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Java script的问题
这是我论坛的java script,请问要修改或增加什么才可以让雪花在一开始时分期降落下来,而不是一次过呢??
// This JavaScript code can be freely redistributed
// as long as this copyright notice is keept unchanged.
// This code is used on AS-IS basis and
// you use it on your own risk. Author of this code
// is not responsible for any damage that this
// code may make.
// JS Snow v0.2
// finished on 11-10-1999 23:04 in Zagreb, Croatia.
// modified on 06-12-2005 11:20 in Zagreb, Croatia.
// Copyright 1999,2005 Altan d.o.o.
// http://www.altan.hr/snow/index.html
// E-mail: [email protected]
var no = 10; // snow number
var dx, xp, yp; // coordinate and position variables
var am, stx, sty; // amplitude and step variables
var i, doc_width = 800, doc_height = 600;
doc_width = document.body.clientWidth;
doc_height = document.body.clientHeight;
dx = new Array();
xp = new Array();
yp = new Array();
am = new Array();
stx = new Array();
sty = new Array();
for (i = 0; i < no; ++ i) {
dx = 0; // set coordinate variables
xp = Math.random()*(doc_width-50); // set position variables
yp = Math.random()*doc_height;
am = Math.random()*20; // set amplitude variables
stx = 0.02 + Math.random()/10; // set step variables
sty = 0.7 + Math.random(); // set step variables
if (i == 0) {
document.write("<div id=\"dot"+ i +"\" style=\"POSITION: absolute; Z-INDEX: "+ i +"; VISIBILITY: visible; TOP: 15px; LEFT: 15px;\"><a href=\"http://inet.hr/\"><img src=\"http://www.altan.hr/snow/dott.gif\" border=\"0\"></a></div>");
} else {
document.write("<div id=\"dot"+ i +"\" style=\"POSITION: absolute; Z-INDEX: "+ i +"; VISIBILITY: visible; TOP: 15px; LEFT: 15px;\"><img src=\"http://www.altan.hr/snow/dott.gif\" border=\"0\"></div>");
function snow() {
for (i = 0; i < no; ++ i) { // iterate for every dot
yp += sty;
if (yp > doc_height-50) {
xp = Math.random()*(doc_width-am-30);
yp = 0;
stx = 0.02 + Math.random()/10;
sty = 0.7 + Math.random();
doc_width = document.body.clientWidth;
doc_height = document.body.clientHeight;
dx += stx;
document.getElementById("dot"+i).style.top = yp;
document.getElementById("dot"+i).style.left = xp + am*Math.sin(dx);
setTimeout("snow()", 10);
[ 本帖最后由 网游天下 于 25-3-2006 12:05 AM 编辑 ] |
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