by H.H. LHOGA RINPOCHE of Khatok Monastery
30-06-09 ~ 05-07-09
30/6/09 (Tue) 星期二
7:30 p.m. – 10 p.m. – PU YIN SHI 普音寺
药师佛灌顶及修法口传 –– Medicine Buddha Empowerment with Sadhana Oral Transmission
1/7/09(Wed) 星期三
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.– PU YIN SHI 普音寺
接见信众, 有意恭请上师到舍下加持洒净, 请必须预约 –– Consultation & House Blessing by appointments only.
7:30 p.m. – 10 p.m. PU YIN SHI 普音寺
龙钦心髓前行讲解及皈依仪式~1~ –– “Words of My Perfect Teacher” – Teaching #1, Refuge Taking Ceremony & Teachings on Refuge Precepts
2/7/09 (Thu) 星期四
10 a.m. – 12 p.m. – PU YIN SHI 普音寺
接见信众,有意恭请上师到舍下加持洒净,请必须预约 –– Consultation & House Blessing by appointments only.
7:30 p.m. – 10 p.m. – PU YIN SHI 普音寺
龙钦心髓众持明灌顶 –– Longchen Nyingtik Ridzin Dupa Assembly of Awareness Holders Empowerment
3/7/09 (Fri) 星期五
10 a.m. – 12 p.m. – PU YIN SHI 普音寺
接见信众,有意恭请上师到舍下加持洒净,请必须预约 –– Consultation & House Blessing by appointments only.
7:30 p.m. – 10 p.m.– JASIN 野新
龙钦心髓前行讲解及皈依仪式~2~ –– “Words of My Perfect Teacher” – Teaching #2, Refuge Taking Ceremony & Teachings on Refuge Precepts
4/7/09(Sat) 星期六
9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.– PU YIN SHI 普音寺
观音菩萨灌顶,共修与修法讲解 –– Chenrezig Empowerment with Group Practice & Teachings on the Sadhana
2:00 p.m. – 5 p.m.– PU YIN SHI 普音寺
如何以百字明咒清净罪业与堕落, 金刚萨埵灌顶 –– How To Purify Sins and Downfalls with Vajrasattva 100-Syllables Mantra & Vajrasattva Empowerment
7:30 p.m. – 10 p.m.– MERLIMAU 万里茂
开示如何往生净土, 阿弥陀佛灌顶 ––“How To Reach Amitabha Pure Land” & Amitabha Buddha Empowerment
5/7/09(Sun) 星期日
9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
放生, 传授山净烟供法门及烟供 –– Animal Liberation & Riwo Sang Chod Oral Transmission with Smoke Puja
Organised by: Tzu Hang Buddhist Society, Melaka 慈航佛学会
CONTACT 询问请联络:
Mr. Chua ~ 016-6317526;
Mr. Teoh ~ 012-6169002
Mr. Gan ~ 016-6669191
噶陀传承无垢持有者「玛哈.班智达」堪钦勒协玖丹仁波切之再现 -- 洛噶法王是红教宁玛巴祖庭噶陀寺创立八百四十年来历代第八十四任教主。
法王不仅广弘正法而且对慈善方面也不遗余力地在推行。为改善康区贫困地区人民的生活,增加儿童教育机会与学习环境,大力兴建学校和医院。這也是法王的慈悲与智慧之愿行如日中天,无所不及,弘法利生的事业如盛夏的水藏,洋溢十方。 (摘自洛噶仁波切自传 – 由洛噶仁波切的根本上师姜辰坚参沃色编写)
Brief Biography of His Holiness Lhoga Rinpoche
His Holiness Lhoga Rinpoche is the reincarnation of Kathok Monastery's retired abbot Mahapandita Khenchen Legshe Jorden. The Kathok Lineage - the source of Nyingmapa tradition - has a history of more than 840 years. His Holiness Lhoga Rinpoche is the 84th Throne Holder of Kathok Lineage.
Lhoga Rinpoche was an extraordinary child when he was young. His heart is pure and his mind is unaffected by worldly concerns. In his youth, he sought out many accomplished masters of the Nyingma Tradition, received sutric and tantric teachings from them, contemplated their meanings and practised extensively under the tutelage of these masters. In particular, regarding the teachings on the Great Perfection, he received the ear-whispered instructions on Trekchod, Todgal, Yeshe Lama, and the practice of Choying Dzod. Through the teachings that he received and through his profound practise of them, His Holiness has gained unimpeded Wisdom and enormous realizations.
In 1990, as a result of unanimous requests and agreement from the Holders of five golden Dharma Seats in the Kathok Lineage, His Holiness Lhoga Rinpoche was officially enthroned as the 84th supreme Throne Holder of the Nyingma Kathok Monastery. As the karmic links of sentient beings with him ripened, His Holiness started to propagate the Buddha Dharma on a much wider scale, giving empowerments, oral-transmissions as well as guidance on Dharma practices. The fortunate disciples who received initiations from Him run literally into several hundreds of thousands. There are often numerous unimaginably auspicious signs when His Holiness presided over pujas.
In Kathok, he renovated the main retreat center – Nying Gon Meditation Center. He has also built 128 stupas in the outer areas surrounding Kathok Monastery. He built the magnificent mandala of the Hundred Peaceful and Wrathful Deities, in his Yonten Jungkhung Monastery in his hometown in Xin Long (Nyarong) province. He has been invited by disciples to propagate the Buddha dharma in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Europe, America, South East Asia, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and many other countries. His footsteps have graced many countries and various parts of China.
His Holiness not only diligently spreads Buddhism but also actively participates in charity. In order to improve the living conditions of the people in the poor regions of Kham, to create opportunities for the young to have education and a more conducive environment for studying, His Holiness strongly supported the building of hospitals and schools. Thus people who are in the poor regions have benefited from his contributions and undivided compassion. Due to His Holiness' immeasurable compassion, wisdom, and aspiration in propagating the Buddha dharma, his activities have pervaded and nourished this world in all directions.
(From a biography of HH Lhoga Rinpoche written by his guru, the late Khenchen Gyamtsen Woser) |