NUFFNANGPenang Table Tennis Super League 2010 Competition Rules 1.
Name NUFFNANGPenang Table Tennis Super League 2010 2.
Objectives 2.1.
Topromote the game of table tennis in the State of Penang. 2.2.
Toprovide opportunities for our local players to play more competitivecompetitions so as to enable them to horn their skills. 2.3.
Toenable the junior players the opportunity to learn the finer points of the gamefrom the senior players. 3.
Sponsorship TheNUFFNANG Penang Table Tennis Super League is fully sponsored by NUFFNANG Sdn.Bhd. 4.
Rules TheNUFFNANG Penang Table Tennis Super League shall be conducted according to theRules of The International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) and the followingregulations. 5.
Entries 5.1.
12 teams shall be invited toparticipate in this competition in a FIRSTCOME FIRST SERVED basis. All entries shall be sent through affiliated clubs/ associations / schools to the Hon. Secretary / Tournament Chairman with theappropriate entry fees. 5.2.
Each affiliated club / association /school shall be limited to send in NOTmore than TWO teams. 6.
Modeof Competition 6.1.
The NUFFNANG Penang Table Tennis SuperLeague shall be a Team Competition. A maximum of 9 players and a minimum of 6players shall constitute a team. 6.2.
The mode of competition shall be asfollow: Stage 1: All the participating teams shall bedrawn into 4 groups of three. And the teams shall then play a round robincompetition to determine the position of 1 – 3 in their respective group. Stage 2: The champions, runners-up and thethird ranked teams from the groups shall play among themselves in another roundrobin competition to determine the positions of 1st – 4th,5th – 8th and 9th – 12threspectively. 7.
Systemof Competition 7.1.
Each team match shall be played inthe following order:
Match1 : Singles
Match2 : Singles
Match3 : Doubles
Match4 : Singles
Mtach5 : Singles
Aplayer can only play in either thesingles or the doubles event. 7.3.
Allthe 5 matches shall be played off in the best of five games at Stage 1competition whereas the competition at Stage 2 shall be determined by the Bestof 5 Matches. 7.4.
A team conceding a walk-over (due to theabsence of player / players) in any of the individual matches shall be deemed to have conceded awalk-over in that team match. 7.5.
A team is allowed to register NOT more than ONE international /national / state player (year 2007, 2008 & 2009). 8.
Eligibility of Players ThisSuper League is opened to players of an affiliate (in benefit) of the PenangTable Tennis Association (PTTA). 9.
Registration of Players 9.1.
Allteams shall register their players in the official entry form. 9.2.
Changeof players is allowed before the commencement of each round of the tournament.However, Rule 11 on the registration fee of player shall be applied. 9.3.
Aregistered player shall not be allowed to re-register with another team oncethe competition has started. 9.4.
Aplayer who registered to take part in this tournament shall be obliged torepresent the state of Penang in the NationalChampionships if called upon to do so by the Penang Table Tennis Association.This only applies to players from Penang. 10.
Team Uniforms Allteam players MUST wear their teamplaying attires for all matches and also during the Closing & PrizePresentation Ceremony. 11.
Fees Eachteam shall pay a registration fee of RM50.00per player and a deposit of RM300.00(preferably in cheque). The deposit shall be forfeited if a team gives awalk-over. 12.
Tentative Date & Venueof Competition Thecompetition shall be played in four rounds including the Grand Final as follow: FirstRound
04 July 2010
Chung Ling Private Hall SecondRound
01 Aug 2010
ChungLing Private Hall ThirdRound
05 Sept 2010
Chung Ling Private Hall GrandFinal
03 Oct 2010
ChungLing Private Hall 13.
Points System PointsSystem for each round of competition shall be as follow:
24 points
21 points
3rd Position
18 points
4th Position
15 points
5th Position
12 points
6th Position
10 points
7th Position
8 points
8th Position
6 points
9th Position
4 points
10th Position
3 points
11th Position
2 points
12th Position
1 point
Tournament Ball Butterfly3 stars orange ball shall be used. 15.
Awards 15.1.
Prizes in the form of Cash Awards shallbe given to the top 8
finishing teams as follow:
:RM1,500.00 + replica
: RM1,200.00 + replica
: RM1,000.00 + replica
: RM
800.00 + replica
Fifth Position
: RM
600.00 + replica
: RM
400.00 + replica
Seventh Position
: RM
300.00 + replica
Eighth Position
: RM
200.00 + replica
TheChampion team shall also receive a NUFFNANG Challenge Trophy. 16.
Disputes Allmatters of dispute shall be referred to the jury and the jury’s decision shallbe final and binding. 17.
Protest 17.1.
Allprotest must be in writing, accompanied by a deposit of RM300.00 and forwardedto the jury within thirty minutes from the occurrence of the incident. Thematch shall hence be played under protest. 17.2.
Ifit is resolved that such appeal / protest is unfounded, the deposit shall beforfeited. 18.
Jury 18.1.
Ajury shall be formed to manage the League Competition. 18.2.
Thejury shall comprise of the following members: Chairman
: Mr. Yeoh Lip Khoon Members
: Mr. Tan Kheng Hong
Mr. Leow Lim Hai
Mr. Leong Chen Tak
Mr. Ho Chih Wei
Aminimum of 3 members of the jury must be present to validate the meeting. 19.
Right To Reject Entry Thejury reserves the right to reject any team / player from participating. Entryforms accompanied by entry fee and deposit may be given the priority over thosedo not. 20.
Other Matters 20.1.
TheOrganizer will not be responsible for any loss of property or injury sustainedduring the duration of the tournament. 20.2.
Anymatter not provided for in the foregoing regulations shall be decided by thejury whose decision shall be final and binding. By:The Tournament Committee PTTA |