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出售已故者的产业问与答, FAQ, 华英对照

发表于 13-9-2007 08:58 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
出售已故者的产业问与答, FAQ, 华英对照

(a) Who can sell a deceased’s property?
The personal representative of the estate of adeceased who left a Will is called an executor whereas the personalrepresentative of the estate of a deceased who died without a will iscalled an administrator.
Only personal representative of a deceased’s estatewill have the capacity to enter into a sale and purchase agreement todispose of the deceased’s property.

当已故者有在立下遗嘱的情况下, 个人代表管理已故者资产的执行者称为“EXECUTOR”, 反之, 在没有立遗嘱之下的执行者代表称为“ADMINISTRATOR”, 也称为管理人。

(b) Where there is more than one personal representative
All the personal representatives of a deceased willhave to agree and sign the sale and purchase agreement. In the absenceof consensus of mind among the personal representatives for theaforesaid transactions, directions of court are required.

所有的代表需要一致同意并签署买卖合约。 为了避免在交易中,他们之中缺乏一致的意愿, 法院的说明是必要的。

(c) Grant of Probate or Grant of Letters of Administration extracted from Court
It is important that the personal representativehas extracted the Grant of Probate or the Grant of Letters ofAdministration from the Court at the time of signing of the sale andpurchase agreement. Without the Grant of Probate or the Grant ofLetters of Administration, the Property cannot be registered in thename of the executor or the administrator and as a result of which, theinstrument of transfer executed by the executor or the administrator infavour of a purchaser cannot be registered in the land office when thetime comes for the completion of the sale and purchase agreement.

在还没有签署买卖合约之前, 个人代表执行者或管理人必需先从高等法院申请到遗嘱查验授权书或委托管理授权书。 没有这些文件的情况下, 该产业是不能完成注册于执行者的名下而会导致那些已经被执行者进行的过户给买者的文件不能被注册于土地局。

(d) Whether application to Court for sanction necessary
In the case of an executor, the Probate andAdministration Act provides that the executor may sell the deceased’sproperty unless there is restriction in the deceased’s will for theexecutor to do so. In such circumstances, the executor needs not applyto Court to empower him to sell the deceased’s property.

Notwithstanding the aforesaid statutoryprovision, it has been the practice of some land offices that unlessthe deceased’s will expressly confer powers to the executor to sell thedeceased’s property, those land offices will not register instrument oftransfer signed by the executor in favour of a purchaser without anOrder of Court authorising the executor to do so. It is prudent for apurchaser to check with his lawyer the practice of the land officeconcerned and prepare the sale and purchase accordingly.

In the case of an administrator, the Probate andAdministration Act requires the administrator to apply to Court toempower him to sell the deceased’s property.

在遗嘱法令下, 一个执行者可以出售已故者的产业, 只要在已故者的遗嘱里没有限制或约束该执行者不可擅自出售就可以了。 在这种情形下, 该执行者不需向法庭申请以让他出售该产业。
虽说有以上的合法规定,但是偶尔有些土地局的操作则需要已故者在遗嘱里特别注明授予权力给该执行者以出售产业, 那些土地局的做法是需要法庭的指令授权与执行者,否则,他们不会登记或注册那些由执行者及买主签署的转名文件。 买主需要谨慎检查及询问他的代表律师有关土地局的操作方法及依法准备买卖合约。
至于管理员, 在遗嘱法令下是需要向法院申请才能被允许他们出售已故者产业的。

(e) Conditional contract
It is common practice that when an Order of Courtis required, the executor or the administrator will enter into aconditional sale and purchase agreement subject to the Order of Courtbeing obtained within a certain period of time and to provide for thetermination of the sale and purchase agreement if the Order of Courtcannot be obtained.
It is important for the purchaser to make sure thatthe completion date is calculated from the date his lawyer received thesealed copy of the Order of Court as the instrument of transfer needsto be accompanied by the sealed copy of the Order of Court when it ispresented to the Land Office for registration.

买主最重要需要确定该买卖的完成日期应该从律师收到密封的法庭指令开始算起。 该密封的指令是转名的必须品,必须呈上土地局以作注册。

(f) Beneficiaries’ interest versus purchaser’s interest
It has been decided by the Court that a purchaserunder a conditional contract was perfectly well aware that his contractsubject to the Court’s approval and that the purchaser has taken therisk of losing their bargain if the Court refused to grant such anapproval. The Court, in considering the personal representative’sapplication for sanction to sell the deceased’s property, must protectthe rights of the beneficiaries as opposed to the interests of thepurchasers.

一旦法院拒绝授予该申请批准他们将会损失他们的购买品。 高等法院 其实考虑到个人代表的申请以核准他们出售已故者的产业, 一定要保护受益者的利益及权力相对地敌对了买者的利益。

(g) Beneficiaries’ consent
One of the most common grounds to support such anapplication would be that all the beneficiaries of the deceased’sestate consented to the sale.
The beneficiaries’ consent will have direct bearingon the outcome of the hearing of such an application. The Court hasdecided that where all the beneficiaries are of sound mind and above 18years old and have consented to the sale, the Court will be entitled toassume that the price offered is the best obtainable.

那些受益者的同意书会直接关系到公听会的结果。 高等法院规定所有的受益者必须在正常、理智及是 18岁以上的情况下同意该买卖, 那么高庭就会假设该售价是最佳的价钱。


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