【台北親子景點】樹林山佳車站,山佳鐵道地景公園,3D彩繪村網美拍照熱點,一日站長體驗│Shanjia Railway Station in Shulin.
「親子長青這樣玩」來到了樹林山佳車站, 體驗當一日站長, 看真實的火車, 再走到山佳鐵道地景公園看煤斗車、軌道, 還可以在山佳街的彩繪牆拍照打卡, 孩子們愛的火車會讓他們很興奮喔! 影片提供廁所、電梯、座椅、路線資訊, 使用雙北敬老卡坐捷運從台北車站搭到亞東醫院站扣12點, 再轉搭公車889坐到山佳站下車。 有任何問題可以在下面留言, 芭樂媽會和你一起交流。
【新北市樹林|山佳車站】 【Shanjia Railway Station】 地址/Address:新北市樹林區中山路3段108號 No. 108, Section 3,Zhongshan Road, Shulin District, New Taipei City. 電話/Tel:02-2680 8874 開放時間/Opening Hours:06:00~24:00
【新北市樹林|鐵道地景公園】 【Railway Geo Landscape Park】 地址/Address:新北市樹林區山佳街28號 No.28, Shanjia St., Shulin Dist., New Taipei City 電話/Tel:02-2681 2106 開放時間/Opening Hours:全日開放/Open Daily
Welcome to watch "Let's Go Outing!" unit. We are going to Shanjia Railway Station in Shulin. Experience the day as a stationmaster and see the real train. Then go to the Shanjia Railway Geo Landscape Park to see the coal car, track. You can also take a photo at the painted wall of Shanjia Street. The trains that children love will make them very excited!
Hold Senior EasyCard take MRT from Taipei Main Staion to Far Eastern Memorial Hospital Station will deduct 12 points. And then take bus 889 to Shanjia Station deduct 4 points. Have any questions, please leave a message below. I will reply you.
Turn on CC subtitles, If you have any questions about the practice, Welcome to leave a message below!