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发表于 6-3-2009 11:10 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
今天收到一封EMAIL关于打Gardasil預防子官頸癌疫苗!! 各位请读!!!

主題: 不要打Gardasil預防子官頸癌疫苗

近期醫護界鼓吹打防子官頸癌疫苗 Gardasil,請不要打!
由June06開始,已有超過3461宗打了Gardasil後的不良副反應Adverse Report,其中 8個死亡,31個深切治療,1385個需急症處理,451個有長期後遺症,51個殘廢。
只要於Google上打Adverse Gardasil你便能找到很多這些資料,其中美國國家疫苗資訊中心National Vaccine Information Center 也覺得Gardasil不太安全。而藥廠公司Mercks打算要求成為法例強行注射此疫苗,但因愈來愈多的副反應,已把給政府的議案暫時取消。

美國已有不少將疫苗如何賺錢和它們的危險性,且沒有用的網站和書可供參考,其中不少是由西醫寫的,絕對有公信力。其中一個最為人所知的西醫為 Dr Robert S Mendelsohn。他和另外8個西醫合著一本書來指出西醫學的問題,很值得看:Dissent in Medicine-Nine Doctors Speak Out


From internet:
http://www.fdanews.com/newslette ... 4&issueId=10844

FDAnews Drug Daily Bulletin
Oct. 11, 2007  | Vol. 4 No. 200

Gardasil Adverse Events Include Deaths, Seizures, Judicial Watch Says
There have been 3,461 reports of adverse events, including a maximum of 11 deaths, in patients receiving Merck’s cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil, public interest group Judicial Watch said.

Since May, the group has found documents detailing 1,824 reports of adverse reactions to Gardasil (quadrivalent human papillomavirus [Types 6, 11, 16, 18] recombinant vaccine), including eight deaths. Before May, Judicial Watch had obtained 1,637 adverse event reports. The group received the data from the FDA through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

Of the 1,824 adverse events reported between May 10 and Sept. 7, 347 were serious reactions including paralysis, Bell’s palsy, Guillain-Barre syndrome and seizures, according to the group.

Thirty-three out of 77 pregnant women who received the vaccine experienced side effects, including spontaneous abortion and fetal abnormalities, Judicial Watch added.

“In light of this information, it is disturbing that state and local governments might mandate in any way this vaccine for young girls,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said.

[ 本帖最后由 水仙花 于 6-4-2009 07:47 PM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 6-3-2009 11:11 AM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 6-3-2009 11:11 AM | 显示全部楼层
Shit lor....我在上个星期才打这只针....!!!!!!!!!!!


这消息是真的还是假的??????????????? 救命啊!!!!!!!!!

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发表于 18-3-2009 09:49 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 3# 水仙花 的帖子


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发表于 24-3-2009 11:32 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 30-3-2009 12:20 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 3-4-2009 04:12 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 4-4-2009 04:00 PM | 显示全部楼层
医生说如果是打GARDAZIL是国外有人播放的谣言........不过,医生告诉我说我打的不是用GARDAZIL, 而我打的这类型的针是没问题(抱歉忘记把针的药物名字记起来...)......也没什么后遗症.

不过医生也告诉我说, 如果就算有后遗症....也比不打来的糟糕...因为他说我们女生中的子官頸癌比车祸来的容易. so take this is better than kena cancer even thougt got any side effect. 最后医生还是强调说.....没问题哦.......

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发表于 4-4-2009 06:06 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 28-5-2009 11:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
应该是大部份里小部份的个案而已啦, 是否打了之后就不会中子宫颈癌呢? 好像没有人知道的, 你知道吗?

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发表于 29-5-2009 02:58 PM | 显示全部楼层

http://thestar.com.my/news/story ... /22087835&sec=focus

Sunday August 17, 2008                                                                                
Wonder vaccine gets its share of complaints                                       

Insight Down Under

By JEFFREY FRANCIS                                                                                       
  THE controversial “wonder” vaccine Gardasil, described as the biggest breakthrough in health care, may also be administered to young boys to protect them against the human papillomavirus (HPV), a group of viruses that cause skin warts, genital warts and some cancers, including cervical cancer.

Researchers at Sydney University are now conducting a series of trials on young men between 18 and 26 to see whether the vaccine is effective against viruses that could lead to genital warts.

Eminent immunologist and Australian of the Year2006 Prof Ian Fraser, who is one of the co-inventors of the vaccine,gives three reasons for wanting to vaccinate school-going boys.

Firstly,the boys will grow up to be men and are almost certainly susceptible to viruses that cause cervical cancer, the world’s second most common killer.

Secondly, boys are vectors that pass the viruses on to girls in their sexual encounters.

Thirdly,if society can immunize enough boys and girls, it might reduce dramatically the “circulating virus pool” in the community.

But Dr Gerry Wain, gynaecological oncologist at Westmead Hospital in Sydney, told a television interviewer recently that it was not just the cervix that the researchers were interested in, but also a whole range of anogenital cancers, head and neck cancers, and skin cancers as well.

“So we are looking at a whole range of HPV diseases across the community, both males and females,” he added.

  Cancer ofthe cervix kills about 250,000 women throughout the world every year. Most of the victims are in under-developed or developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region where, it is claimed, a woman diesof the disease every four minutes.

In the Philippines alone, for example, 32% of about 6,000 new cases of cervical cancer die each year.This is a conservative figure because most of the women there are afraid to be tested until it is too late, or cannot afford to do so.

Sadly, most of the women were in their most productive years of between 30 and 50 and in the prime of their life.

But statistics show that between 50% and 80% of all women are at risk of cervical cancer. It affects women of different ages and background,though sexually active women are more prone to it.
It usually starts from the cervix, the part of the uterus that opens to the vagina, and spreads through the body if not treated immediately.

The main problem in most of the region is that women are not aware that cervical cancer can be treated if diagnosed early.

Cervical cancer is not as prevalent in Western societies like Australia because women here receive a letter to remind them of the need to have a Papsmear test every three years.

Risk factors

Only about 700 new cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed in Australia each year.
Nonetheless,promiscuity, changing partners and taking birth control pills over along period of time are likely to increase the risk for developing cervical cancer.

Women using contraceptive pills from five to 10years would have a 60% increase in the risk for cervical cancer than those who use the pills less than five years, according to researchers.

But women who used the pills for more than 10 years are more likely to get the disease than those who didn’t use the pills.

However,researchers have not answered the question of how long a woman has tobe off the pill before her risk of cervical cancer is reduced.

Medical scientists are now studying more about cervical cancer, including howit develops and better ways to detect and treat it.

Unfortunately,the excitement of discovering Gardasil as a protection against the cancer viruses has been marred by the controversy in Australia and the United States on its supposed adverse side effects.

Complaints included temporary paralysis after the vaccine injections, mouth seizure, temporary speechlessness, allergic reactions, headache and soreness.

Year 12 students from the Sacred Heart School in Melbourne were among the first to report adverse reactions after they had been injected with the vaccine.

However, none of the cases has clear-cut evidence of the drug’s side effects or are directly linked to Gardasil.

In fact, Dr Wain described the vaccine as the “most important scientific advance” he has ever seen in his medical career.

Since April last year, more than 3.7 million doses of Gardasil have distributed to schools across Australia for girls as young as 11 years.
Jeffrey Francis is editorial consultant, Australasia-Pacific Media

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发表于 2-6-2009 10:40 PM | 显示全部楼层

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