于 7-4-2010 01:13 PM | 显示全部楼层

巨牙鯊,又名巨齒鯊,學名是Carcharodon megalodon,希臘文意指巨大的牙齒。它是史前巨大的鯊魚,相信生存於二千萬至一千二百萬年前。



於1995年,有建議將巨牙鯊分類於另一個新的屬中,稱為古鯊屬。但是到目前為止,仍未能就分類的問題上作出解決。很多古生物學者主張分類為古鯊屬,而另一些有海洋生物學背景的學者則堅持巨牙鯊與大白鯊的關係,而分類為噬人鯊屬。主張古鯊屬的學者認為巨牙鯊的祖先應為於始新世的Otodus obliquus,而大白鯊的祖先則為Isurus hastilis。






Whale SHark?!!!

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发表于 7-4-2010 07:59 PM | 显示全部楼层
够大只 , 看来它吃人用 吞 就行了。。。

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发表于 12-4-2010 04:23 PM | 显示全部楼层




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发表于 12-4-2010 04:24 PM | 显示全部楼层




  最為常見的紫色海星其實是“赭色海星”(Ochre Sea Star),這種海星發現于太平洋潮間帶海域的岸邊。盡管紫色海星外骨骼含有鈣化合物,但是研究表明它們不會受到因全球變暖導致的海水酸性上升的影響。如果你喜歡美麗的海星的話,這無疑是個好消息。

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