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08-Mar-09 動物園競跑 (圆满结束)
发表于 14-2-2009 09:52 AM
发表于 3-3-2009 08:17 PM
大家加油哦~记得跑出好成绩哦~ |
楼主 |
发表于 9-1-2009 03:06 PM
回复 2# HuMoR+DkNy 的帖子
哎呀,報名還要經驗? 哈哈
時常留意他的部落格,第一時間可報名時,就伊妹兒給他們,或打電話給他們。 |
发表于 18-1-2009 06:43 PM
发表于 9-1-2009 04:55 PM
楼主 |
发表于 12-1-2009 10:29 PM
回复 39# 飞天神猪 的帖子
Getting there
By Bus
If you opt for public transportation, take Intrakota Bus No 20 from Central Market, a No 170 bus from Jalan Ampang, or a No 17 bus from Jalan Raja Laut in the Chow Kit area.
By Taxi
From the city centre, the best way to get to Zoo Negara is to board the PURTA LRT, disembarking at Wangsa Maju station. From here, you can catch a cab to Zoo Negara.
By Rail
Take the PUTRA LRT at Kuala Lumpur Sentral Station, disembarking at Wangsa Maju station. From there, PUTRA Line Feeder Buses provide shuttle service every half an hour beginning at 9.30 am and ends at 7.00 pm to Zoo Negara every Sundays and Public Holidays.
If you plan to drive, the Zoo is located about 13km from Kuala Lumpur city centre, along Jalan Hulu Kelang, which is accessible through Jalan Ampang. |
发表于 16-2-2009 11:02 PM
发表于 3-3-2009 10:29 AM
[size=85%]Date : Sunday, 8th March 2009
Time : 7:30am Sharp
Starting Point : Zoo Negara, Kuala Lumpur
Website : http://h1.ripway.com/pm1/wild2run09.html
Enquires : 016-2166277 Wong Kei Ming OR 012-2795208 Ronnie See
Proposed Itinerary:
06:00am : Arrival of volunteers
06:30am : Arrival of runners and Distribution of bibs
06:55am : Last call for bibs distribution
07:15am : Briefing by designated spokesman
07:30am : Race officially starts for all categories
08:05am : Estimated arrival of top men finisher
08:10am : Estimated arrival of top women finisher
08:20am : Light breakfast will be served
09:00am : Estimated finishing time of last runner
09:30am : Trophy presentation to all age category winners
09:45am : Lucky Draw
10:00am : End of Event
Registration : CLOSED!!!
Registered participants who do not turn up on race day will be disqualified and no medals will be awarded.
Register Online : CLOSED!!!
Onlineregistration must email to Race Director Wong Kei Ming([email protected]) with Full name, D.O.B, age & contactnumber.
Registration Fee : CLOSED!!!
RM35 per participant (zoo entry fee is included!)
Payment Method : CLOSED!!!
Paymentcan be bank-in to Maybank account No: 1-12241-11208-3, payable to WONGKEI MING. Your entry will be confirmed only after payment has beenmade. Kindly make your payment on or before 15th February 2008. Pleaseinform us after you have made the payment.
Distance :
9.25km (1.85km x 5)
Category of Age Group :
- Men 29 & Below
- Men 30 - 39
- Men 40 & Above
- Women 34 & Below
- Women 35 & Above
Finisher Medal :
Allfinishers will be awarded finishing medal regardless of completion timeat the finishing station, located a short distance from the finishingline.
Trophy :
Trophy Allocation :
- Men 29 & below (7 trophies)
- Men 30 - 39 (8 trophies)
- Men 40 & Above (7 trophies)
- Women 34 & Below (5 trophies)
- Women 35 & Above (3 trophies)
Refreshment Station :
Therewill be refreshment station from the 2nd loop onwards, located 10mbefore the starting point. Both isotonic drinks and mineral water willbe available to all runners at the end of each lap. We urge that youdrink at every lap to hydrate yourself.
Reporting & Collection of Bib :
Participantsshall collect their bib number during the reporting time at the MAINENTRANCE of the zoo. Please take note that bib number will not bedistributed after 7.00am. Runners who fail to report themselves before7am will not be entertained. Runners that do not wear their bib numberwill be disqualified. The race will be flag off at 7:30am sharp,therefore your punctuality will be much appreciated.
Breakfast / Group Photographs :
Foodand refreshments will be served after the race. Please throw therubbish into the provided garbage bags to facilitate cleaning up. Do tokeep the park clean and LITTERING IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you wishto have group photographs taken, kindly ask our cameraman on duty forassistance.
Parking :
Ample parking is available at the Zoo parking spaces, RM4 per entry.
Public Toilet :
Free of Charge (Open!).
Check Points :
Dueto a number of shortcuts available along the Zoo routes, there will becheckpoints along the way, to ensure a fair competition for everyparticipant. Marshalls in charge will also record number of lap youhave run to ensure each participant completed 5 loops for allparticipants. Due to some confusion of the junctions, the mashallsincharge will guide runners to the correct ways that runners have torun.
*NOTE : There will be arrow pasted on the road to direct runners which way should runners run!
Bring Along Friend and Family :
For those who wish to bring along friends and family, you can but tickets on the day itself. Adult RM15 and Children RM6.
Waiver Clause :
Theparticipants hereby agree to abide by the rules and conditions of therace, participants are entering the competition at their own risk andshall not hold the organiser responsibility for any accident, injury,death, loss of property however cause before, during and after the race.
'Dotrain hard and smart prior to the race as you will be rewarded with awell deserved a unique designed trophy for all your hard work andeffort.' |
发表于 12-1-2009 09:31 PM
发表于 12-1-2009 09:27 PM
发表于 12-1-2009 09:23 PM
发表于 9-3-2009 10:44 PM
发表于 9-1-2009 02:59 PM
[size=100%]When : Sunday, 8th March 2009
[size=100%]Time : 7.30am
[size=100%]我没有经验怎么报名? |
发表于 9-1-2009 03:27 PM
楼主 |
发表于 9-1-2009 04:09 PM
回复 4# HuMoR+DkNy 的帖子
是的,他們主辦。主要是S牌子的代理跑友負責倡議,原本是打算情人節競跑,時間倉促。所以就改去動物園,就像香港和新加坡都有動物園競跑。 |
发表于 9-1-2009 04:09 PM
我有兴趣..可能想报名 因为我也没有过去zoo negara |
楼主 |
发表于 9-1-2009 04:11 PM
回复 6# chaucky 的帖子
只限一百五十人,若是報名細節出爐後,想去參賽就要手腳快一點。 |
发表于 9-1-2009 04:14 PM
发表于 9-1-2009 04:15 PM
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