本帖最后由 newmindcentre 于 18-3-2015 11:16 AM 编辑
看了以上的影片,我想你对妥瑞症有了初步的认识。 很多妥瑞症患者或其家人都想要在不开刀的情况下改善状况,然而却找不到适合的方法。 我亲身见证了其效果,患者在做了Neuro-hypnotherapy和EEG Biofeedback training(非手术,非侵入,安全,无药,无痛和无副作用)后得到非常显著的改善。 甚至老师校长都发现了其显著的进步,其妥瑞症症状明显减少,不再发出明显的tics声音。 在马来西亚使用自然疗法帮助妥瑞症的Healthcare中心非常罕见,所以希望在此分享后可以帮助到患者或其家属。 为他们的人生带来一道曙光。
在此向大家分享以下两种拥有科学论据支持的方法,我发现两者配合能有效改善妥瑞症患者的状况。 1) Neuro-Hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis (透过催眠疗法来帮助患者)Researchers at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, reported that self-hypnosis aided by the use of videotape training may help children with Tourette’s syndrome to manage tic disorders. Thirty-three young patients were recruited for the study and trained in self-hypnosis techniques by watching a videotaped series featuring a boy undergoing training for tic control. The results of the study, published in the “Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics,” found that 79 percent of the participants continued to control tics after a six-week follow-up. Of theses, 46 percent were able to modify tic frequency after two self-hypnosis session, and 96 percent after three. The study concluded that self-hypnosis is a valuable addition to a multidisciplinary tic-management program.
2) EEG biofeedback training and Tourette Syndrome (透过脑波反馈训练技术来帮助患者减轻症状)Recent research has uncovered two key types of brain dysregulation in Tourette Syndrome. The first has to do with the sensorimotor rhythm, better known as the SMR. The SMR appears as distinct “spindle” patterns, representing synchronized electrical activity within the brain. Interestingly, the SMR is actually not yet well understood by neuroscientists. SMR amplitude is known to be higher when a person isn’t moving, when the sensorimotor areas of the brain are idle. Motor tasks and even motor mental imagery cause the SMR’s amplitude to decrease. Tourette Syndrome patients additionally have been shown to have excess theta wave activity in the frontal lobes. SMR and frontal theta dysfunction are believed to lie at the heart of Tourette Syndrome.
What is known, however, is that EEG biofeedback training can in fact be used to gain control over one’s own sensorimotor rhythm. This is at the heart of the potential of EEG biofeedback to help manage Tourette symptoms. Researchers are already producing evidence that EEG biofeedback focused on the SMR can help reduce tics. In one successful case study, a 17-year-old Tourette patient was given EEG biofeedback with protocols designed to increase SMR and reduce theta, although researchers found that SMR training alone was actually somewhat more effective. The patient experienced a reduction in tics, as well as improved cognitive functioning.
什么是妥瑞症? 妥瑞症(Tourette syndrome)是一種以tic為主要症狀,發病於兒童的慢性 神經精神異常(neuropsychiatric disorder)。1885年,法國的醫生Gilles de la Tourette 提出九例不同於其他運動異常(movement disorder)的病例報告,經名 神經學大師 Jean-Martin Charcot 推薦而定名為「Gilles de la Tourette症候群」,近來擴充其定義並簡化為「妥瑞異常(Tourette disorder)」 、「tic異常(tic disorder)」或妥瑞症候群(Tourette syndrome)。多數的調查報告認為妥瑞症在每一萬人口中有5-10例的發生率;1990年的報告則指出發生率高達1/200以上。妥瑞症這個疾病在150年前就已經被發現了,但是一直被當成罕見的疾病,它現在的盛行率是每一萬人中就有4.28的人會罹患此疾病,妥瑞症發生於所有種族及所有社經階層中,男女比值是3-4:1。其他行為上的表現與妥瑞症並存的疾病有強迫症(obsessive compulsive disorder),次之包括憂鬱症及焦慮。
症狀 tics可分為動作型與聲語型,又各自可分為簡單型與複雜型如下: 1.動作型的tics (1) 簡單動作型tic(simple motor tic) 突然、短暫、無意義的動作。例如:眨眼、眼睛動作、裝鬼臉、鼻子抽動、噘嘴、搖頭晃腦、聳肩、緊縮肚皮、手腳晃動、手指移動等,通常在動作的期間小於一秒。 (2) 複雜動作型tic(complex motor tic) 緩慢地、較長地時間的固定不動(steretoyped)、看起來好像較有目的。例如:會有一些臉部的表情及往後撥他的頭髮、持續地看著某個東西、碰觸東西或別人、跺腳、或寫字的tic(如反覆寫著同個字、寫字中一再放下筆中斷再來、劃髒話)模仿別人的動作(echopraxia)、猥褻不雅的的動作(obsence gesture)、會合併搖頭晃腦和聳動身體可能會同時出現、可能會有一些自然流露出強迫性(compulsive)儀式的行為。 2. 聲語型的tics (1) 簡單聲語型tic(simple vocal tic) 快速、發出沒有意義的聲音與吵雜音。例如:清喉嚨、咳嗽、擤鼻涕、吐口水、發出尖叫聲、似犬吠聲、似豬的咕魯聲、吸吮聲、像是動物的聲音及數不清的其他聲音。 (2) 複雜聲語型tic(complex vocal tic) 突然、較有意義的言辭,相當多樣化的,包括其音節、字眼、慣用語等,就像是隨時會突然改變其說話的速度、節奏。例如:回音現象(echo phrnomena;重複別人的話)、穢語症(copolalia;猥褻、不恰當和具有攻擊性的字眼或表達方式) 另有少數學者認為有些妥瑞症患者在tic發生之前有前驅症狀,就像是感覺眼皮痠所以眨眼睛,感覺脖子痠所以搖頭、聳肩,通常我們視為tic的發生前衝動,有的患者甚至會覺得別人會癢而想替人抓癢的幻魅式(phantom tic)的tic,也有患者在心裡說粗話或是重複說一樣的話,這被稱為第三類感覺及心理型tic。