本帖最后由 SioTattooStudio 于 1-5-2019 03:55 PM 编辑
曾经留学日本的他见识过当地纹身师的手艺, 回国后自己修炼而得到今天的成果。心地善良, 为人低调的他, 所以很少接触本地其他纹身师。今天他刚刚开启了自己的脸书, 大家来和他交个朋友吧!!!! He has been studied in Japan & learnt from local tattooists. After returned to Malaysia from Japan, he has been practicing very hard in order to achieved the good results. He is kind-hearted, low profile, he doesnt has much contact with the local tattooists. He has been opened a new facebook account recently. Everyone is welcome to add him as a friend!!!!
《100 Malaysia Top Tattooist 》was selling in a retail shop at Melbourne, Australia.
Laser Tattoo Removal Services
For any tattoo inquiry or booking reservation..
联系电话 /Contact : Sio : 0125713375
工作室地址/Studio address : lebuh raya 3,kampung simee 31400 Ipoh perak.