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China printing&dying & Ferrochina
楼主 |
发表于 10-10-2008 10:38 AM
Company Registration Number 35844
(Incorporated in Bermuda)
The Board of Directors of the Company wishes to provide clarification on the circumstances relating to
its trading halt on 7 October 2008.
Due to the current economic crisis, the Group is unable to repay part of its working capital loans
aggregating approximately RMB706 million which has become due and payable. As a result, further
loan facilities and notes of approximately RMB2,030 million may potentially become due and payable.
There are some other working capital loans of RMB2,493 million which may also become due and
payable. The Company is currently in active negotiations with its financial lenders to explore various
options (including refinancing) to address its repayment obligations. There is however no assurance
that such negotiations or discussions will be successful, in which event, the Group will not have
sufficient cash to satisfy its financial obligations.
In view of the liquidity issues which the Group is currently facing, the Company has temporarily
ceased its manufacturing operations in its factories located in Changshu City, Jiangsu, PRC and
Changshu Riverside Industrial Park, Jiangsu, PRC. The Company is of the view that this temporary
cessation is in the interest of the Group as a whole and expects to review and (if applicable) make
further announcements, as and when developments necessitate. As a prudent measure, the
Company has further requested and Changshu City government has offered to provide any
assistance which the Company may require to help preserve or safeguard its assets in the PRC.
As announced on 16 September 2008, the Company is currently in serious discussions and
negotiations with a potential strategic investor on its investment in the Company. In addition, the
Company is currently engaged in discussions and negotiations with other potential investors who
have expressed an interest to invest in the Company. To date, no term sheet or definitive agreement
has been signed. The Company would like to assure Shareholders that the management is actively
seeking new equity and loan funding to resolve the Group's current situation, but given the weak
capital market and poor economic conditions, there is no assurance that we can be successful in
securing such funding.
Given the above situation, the Company intends to suspend the trading of its shares until it is able to
work out a scheme of arrangement for presentation to creditors and Shareholders for their
consideration. For this purpose, the Company has appointed Rajah & Tann LLP as its legal advisers,
and will also be appointing a suitable financial adviser, to advise the Company on its restructuring.
The Company will continue to keep Shareholders updated on developments as and when appropriate.
Submitted by She Chun Tai, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, for and on behalf of the Board on
不晓得下一间是哪个公司? |
发表于 10-10-2008 11:36 AM
50亿人民币的贷款债务, 差不多了。
中国金属(Ferro- China)[quote]无力偿还7亿人民币贷款 中国金属暂停股票交易
● 于泽涵
中国金属(Ferro- China)无力偿还约7亿零600万元人民币的营运资本贷款,已经暂时停止了在中国江苏的生产业务。
考虑到上述情况,公司将暂停交易直至可以拟定一套计划,以供债权人和股东考虑。为此,中国金属已委任立杰律师事务所(Rajah and Tann)为其法律顾问,并将委任一名合适的金融顾问,以对公司的重组进行咨询。
中国金属07年净利增长42%,报3亿8117万元人民币,集团营收也增加56%至59亿1537万元。但摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)在香港的一名分析师指出,该公司面临财务问题已经有一段时间了,目前正在寻找外国的战略投资者进行重组。作为生产涂锌钢铁的公司,建筑业、制造业和家用器材工业的放缓打击了该公司的销售。
根据路透社的报道,有分析员透露中国金属在上个星期,还希望通过发行1亿5000万至1亿6000万元的可转换债券进行融资,但资本市场的大幅波动使这个计划未能成行。 |
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