a)I herebyundertake to execute the S & P Aggrement within 14days from the date of acceptance of this offer by the vendor.failing which the said Earnest Deposit shall be forfeited and this agreement shall be treated as null or void.Thereafter neither party shall have any rights or claims whatsover over the other party.
b)In the event that the title for any reason whatsover cannot be transferred to the
*Purchaser save and except where there is a default on the part of the purchaser
*Vendor shall refund this earnest deposit to the Purchaser forthwith.
以上的term & conditions是否限定我在十四天内就得签买卖合约?如过预期是否我的定金会被扣除?做买卖合约需多长的时间?如果买屋透过代理是否一定要聘用他的律师(因他说如果聘用其他律师对卖主不公平因不认识我聘用的律师//真有此事?)我是第一次买屋所以就比较多问题,希望各位大大能帮我解答。小弟在此谢。
[ 本帖最后由 钱在手 于 19-12-2007 10:35 PM 编辑 ] |
楼主 |
发表于 19-12-2007 10:35 PM
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