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分析所谓Coenzyme Q10的文章

发表于 9-12-2011 03:46 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 skydog 于 9-12-2011 03:51 PM 编辑

希望以下的文章对大家认识这个supplements有帮助。对大家选择哪个成分的Q10有帮助。虽然最后结论会有点导入kanekaQ10这个patented 的source,但是内容分析是不错的。


What is coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)?

CoQ10 is a vitamin-like nutrient that plays a vital role in cellular energyproduction. It is also known as ubiquinone because its chemical structure isthat of a quinone and it is ubiquitously distributed in nature. The USP refersto CoQ10 as Ubidecarenone.
Who discovered CoQ10?

CoQ10 was discovered by Dr. Frederick L. Crane at the University of Wisconsinin the late 1950s during his research on the biochemistry of the mitochondrialelectron transport chain, also known as the respiratory chain.1 The puresubstance isolated from beef heart mitochondria was sent to Dr. Karl Folkers atthe pharmaceutical company Merck for identification and elucidation of itsstructure. It was designated coenzyme Q10 because of its quinone structure andthe ten isoprene unit side chain. During the same time period, another group ofscientists led by Dr. R. A. Morton in England isolated the same substance frommitochondria and named it ubiquinone because of its widespread occurrence innature. The vital role of CoQ10 in the electron transport chain was firstdescribed by Dr. Peter Mitchell of England who was awarded the Nobel prize forhis work.
What is the chemical nature of CoQ10?

The chemical structure of CoQ10, elucidated by Dr. Karl Folkers and hisgroup, is 2,3-dimethoxy-5-methyl-6-decaprenyl-1,4-benzoquinone.2 The chemicalidentification number (called CAS #) assigned to ubiquinone is 303-98-0, and forubiquinol (the reduced form of CoQ10) it is 992-78-9. The structures ofubiquinone and ubiquinol are shown below.

What are the properties of CoQ10?

The physicochemical characteristics of CoQ10 (Ubiquinone and Ubiquinol) areshown in Table 1(a) and 1(b).
Table1(a): Properties of Ubiquinone (CoQ10)
CAS Registry No: 303-98-0
Orange crystals (at room temperature)
Empirical formula
Molecular weight
Melting point
49° C
Insoluble in water      
Limited solubility in oils and fats      
Soluble in nonpolar solvents

Table 1(b): Properties of Ubiquinol (CoQ10 H2)
CAS Registry No: 992-78-9
White to very pale yellow crystalline powder
Empirical formula
Molecular weight
Melting point
49.5° C
Practically insoluble in water.      
Limited solubility in oils and fats.      
Soluble in nonpolar solvents.

Where does CoQ10 occur in nature?

CoQ compounds are widely distributed in nature, from microorganismsto plants to animals including humans. In humans and several other species, theside chain is comprised of 10 isoprene units and hence the name CoQ10.
Animal products such as beef, pork and chicken are relatively good sources ofCoQ10. Organ meats such as heart and muscle are the best sources. As a generalrule, tissues with high energy demands contain relatively high amounts of CoQ10.Among foods of plant origin, broccoli and spinach contain significant amounts ofCoQ10. Unrefined vegetable oils such as soybean oil and palm oil are also goodsources of CoQ10.
How is CoQ10 synthesized in our body?

CoQ10 is present in almost all the cells in our body and also incirculation (in lipoproteins). Practically every cell has the ability tosynthesize CoQ10. The endogenous synthesis of CoQ10 happens to be a very complexprocess requiring numerous vitamins such as vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid,niacinamide, pantothenic acid and vitamin C, and also certain trace elements.The quinone ring structure is derived from the amino acid tyrosine, the methylgroups on the ring supplied by methionine, and the isoprenoid side chain comingfrom the mevalonate pathway (the same pathway shared by cholesterol). Thus theproduction of CoQ10 is dependent on an adequate supply of numerous precursorsand cofactors, and a deficiency of one or more of these essential components canadversely affect the production of adequate amounts of CoQ10.
Figure 2: Synthesis of coenzyme Q10

How is CoQ10 produced commercially?

Commercial production of CoQ10 is largely by way of yeast fermentation, andto a smaller extent by bacterial fermentation. There is also a semisyntheticprocess for producing CoQ10 using solanesol, a tobacco byproduct, that providesthe phytyl side chain, and the amino acid tyrosine for the ring structure. Atthis time, most of the world supply of CoQ10 comes from Japan, with smallerquantities coming from China, India, South Korea and Italy. In the US, naturalCoQ10 is now being produced in a large plant in Pasadena, Texas.
What is the difference between “natural” and “synthetic” CoQ10?

CoQ10 occurs in two isomeric forms, namely the “trans” and the “cis”forms. The natural CoQ10 is in the trans form whereas the synthetic CoQ10contains a mixture of both trans and cis isomers. The USP limits the presence ofother CoQ analogs and the cis-isomer and related impurities to less than 1.5%.
How is CoQ10 absorbed in our body?

CoQ10 is a fat-soluble substance and therefore it is absorbed like any otherfat in our diet. Digestion helps in the release of dietary CoQ10 from the foodmatrix. For CoQ10 supplements that are based on pure CoQ10, gastric digestionmay not be necessary. In the small intestine, secretions from the pancreas andbile facilitate emulsification and micelle formation that are required for theabsorption of fats along the small intestine. There is no “active” transportmechanism for the absorption of fats. Once CoQ10 is taken up by the intestinalmucosal cells, it is transported via the lymphatic system as part of thechylomicrons and eventually taken up by the liver for repackaging intolipoprotein particles and rereleased into the circulation.
How is CoQ10 distributed in the tissues?

CoQ10 is present in all tissues in our body. In blood it is associated withlipoproteins. The concentrations vary from tissue to tissue, and those with highrates of metabolic activity and high energy demands such as the heart, muscle,liver, kidney and brain contain relatively high concentrations of CoQ10.3,4The redox state of CoQ10 (oxidized vs. reduced, i.e. ubiquinone vs. ubiquinol)also varies from tissue to tissue, and those with high aerobic activitygenerally contain higher amounts of the oxidized form. In circulation, CoQ10 ispresent predominantly in the reduced form (as ubiquinol). The ratio of oxidizedto the reduced form in blood may serve as a measure of in vivo oxidativestress5. Recent studies have shown that the level of circulating Ubiquinol tendsto decline in certain disease conditions, such as diabetes, liver disease, downsyndrome, etc. 48, 49, 50 with the result that the ratio ofcirculating Ubiquinol to total Coenzyme Q10 goes down.
How is the status of CoQ10 assessed?

In humans, plasma or serum CoQ10 concentrations will serve as a goodindicator of status. The best way to assay CoQ10 is by HPLC (high pressureliquid chromatography) by UV or electrochemical detection. However, it should benoted that plasma CoQ10 may not always reflect tissue status. Localizeddeficiencies of CoQ10 may exist such as in the skeletal muscle or myocardialtissue while plasma concentrations may show “normal” values. If biopsymaterial is available, tissue CoQ10 analysis can yield more useful information.7
What are the pharmacokinetic parameters of CoQ10?

Normal serum/plasma CoQ10 concentrations (in healthy individuals) usuallyrange from 0.5 µg to 1.0 µg per mL. The total body pool of CoQ10 is estimatedto be between 1.5 - 2 gm in a healthy adult. Upon oral administration of CoQ10,plasma or serum concentrations reach a maximum (Cmax) at about 6 hours (Tmax).The half-life (i.e. the time to reach half-maximum concentration (T1/2) of CoQ10is about 34 hours. With the ingestion of high doses of CoQ10, plasma CoQ10levels have been found to plateau after a dose of 2400 mg a day.8
What does CoQ10 do in our body?

The primary function of CoQ10 in our body is in cellular energy production.It is a critical component of mitochondria that are present in practically everycell in our body. Mitochondria may in fact be considered as fuel cells wherebiological energy called ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is produced. CoQ10 is alsoa potent antioxidant and it helps protect the tissues and the cellularcomponents in the body from free radical damage. In addition, CoQ10 has otherimportant functions in the body.4,9

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 楼主| 发表于 9-12-2011 03:46 PM | 显示全部楼层

How does CoQ10 work in our body?

CoQ10 is a crucial component of the electron transport chain (respiratorychain) in the mitochondria where energy derived by a process called oxidativephosphorylation from the products of fatty acid, protein and carbohydratemetabolism is converted into biological energy called adenosine triphosphate(ATP) that drives cellular machinery and all biosynthetic processes. CoQ10functions as an essential cofactor for the activities of the enzyme systemscalled complexes I, II and III in the electron transport chain. It shuttleselectrons from complex I (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase) andComplex II (succinate dehydrogenase) to complex III (ubiquinone-cytochrome creductase) by virtue of its redox (reduction-oxidation) properties. It is duringthis process of electron transfer along the electron transport chain that vitalbiological energy as ATP is generated (Figure 3). Thus, CoQ10 plays a criticalrole in cellular bioenergetics.4,9,10,11
CoQ10 is also an important fat-soluble antioxidant and as such, it helpsprotect vital structures from free radical damage from both endogenous andexogenous sources. CoQ10 has other important functions too in the body. It helpsmaintain membrane stability and has a role in cell signaling.4,9
Figure 3: Coenzyme Q10 and energy production

What is the role of CoQ10 in supporting our health?

Because of its fundamental role in cellular bioenergetics and also as animportant antioxidant, CoQ10 plays a vital role in our well-being. Since it isinvolved in the pathophysiology of numerous disease states listed in the nextsection, assuring adequate CoQ10 status is essential for maintaining good healthand preventing or reducing the risk for numerous chronic degenerative andmetabolic diseases.
What are the clinical conditions and health benefits associated with CoQ10?
There is a large body of data on the beneficial effects of CoQ10supplementation in various disease states.12-19 The following listshows health problems that are associated with impaired CoQ10 status, and alsonumerous disease states and conditions where CoQ10 supplementation has beenfound to be beneficial.
Table 2: Potential Beneficial Effects of CoQ10 Supplementation
  • Cardiovascular disease
    • Cardiomyopathy
    • Congestive heart failure
    • Angina pectoris
    • Arrhythmias
    • Mitral valve prolapse
    • Hypertension
    • Atherosclerosis
    • Cardiotoxicity (drug-induced)
  • Neurodegenerative diseases
    • Huntington’s Disease
    • Parkinson’s Disease
    • Alzheimer’s Disease
    • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrigs Disease)
  • Neuromuscular diseases
  • Mitochondrial cytopathies (MELAS, MERRF, etc.)
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Ataxias
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Asthma
  • Migraine
  • Immune disorders
  • Periodontal disease
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Male infertility
Cardiovascular disease tops the list of disorders, and there is substantialevidence for the therapeutic role of CoQ10 supplementation in heart failure.CoQ10 has also been found beneficial in various other conditions related to theheart and the cardiovascular system.13-16,20-23 In addition to itsbasic function in cellular bioenergetics, CoQ10 has an important role as anantioxidant in maintaining cardiovascular health by way of protecting LDL fromoxidation.24,25
The role of CoQ10 in neurodegenerative diseases has received a great deal ofattention in recent years.18,26,27 Preliminary evidence for abeneficial effect of high doses of CoQ10 supplementation particularly in thecase of Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases is indeed promising.28,29Animal data on the role of CoQ10 in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is alsoprovocative.30 The importance of CoQ10 in the treatment ofmitochondrial diseases that involve multisystem disorders is also wellrecognized.31-34
What are good sources of CoQ10?

Animal-based products and in particular organ meats such as heart arerelatively good sources of CoQ10. But in reality, it is not likely that onecould consume large quantities of any organ meat needed to obtain a reasonableamount of CoQ10 from dietary sources. CoQ10 supplements are therefore desirableand bioenhanced formulations of CoQ10 are available that can provide adequateamounts in a readily absorbable form.
Is CoQ10 a dietary essential?

CoQ10 is not considered a dietary essential because it is synthesized in ourbody. However, it could be called a “conditionally essential” nutrientbecause the endogenous production may not meet the requirements under certainconditions. There are several examples of conditionally essential nutrients suchas Taurine, carnitine and choline. Furthermore, the production of CoQ10 is knownto slow down as we age, starting from the 20s.3,4
Is there a “Recommended Dietary Intake” value assigned to CoQ10?

There is no RDI or DV for CoQ10 since it is not considered an essentialdietary nutrient. However, it should be noted that under certain conditions, theendogenous production of CoQ10 may not be able to keep up with the body’sdemand, and in such situations supplemental CoQ10 is indicated.
Does our diet supply adequate amounts of CoQ10?

The average diet supplies only a small amount of CoQ10. It is estimated thata typical Western diet provides about 5 mg CoQ10 a day.35 While CoQ10supplementation may not be necessary for young adults, it is certainly desirablefor physically active adults, and especially for the elderly as a group, sincethe production of CoQ10 declines with age.3
What is the relationship between CoQ10 and other nutrients in the body?

There is a great deal of synergy between CoQ10 and various other antioxidantsand nutrients in the body. The antioxidants include both nonenzymatic andenzymatic defense systems. Among the nonenzymatic antioxidants that interactwith CoQ10 either directly or indirectly are vitamin E, vitamin C, alpha lipoicacid, and glutathione resulting in augmentation of overall antioxidant potentialdue to regeneration and recycling and this would translate into functionalbenefit.
What types of CoQ10 supplements are available on the market?

The commonly available supplements are all based on CoQ10 (Ubiquinone) powderin the form of tablets, two-piece capsules and oil based softgel (soft gelatin)capsules. A solubilized formulation of CoQ10 called Q-Gel® was introduced in1996. Q-Gel® has been shown to possess superior bioavailability when comparedwith many other products on the market. More recently, a chewable tablet(ChewQ&#174 has been introduced which has also shown considerably enhancedbioavailability. A highly absorbable liposomal formulation called Liquid Q®(nano-dipersion) was also introduced recently. The marketed formulations ofCoQ10 are all based on ubiquinone, the oxidized form. While CoQ10 also occurs inits reduced form as ubiquinol, it happens to be highly unstable. TishconCorporation overcame this problem and introduced for the first time a novelubiquinol product as a solubilized and stabilized formulation (Q-Nol®,Li-Q-Nol&#174 several years ago. Recently Kaneka has introduced QH™ (Ubiquinol)in powder from which is now available in softgels.

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 楼主| 发表于 9-12-2011 03:49 PM | 显示全部楼层

Is there a difference in the bioavailability of CoQ10 supplements?

Yes. Most commonly available formulations of CoQ10 on the market are based onthe powder, in the form of tablets, two-piece capsules, or softgel capsulescontaining an oil suspension. Pure CoQ10 is insoluble in water and has limitedsolubility in oils and fats. Because of this property, the powder based productsshow poor dissolution in aqueous media, and have shown relatively poorbioavailability in human testing. In order to improve the dissolution profile ofCoQ10, a solubilized formulation of CoQ10 (Q-Gel&#174 was developed in 1996 thathas shown superior bioavailability as compared with many other product forms.This enhanced bioavailability claim is based on both laboratory tests(dissolution test and cell culture studies using Caco-2 cells) and human andanimal studies.36-42 The relative bioavailability of CoQ10 in itsreduced form as ubiquinol has been shown to be higher than that of CoQ10 in itsoxidized form as ubiquinone in both animal and human studies.39,40 Ina recent trial with human subjects, the superior bioavailability profile ofubiquinol was clearly demonstrated when it was tested alone.43
Li-Q10® is a liquid preparation containing solubilized CoQ10 and it has alsobeen shown to be superior to the other product forms in laboratory tests and inhuman bioavailability studies.39,40 Li-Q10® thus represents an idealformulation with enhanced bioavailability for patients requiring oral CoQ10therapy such as infants, children, elderly, and those with difficultyswallowing. Anther product that is well-suited for individuals who do not wishto or are unable to swallow tablets or capsules is ChewQ®, a pleasant tastingchewable CoQ10 tablet formulation which has shown enhanced bioavailability vialaboratory tests based on dissolution testing and cell culture studies involvingCoQ10 uptake by Caco-2 cells.42 The in vitro dissolution test isconsidered a good indicator of in vivo bioavailability. Dissolution test resultsof various product types are shown below.  
Table: Typical Dissolution Profiles of Various Coenzyme Q10 Products



Dissolution (%)


Compressed Tablets1


Hardshell Caps       (powder-filled)1   


Softgel Caps       (oil suspension)1   


Chewable wafers1


ChewQ® wafers2


Hydro-Q-Sorb®       (powder)   


Q-Gel®       (softgel caps)3   


Q-Nol®       (softgel caps)4   


Liquid Q® (Liquisorb&#174       (aqueous nanodispersion)5   


1Formulated with Coenzyme Q10, USP.
2Formulated with HydroQsorb®. US Patent No. 6,861,447
3Formulated via the Biosolv® process. US Patent No. 6,056,971
4Formulated via the Q-Nol® process. US Patent No. 6,740,338
5US Patent No. 6,455,072 ® Registered Trade Marks of Tishcon Corp.

Are daily divided doses of CoQ10 supplements better than a single dose?

Yes, and this is generally true of any dietary supplement ingested in highdoses.
Is there a recommended way to take CoQ10 supplements?

Yes. As a general rule, dietary supplements should be taken with food. Thisassures better absorption and also minimizes or avoids any possible stomachdiscomfort.
Are there any contraindications for the use of CoQ10 supplements?

Yes. There are a couple of case reports indicating that high dose CoQ10supplementation may interfere with anticoagulant (warfarin) therapy but this hasnot been verified in a controlled clinical trial. However, it is prudent thatanyone on anticoagulant therapy consult with their health care provider beforeusing CoQ10 supplements.17
Since there is no data on the safety of CoQ10 supplementation in pregnant orlactating women, its use is not recommended for these populations.
What are some of the adverse drug interactions with CoQ10?

The most significant ones to date are the adverse effects ofcholesterol-lowering drugs (called statins) on CoQ10 status.44 Sincecholesterol and CoQ10 share the same biosynthetic pathway, inhibition ofcholesterol production in the body also impairs CoQ10 synthesis. Beta-blockershave shown to decrease endogenous serum CoQ10 levels by inhibitingCoQ10-dependent enzymes.17 Furthermore, CoQ10 supplementation hasbeen reported to reduce insulin requirements in diabetes mellitus. Additionally,some oral hypoglycemic agents including glyburide, acetohexamide, and tolazamidehave also been shown to decrease endogenous CoQ10 levels. Therefore, diabeticpatients taking CoQ10 may require dosage adjustments of hypoglycemic agents.17
Are there any adverse effects due to ingestion of high doses of CoQ10?

Documented side effects associated with the use of high doses of CoQ10ranging anywhere from 30 mg to as high as 1,200 mg day in humans have been minorthat are related to gastrointestinal problems.14,20 They includeepigastric discomfort, appetite suppression, nausea and diarrhea in a very smallnumber of cases. One interesting observation is that ingestion of CoQ10 late inthe evening might cause insomnia15 and this may be due to increasedenergy levels.

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 楼主| 发表于 9-12-2011 03:49 PM | 显示全部楼层

Is the safety of high dose CoQ10 supplementation well-documented?

Yes. The safety of high doses of orally-ingested CoQ10 in the form ofubiquinone over long periods is very well documented in the literature.14,23The only side effects reported with a small number of subjects are mildgastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea and stomach upset.14,17,23In a recent study, doses as high as 3000 mg a day were found to be safe andtolerable in patients with Parkinson’s disease.8 According toHathcock, et al45 the observed safe level (OSL) of CoQ10 for chronicadministration as a dietary supplement is 1200 mg/day. In a recent trial on thesafety of CoQ10 in its reduced form as ubiquinol in human subjects, dosages ofup to 300 mg daily for two months was found to be safe.43 Higherdosages were not tested in this study.
Safety data on high dose CoQ10 ingestion are also available based upon animalstudies. In one study with rats, long term ingestion of CoQ10 at doses up to1200 mg/kg body weight was found to be safe and well tolerated.46 Inanother study on the in vivo and in vitro mutagenic potential of CoQ10 basedupon mouse bone marrow micronucleus, chromosomal aberration, and bacterialreverse mutation tests, CoQ10 did not exhibit any clastogenic activity whenadministered orally to mice at doses up to 2000 mg/kg/day. In addition, theCoQ10 did not induce chromosomal aberrations in CHL/IU cells exposed to highconcentrations, nor did it induce reverse mutations in S. typhimurium and E.coli.47
Are there any clinical trials on CoQ10 sponsored by the US Government?

There have been numerous studies on CoQ10 supported by the NationalInstitutes of Health (USA) and carried out under INDs (Investigational NewDrug). These have included Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases withpromising results. Another multicenter clinical trial just gettingstarted at the University of Florida (Principal Investigator: Dr. PeterStacpoole) is on the efficacy of oral CoQ10 supplementation in patients withmitochondrial cytopathies (Tishcon Corporation is providing the Liquid CoQ10(Ubiquinol) active and placebo formulations for this study).
What is the regulatory status of CoQ10?

CoQ10 is available as a dietary supplement in the US and in several othercountries. It is grandfathered under the Dietary Supplement Health and EducationAct (DSHEA) passed by the US Congress in 1994. Coenzyme Q10 is official in theUnited States Pharmacopeia, European Pharmacopeia and the Japanese Pharmacopeia.Kaneka’s CoQ10 has been self affirmed GRAS – opening the market for its usein foods.
CoQ10 has also been marketed as a drug for heart disease in Japan for manyyears.

Ubi-Q-Gel®, the solubilized formulation of CoQ10 (GelTec/Tishcon Corp.) hasbeen awarded an Orphan Drug Designation by the US FDA for the treatment ofmitochondrial cytopathies. Ubi-Q-Nol®, the stabilized reduced form of CoQ10(GelTec/Tishcon Corp.) has also been awarded Orphan Drug Designations for thetreatment of Huntington’s Disease and Pediatric Congestive Heart Failure.
What are the significant milestones in CoQ10 research and in the evolution ofCoQ10 products?

CoQ10 timeline:


CoQ10 first isolated from beef heart mitochondria
      - Dr. Frederick L. Crane, University of Wisconsin.


Chemical structure of CoQ10 determined
      - Dr. Karl Folkers and colleagues at Merck, Sharpe and Dohme.


Patients with CHF successfully treated with CoQ7 for the first time
-Dr. Y. Yamamura in Japan.


“Protonmotive Q cycle” in the mitochondrial electron transport chainproposed by Dr. P. Mitchell in England.


Dr. P. Mitchell awarded the Nobel prize for elucidating its mechanism ofaction.


Renewed interest in the use of CoQ10 for heart disease. Severaldouble-blind studies in the US and elsewhere (led by Dr. K. Folkers and hiscolleagues) documenting its efficacy.      
Exploration of the potential usefulness of CoQ10 for various otherindications including mitochondrial cytopathies.


Publication of the authoritative book on CoQ10 “The Miracle NutrientCoenzyme Q10” by Dr. E. G. Bliznakov.


Increased awareness of the potential health benefits and soaringpopularity of CoQ10 as a dietary supplement.


Passage of Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) by the USCongress. CoQ10 grandfathered as a dietary supplement.


Introduction of Q-Gel®, the solubilized CoQ10 with enhancedbioavailability (GelTec/Tishcon Corp.).


Numerous studies documenting the superior performance of Q-Gel® and other solubilized CoQ10 products. Publication of findings in severalpeer-reviewed journals and presentations at various scientific meetings.


Orphan Drug Designation awarded by the FDA for CoQ10 (as Q- Gel®,Tishcon Corp.) for the treatment of mitochondrial cytopathies.
Introduction of      solubilized and stabilized ubiquinol (Q-Nol®, Li-Q-Nol&#174 by      GelTec/Tishcon Corp.


Publication of USP monographs on CoQ10.


Two additional Orphan Drug designations awarded by the FDA for CoQ10 asubiquinol (Q-Nol®, Tishcon Corp.) for the treatment of Huntington’s Diseaseand Pediatric Congestive Heart Failure.


Introduction of CoQ10-cyclodextrin complex as HydroQSorb®        (Tishcon Corp.) with superior bioavailability for solid dosage form        applications.


Introduction of Liquid Q® (Tishcon) a nanodispersion of CoQ10        in water – with superior bioavailability.


2006 Introduction of Ubiquinol QH by Kaneka.

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 楼主| 发表于 9-12-2011 03:50 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 12-12-2011 10:54 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 6# byte77


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发表于 13-12-2011 12:40 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 6# byte77


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 楼主| 发表于 13-12-2011 09:00 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 6# byte77


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发表于 18-12-2011 10:39 PM | 显示全部楼层
当有一天,你觉得你睡不着,时常感到紧张时,你一定是吃过量的COQ10了。我的忠告虽然不错,不过30mg 以上的最好不要碰他。

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 楼主| 发表于 19-12-2011 09:08 AM | 显示全部楼层
当有一天,你觉得你睡不着,时常感到紧张时,你一定是吃过量的COQ10了。我的忠告虽然不错,不过30mg 以上的 ...
bsyeo 发表于 18-12-2011 10:39 PM


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发表于 19-12-2011 11:14 AM | 显示全部楼层
当有一天,你觉得你睡不着,时常感到紧张时,你一定是吃过量的COQ10了。我的忠告虽然不错,不过30mg 以上的 ...
bsyeo 发表于 18-12-2011 10:39 PM

我也想知道,如果是刚好30mg 的呢??

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 楼主| 发表于 19-12-2011 12:39 PM | 显示全部楼层
我可以找到的side effects 如下:
CoQ10 (coenzyme Q10) is a vitamin-like substance produced by the human body. Just because CoQ10 is a naturally occurring human compound, it does not automatically mean that it is free of side effects. For most people, these side effects are merely bothersome. In fact, most people tolerate CoQ10 supplements quite well, often with no side effects or just mild side effects.

(This article covers many, but not all, of the possible side effects of CoQ10. Your healthcare provider can discuss a more complete list of CoQ10 side effects with you.)

Bothersome Side Effects of CoQ10
Some people may experience gastrointestinal CoQ10 side effects, such as:

    Loss of appetite
    Upper chest or throat discomfort.

Serious Side Effects
In general, studies have shown that CoQ10 supplements are not likely to cause serious side effects.
However, based on reported side effects or theoretical problems that could occur, there are a number of side effects with CoQ10 that you should report to your healthcare provider. These side effects may indicate that you should stop taking it. These include but are not limited to:

    Dizziness or fainting, which could be a sign of low blood pressure (hypotension)

    High liver enzymes (early studies suggested that CoQ10 could increase liver enzymes, although later studies have not confirmed this)

    Signs of an allergic reaction, including an unexplained rash, hives, itching, unexplained swelling, wheezing, or difficulty breathing or swallowing.

CoQ10 supplements are regulated as dietary supplements, not as medications. Because dietary supplements are not as closely regulated as medications, they may be more likely to contain contaminants or have more or less of the active ingredient than stated on the label. As a result, it is reasonable to predict that some poor-quality CoQ10 supplements could cause side effects due to contaminants or other manufacturing defects. This is why it is important to choose high-quality supplements from reputable manufacturers.

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 楼主| 发表于 19-12-2011 12:41 PM | 显示全部楼层
我也想知道,如果是刚好30mg 的呢??
gab102001 发表于 19-12-2011 11:14 AM

    我想他可能是讲有关heartburn的side effects。

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发表于 19-12-2011 01:22 PM | 显示全部楼层
我想他可能是讲有关heartburn的side effects。
skydog 发表于 19-12-2011 12:41 PM

问过了一些有经验的人,30mg 的分量指标是指健康的人。
那些有严重疾病 - 例如癌症的人(特别是做了化疗),可以吃到120mg都不会有大问题。

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 楼主| 发表于 19-12-2011 01:33 PM | 显示全部楼层
问过了一些有经验的人,30mg 的分量指标是指健康的人。
那些有严重疾病 - 例如癌症的人(特别是做了 ...
gab102001 发表于 19-12-2011 01:22 PM

    对。请问yeast 那里抽取的算不算天然的呢?

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发表于 19-12-2011 01:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
对。请问yeast 那里抽取的算不算天然的呢?
skydog 发表于 19-12-2011 01:33 PM


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 楼主| 发表于 19-12-2011 02:41 PM | 显示全部楼层
我不是什么专业人士,很难下结论,这种技术也要看制造商的生产线品质。我的个人意见是算是半天然的吧 ...
gab102001 发表于 19-12-2011 01:44 PM


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发表于 19-12-2011 02:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
skydog 发表于 19-12-2011 02:41 PM


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 楼主| 发表于 19-12-2011 02:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
问过了一些有经验的人,30mg 的分量指标是指健康的人。
那些有严重疾病 - 例如癌症的人(特别是做了 ...
gab102001 发表于 19-12-2011 01:22 PM

    One interesting observation is that ingestion of CoQ10 late inthe evening might cause insomnia15 and this may be due to increasedenergy levels.

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