about a day ago
Youngsters—high school and/or college age, were asked to pose with signs asking “questions” of atheists or evolutionists after the NYE/Ham debate. Normally, I would not take these too seriously, but the appalling ignorance of these kids really has gotten to me. They have been lied to and conned by parents and pastors and hucksters like Ham and his pseudo-scientists. They have been indoctrinated into a religion that glorifies unquestioning ignorance and requires adherence to claims made by Bronze Age nomads who did not understand rain!
Q: Bill Nye, are you influencing the minds of children in a positive way?
A: I certainly hope so. Creationism is religion, not science. Ham proved that again and again. While creationists can certainly become scientists—though mostly in very specific non-biological fields—“God did it” simply is NOT a scientific answer or even a very useful one.
Q: Are you scared of a divine Creator?
A: Of course not. A biblical deity would certainly be scary. A brutual jealous violent tribal god who whacks people and animals without compunction. But an actual Creator would not be scary. Unlikely, but not scary!
Q: Is it completely illogical that the earth was created mature—i.e. trees created with rings, Adam as an adult?
A: “completely”? No. But like Last Thursdayism, this is the indication of a deceiver god. Question to you: why would a being with unlimited powers and UNLIMITED TIME start this awesome show in the middle? Planting not only tree rings, but residual traits such as leg remnants in whales, and layers of consistent fossils of lifeforms that apparently never really existed? It does not make any sense, and while remotely possible, so unlikely as to be easily rejected. Besides, what is the difference between a universe created to look ancient and an actually ancient universe? The same rules apparently apply!
Q: Does not the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics disprove evolution?
A: Not at all. 2nd Law pertains to a closed system. Because of the sun (and local effects such volcanism, tectonics, rain cycle), we are not inside a closed system.
Q: How do you explain a sunset if their(sic) is no God?
A: The word is “there”. Of course sunsets, like volcanoes, earthquakes, disease, and life, are natural phenomena. Easily explained (rotation of the earth, prisming of light through dusty and moist atmosphere), but our APPRECIATION of this phenomena comes from our evolution as aware beings, and the development of our culture.
Q: If the Big Bang Theory is true and taught as science with evolution, why do the laws of thermodynamics debunk said theories?
A: Again, they do not. You need to read an actual science book. You are being misinformed and poorly treated by those who are supposedly educating you. Scientists are not stupid individuals. In fact, most early scientists were believers. It is THEIR observations that have led us away from a literal interpretation of the bible. You can be confident that if thermodynamics or anything else disproved evo or BBT, Nobel prizes would abound. To be blunt, the ONLY so-called scientists who dispute evo are already members of extreme bible religions.
Q: What about noetics?
A: Philosophical woo woo. Has nothing to do with science or evolution—or creationism either for that matter.
Q: Where do you derive objective meaning in life?
A: All meaning is subjective. Even YOU have CHOSEN to accept ancient claims of divine authority and derive your own meaning from YOUR OWN belief in those claims. That is subjective.
Q: If God did not create everything, how did the first single-cell organism originate? By chance?
A: Kinda. Chance is certainly involved, but keep in mind that with this planet, we have only a sample of one. There are some trillion trillion stars in the universe and probably as many planetary systems. WE know that the chemical components necessary for life are abundant throughout this universe. We do not know yet if we are alone or part of an enormous cloud of lifeforms. Btw, the single-cell organism most likely themselves evolved from even simpler organisms, soft-shelled proto-cells. Remember that just because we do not know everything (we don’t), does not mean we know nothing!
Q: I believe in the Big Bang Theory. God said it and BANG it happened!
A: Not a question. That was an assertion. Funny, but ignorant and in terms of science, useless. Can you take that statement and cure a disease or launch a communications satellite?
Q: Why do evolutionist/secularist/humanist/non-God believing people reject the idea of a creator God, but embrace the concept of intelligent design from aliens or other extraterrestrial sources?
A: Don’t lump all non-believers into one category. If by chance, human life turns out to have been seeded by a race from another planet, most of us acknowledge that those aliens would have had to evolved, or been seeded by an earlier race who would have evolved. This is just pushing the evo back a level. WE reject the idea of supernatural intervention—absent any evidence of such.
Q: There is no in-between. The only one found has been Lucy and there are only a few pieces of the hundreds necessary for an “official proof”.
A: Not true at all. Lucy is the most complete example of her species, but we have Ardi and partial skeletons of hundreds of individuals. We can trace the progression from ape to man through many many fossil skeletons. Not perfect, not complete, but so far we have found nothing to disprove this progression. Please read an actual science book, one NOT published by creationist hucksters.
Q: Does metamorphosis help support evolution?
A: Doesn’t hurt it. An amazing adaptation.
Q: If evolution is a theory (like creationism or the bible), why then is evolution taught as fact?
A: Creationism and the bible are not theories. Evolution (descent from common ancestry) IS a fact. The THEORY IF EVOLUTION is the best current scientific explanation of what we observe in nature, the fossil record, and DNA.
Q: Because science by definition is a “theory”—not testable, observable, nor repeatable, why do you object to creationism or intelligent design being taught in schools?
A: I presume you mean “evolution” not “science”. To be blunt, evo IS testable, observable, and repeatable. As we have seen in Ham’s statements, creationism is religion not science. Teach it in religion class in religious schools if you want, but it is NOT science.
Q: What mechanism has science discovered that evidences an increase of genetic information in any genetic mutation or evolutionary process?
A: Now you need to get into genetics and evolutionary biology. Basically, it is features and traits that change with mutation. CHANGE! It is natural selection or sexual selection that works on those changes. Some survive and continue, some thrive and continue, some do not survive and disappear.
Q: Why have we found only one “Lucy” when we have found more than one of everything else?
A: Lucy is most complete example of Australopithecus. But we have numerous partial skeletons.
Q: Can you believe in the Big Bang without faith?
We don’t “believe”. We accept that BBT is best CURRENT explanation for what we observe about the beginning and development of the Universe. If a better explanation comes along, we might not WANT to change our minds, but if the new explanation is supported by more evidence than the current explanation (BBT), then we would have no choice!
Q: How can you look at the world and not believe someone created/thought of it? It’s amazing!
A: We feel awe and inspiration and appreciation for the world, just as you do. WE just do not need or imagine that it is the result of a divine creator!
Q: Relating to the Big Bang Theory, where did the exploding star come from?
A: There was no “exploding star”. BBT posits that the entire Universe was once extremely small, extremely dense, and extremely hot. Something (we do not know what) caused the Universe to EXPAND, not explode. As it expanded, the Universe became larger and cooler and less dense. For the rest of the story, you will need a good science book or a real science class. For what may have come “before” the “Big Bang”, we do not know, yet! Lots of ideas, no good way of testing them. Yet. Please understand that simply because we do not know everything, does not mean that we know nothing!
Q: If we came from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?
A: If you came from your mother and father, why are there still mothers and fathers? Seriously, we did not come from “monkeys”. We share a common ancestor with monkeys. Just as you share a common ancestor with your brother and sister (your mom), and you share a common ancestor with your cousins (your grandparents), evolutionary theory posits that apes, monkeys, whales, zebras, and even plants share common ancestors if you go back in time far enough. Millions of years for apes, tens of millions for monkeys, hundreds of millions for plants.
本帖最后由 wolfa 于 10-2-2014 11:44 AM 编辑