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发表于 21-3-2015 02:28 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 velihim 于 21-3-2015 02:36 PM 编辑

This is a forwarded msg from a friend :-
Here below is a msg just received from Pr Khim Ang of RLSSri Hartamas:
Message from Pastor Khim Ang, Senior Pastor, River of LifeSanctuary
Church, last Wed a French Armenianprophet,  Pr. Samuel Organnesyant came all the way to Malaysiafor the first time.  He warned:
1.  The Malaysian churches to WAKE UP!  They are too occupied with making money, status,materialism,  selfinterest, lukewarmness etc.
2.  There is no gray area but only twochoices... Bloodshed or Revival.
3.  Malaysia will be islamized with radical Islamand many will be killed.
4.  Churches will be destroyed and Christianskilled.
5.  If Christians will repent and cry to theLord,  fast and pray earnestly, He can  intervene and thenrevival will come.
6.  God wants a people of power moving in miraclessigns and wonders. Willing to pay the price.  Where arethey?  Where are they?
7.  Your prayer meetings and prayer conferencesneed to be powerful,  not talk,  talk,  talk.!  Worship,  pray,  worship,  pray!!Call all to come and pray. Cry out! Get back the fire or elseperish.!
8.  Go tell the Church in Malaysia. I havecome to bring this urgent message to Malaysia from the Lord. Choose -Revival or Bloodshed!
9.  God says you must work to get at least 15% ofthose still in darkness to come to His Kingdom before the land can betransformed. With His empowering you can do it!   Not bymight,  not by power but by My Spirit says the Lord.
I am passing this Word that was given last Wed. fromthis Armenian French prophet. He asked that the churches are to be warnedand so I am just doing that. God have mercy on us all.
8.去告诉教会在马来西亚。我来把从主这一紧迫的消息到马来西亚。选择- 复兴或流血!

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发表于 22-3-2015 11:48 AM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 23-3-2015 08:37 PM | 显示全部楼层
Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, only GOD Godself can express the truth and show us the way of practice. Would you like to share a passage of GOD'S Word? Because ONLY Christ is the truth, the way, and the way, right?

Concerning the Lord’s coming, it is clearly written, “But of that day and that hour knows no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.” Why is it that we can discern the coming of the Lord only from the voice?

The answer from God’s word:
“God’s appearing means that God personally comes to earth to do his work, descending among men with his own identity, with his own disposition, and in his special way to do the work of opening an age and ending an age. Such appearing is not a ritual, not a sign, not a picture, not a miracle, and not a great vision, much less a religious process, but an actual fact that is real and true and that all men can touch and see. Such appearing is not for going through a process, not for a short-time work, but for a stage of work in his management plan. God’s appearing always has significance and has to do with his management plan. The ‘appearing’ spoken of here is absolutely different from the ‘appearing’ when God guides man, leads man, and inspires man. Each time God appears, he will do a stage of great work. Such a work is different from the work done in any other age. It is beyond man’s imagination and has never been experienced by any man. It is to open a new age and to end the old age. It is a stage of newer and more uplifted work to save mankind and even more a work to lead mankind into a new age. This is the significance of God’s appearing.
… Therefore, since we want to search for God’s footsteps, we have to search for God’s will, search for God’s word, and search for God’s utterance. This is because where there is God’s new word there is God’s voice, where there are God’s footsteps there are God’s deeds, where there is God’s expression there is God’s appearing, and where there is God’s appearing there exists the truth, the way, and the life. When you search for God’s footsteps, you all neglect this word, ‘God is the truth, the way, and the life.’ So, although many people have received the truth, they do not think that they have found God’s footsteps, much less acknowledge that it is God’s appearing. What a serious mistake this is! God’s appearing cannot possibly fit man’s notions, much less can he possibly appear according to man’s requirements. In doing the work, God has his own choice and his own plan, and even more has his own goal and his own way. Whatever work he does, he does not need to consult with man or ask for man’s suggestions, much less inform anyone of it. This is God’s disposition and even more is what everyone should know.”
from “God’s Appearing Has Brought the New Age” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

“Since a flesh is God’s incarnated flesh, he has God’s substance; since a flesh is God’s incarnated flesh, he has God’s expression. Since God is incarnated, he will bring the work he wants to do; since a flesh is God’s incarnated flesh, he will express what God is; since a flesh is God’s incarnated flesh, he can bring man the truth, bestow to man the life, and show man the way. If a flesh does not have God’s substance, he is certainly not the incarnated God. This is beyond doubt. If people want to investigate whether a flesh is God’s incarnated flesh, they have to ascertain that from the disposition and the word he expresses. That is to say, to ascertain whether a flesh is God’s incarnated flesh or whether a way is the true way, people must discern that from his substance. So, whether a flesh is God’s incarnated flesh mainly depends on his substance (his work, word, disposition, and more other aspects), not on his appearance. If people overlook his substance because of investigating his appearance, that is their foolishness and ignorance. Appearance cannot determine substance. Besides, no work God does can fit man’s notion. Wasn’t Jesus’ appearance an appearance that did not fit man’s notion? Weren’t his appearance and dressing unable to show his true identity? Wasn’t the reason why the Pharisees of that time resisted Jesus that they only looked at Jesus’ appearance but did not carefully receive the words of Jesus’ mouth?”
from “Preface” to The Word Appears in the Flesh

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