查看: 2787|回复: 9
搞笑聊天 (文字) 18+
You: ni hao
Stranger: fuuuuuuuccckkkk yyoooouuuuu
Stranger: please?
You: u mean f*ck you please ?
Stranger: what? no you completely misunderstood me
You: i misunderstood you ? are you sure ? can you read english ?
Stranger: nope, im just randomly typing and it just so happens that it is a language, or was that youre idiotic attempt to be sarcastic?
You: nah..sorry bro..i just cant understand what you write..in planet MARS..we dont speak or read english..
You: maybe u should find a human to talk with.
Stranger: wow you are so f*ckin witty
Stranger: jesus, are you attempting to be funny or insulting either way you are failing
You: u mean jesus ? is from MARS too..and dont believe him too much..he is just a witty old man try to become superman.
Stranger: i hate you so much
You: oh..thank you..is all human hate one another ?
Stranger: idont even know you and i hate you......you are extremly hateable i donteven know if that is a word but i hate you so much that im gonna say itand risk sounding as stupid as you
You: hey man, is better you go to see a doctor..
Stranger: and why is that?
You: coz i just heard jesus said he is 4 some with your momma, your dad and your dog..
Stranger: okay,that just makes me pity you, i think you are trying to be mean, but icant tell because you might also be imitating a mentally disabled child
You: dont keep fool youreself, you are the one who mentally disable.
You: a normal guy will just ignore me when i type the 2nd sentance in this chat..
You: and you keep chatting with me..
You: so im sure your mentally disable..and is better you go to see a doctor
Stranger: you mean would just ignore me?
Stranger: okay now youre sentence are so gramatically f*cked up again i cant tell if you are serious
You: and try to read english..is good for you.
You: only kid would mind gramatically fault..
Stranger: are you from a english speaking country......seriously?
You: and i dont think you are 5 year or 6 ?
You: do you think MARS speak english ?
Stranger: or a person with a IQ over 70
Stranger: how old are you?
You: nah, IQ is only a reading to fool you or make u feel like you are a normal guy
You: how old is obama ?
You: umm..you can try google it..
You: you know google right ?
You: i assume you know that..
You: arghhh...ok
You: open your internet browser..
Stranger: f*ck,i dont even know how to respond to that........its just so...stupid imean its almost overwelming
me you have a powerfull ability my freinduse it well
You: and type in www.google.com
完..他给我气到下线了.. |
发表于 6-7-2009 12:59 PM

楼主 |
发表于 6-7-2009 01:03 PM
回复 2# 可爱的北极熊 的帖子
上班吃蛇是好无聊的..  |
发表于 6-7-2009 01:47 PM
我上班也很无聊的。。。 |
发表于 6-7-2009 03:01 PM
哈哈..好好笑哦..  |
发表于 6-7-2009 04:19 PM
发表于 6-7-2009 10:39 PM
楼主你很搞笑!!!!  |
发表于 6-7-2009 10:41 PM
楼主你很搞笑!!!!  |
发表于 7-7-2009 01:20 PM
楼主用耶稣的名来开玩笑不好吧。:@ :@ :@ :@ |
发表于 12-7-2009 12:55 PM
很明显看得出东西方的文化差异 |
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