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盎真科研国际学术论文代写挂名 诚邀枪手加盟 sci.zone Anzen Science Company

发表于 2-1-2022 07:06 AM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 浙大林佑杰 于 18-1-2022 12:27 AM 编辑

从 盎真科研论文代写挂名 学术失信案 看中国代写产业链的畸形蓬勃

盎真科研论文代写挂名靠谱吗Anzen Science Ghostwrite https://sci.zone

Anzen Science Company (https://sci.zone) is offering to pay researchers a sum of money for putting the names of clients who contributed nothing to the research as co-authors on peer-reviewed research papers, is it legitimate?




一旦我们开始合作,我们将与您签署正式的任务确认函,我们将在原始文章被期刊接受后支付50%的资金(我们只接受SCI或SCIE引用的期刊)。剩余 50% 的资金将在原创文章在线发表后支付。





0-1 影响因子 1600
1-2 影响因子 2300
2-3 影响因子 3200
3-4 影响因子 4200
4-5 影响因子 6700
5个以上影响因子 根据项目谈判


0-1 影响因子 1120
1-2 影响因子 1610
2-3 影响因子 2240
3-4 影响因子 2940
4-5 影响因子 4690
5个以上影响因子 根据项目谈判






Invitation to join as our collaborative consultant in ANZEN SCIENCE Company

Greetings from ANZEN SCIENCE Company (盎真科研·SCI合作), China.

I am Dr Lin Yu Kiat, a Research Consultant in this company. We are interested in your research area from PubMed and web of science, and admire your remarkable research achievements. We would like to invite you to join as our collaborative consultant in ANZEN SCIENCE Company.

We are an international platform and consulting organization for promoting the development of global medical and scientific research technology. Based on international collaboration, our aim is to promote the industry-university-research cooperation around all the world, especially faster and better integration with the international community between China and its neighboring countries.

We sincerely hope that you can accept our invitation to join as our excellent consultant team to convey your experience and skills in academic topics and research to researchers in other countries.

In addition, we also provide international cooperation research projects. The cooperation model is the funding sponsors will provide you with some project funding and hope to be the co-authors for the papers when it is published in SCI -index journals. We sincerely would like cooperate with you in scientific research and other related fields.

During the term of appointment as our collaborative consultant, you will be eligible for honorarium according to the number and completion of the project/s by you. Regarding the consulting fee, we pay according to the way the project cooperations. Each cooperation project may need to start from the experimental design until the project is accepted by the SCI-index journal.

These projects must be completed together with our funders (Chinese collaborators). Once the projects were completed, you will be the co-author of the project to publish articles together with the collaborators. Throughout this collaboration, we will pay for each project periodically. Besides that, article processing charges (APC) and the animal ethics approval for the projects will all be provided by us (Collaborators) if you assign them as the first author in each project.

Then, First, you need to determine if you have time to cooperate with the project. Second, you have to decide, do you agree with these funding sponsors as the co-author (first author, second author, or corresponding author) of your projects. If these two questions are fixed, I will send you our payment details later.

Please feel free to contact me. Keep well and we look forward to your reply soon. Wish you have a good day!


If you are willing to be our collaborative consultant and also like do project cooperation, please refer to the funding payment information as follow:

Once we start to collaboration, we will sign the official task confirmation letter with you, and we would pay 50% of the total funding after the original article accepted by journal (we only accept SCI or SCIE cited journal). The remaining 50% of the funding will be paid after the original article is published online.

Collaborative researcher /consultant should provide the project design, methodology or abstract and be responsible for the research work, prepare manuscript and publication (in SCI or SCIE cited Journal). The authorship of paper will be shared from both sides. Collaborative researcher /consultant may retain as co-corresponding author, funding sponsor should get at least the first or second author (joint-first author) or first corresponding author, and then other authorship position that you can freely assign.

Kindly refer the total funding standard below:

The total supporting funds (ONLY FOR ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE,) according to accepted articles (US dollars)

The supporting fund for journal accepted article (US dollars)

0-1 Impact Factor 1600

1-2 Impact Factor 2300

2-3 Impact Factor 3200

3-4 Impact Factor 4200

4-5 Impact Factor 6700

More than 5 Impact Factor According to project negotiation

The total supporting funds(for review article)according to accepted articles (US dollars)

0-1 Impact Factor 1120

1-2 Impact Factor 1610

2-3 Impact Factor 2240

3-4 Impact Factor 2940

4-5 Impact Factor 4690

More than 5 Impact Factor According to project negotiation

The authorship payment of the first author, second author (joint-first author), and first corresponding author are 60%, 10%, 50% of total funding standard respectively. The more authorship positions you may provide to collaborator, you would get higher funding amount.

The funding will be credited to your account using a bank system known as e-remit or bank transfer.


The entire experiment is done in your own lab. We do not provide any experimental reagents and venues.

If we cannot find any funding sponsor yet, we will keep your research plans and abstracts as confidential. You do not need to worry that your scientific achievements would be steal by third party.

If you are interested in joining as our collaborative consultant, please do not hesitates to send us your CV/ resume, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Thanks for your reply.

We have received your CV. We appreciate your trust.

If you have manuscripts which ready to communication, you may send us and we will help you to look for foreign research partners according your research field and expected impact factor or you may send us your on-going project and methodology or proposal, etc, we will evaluate and help you to find the funding sponsor/collaborator.

Please check the attached author position form, then fill in the relevant content and resend it to me

Besides, I sent our project list of Waiting For Collaboration to you in attachment(These collaborative projects proposed by the some funds sponsors themselves, means that these projects has already found sponsors but waiting for the right collaborative researchers to do it). kindly go through the list and revert back to me if there are any projects that you are interested in.

Please feel free to contact me. Keep well and we look forward to your reply soon. Wish you have a good day!

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