本帖最后由 youthsay 于 3-1-2015 05:42 PM 编辑
1. Dealer: RM20 one time registration fee - 可以收下线
Discount rate:
1. Maxis - 3.7%
2. Digi - 4.2%
3. Celcom - 5%
4. U-mobile - 6.5%
5. Tunetalk - 6%
6. XOX - 8%
7. Italk pin - 12%
8. Merchantrade - 4%
In addition, you can have your downline (agent) and earn registration fee + commission from them.
2. Agent: RM15 one time registration fee (介绍一个会员加入这个配套您将得到RM2佣金) - 不能收下线
Discount rate:
1. Maxis - 3.2%
2. Digi - 3.7%
3. Celcom - 4.5%
4. U-mobile - 6%
5. Tunetalk - 4.5%
6. XOX - 7%
7. Italk pin - 11%
8. Merchantrade - 3.5%
For dealer:
When you reload RM100 Maxis, Server will deduct your dealer's account balance RM96.30 only, this meant you earn RM3.70.
* Maybank / CIMB / Hong Leong Bank Only
* Registration took less than 10 Minutes
SMS Top Up Format (E-Reload) :-
<Customer Mobile>.<Keyword><Amount>
Example:- 017xxxxx92.M10 & send to server number
Server Number (Please Activate Server Number to 1 cents SMS for savings):-
Example: Hotlink - Active 10 / Celcom - 8 Pax / Celcom Blue - Teman 20 / Digi - Friends & Family
* 013 424 6969 #Maxis User
* 013 494 6969 #Celcom User
* 013 464 6969 #Digi User
* 016 620 4444 #Umobile User
(Server will SMS you the transaction whether success or fail)
* If fail is maybe due to system down / Your balance not enough
PS: There is NO HIDDEN FEE & COSTS!! All you need to pay is ONE TIME REGISTRATION FEE and that's it!
All transactions is recorded and able to view in the website:-

Reload for customers record/history:-

Commission earned from downline:-

本帖最后由 youthsay 于 30-11-2014 02:14 PM 编辑
电话, 折扣, mol, 代理, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload