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本帖最后由 Cherish_Ying 于 15-9-2018 04:43 AM 编辑
臨床研究顯示SSRI跟24歲以上成年人的自殺想法和行為沒顯著關係,對65歲以上族群則會減少自殺意念(Mauney 2018)。
據FDA精神病學藥品部門前任主任Dr. Thomas Laughren,FDA加上警語的初衷是:
The FDA’s intention at the time was to quell public fear and to ensure that doctors and patients to have a discussion about risks, and make sure physicians monitored their patients during vulnerable periods, particularly during the first few months when some people get worse before they get better. “The intention was never to discourage appropriate use.” (Sifferlin 2014)
2014年,「哈佛團隊發表在『英國醫學雜誌』(British Medical Journal)的研究認為,在黑盒警示放上藥物仿單後兩年,年輕病人開藥比例減少31%,但被發現的自殺行為多了21.7%,自殺成功人數多了33.7%。研究者將自殺人數增加與黑盒警示做了連結。」(陳豐偉2014)
1. SSRI對於大多數憂鬱症病人有顯著的療效,並且有一定的安全性。病患千萬不要自行停藥,以致病情惡化。
2. SSRI對大部分的病人不會有嚴重的副作用。但是某些病人在服藥之初會有自殺意念,到底是藥物的副作用,或是憂鬱症本身的症狀之一,尚待釐清。
3. 國內外的文獻顯示,並沒因服用SSRI抗鬱劑產生自殺意念因而自殺成功的個案。
4. 建議醫師、家屬或病人在最初使用抗鬱劑時,必須密切注意有無出現自殺意念或憂鬱症愈來愈糟的情況。尤其兒童患者出現焦躁不安、失眠或憂鬱症狀更加嚴重時,要嚴加注意其情緒的變化並且隨時跟醫師討論。」
「大約20%的病人在連續服用抗憂鬱藥物六週後,突然停藥會發生突然停藥症候群(Antidepressant discontinue syndrome),症狀包括有類感冒症狀、失眠、失去平衡、感覺異常、易怒等,症狀雖不嚴重,但會持續一至二週,造成生活品質降低。
… many experts say it’s time for the black box to go: that the warnings overstate the real risk and may deter doctors from prescribing them to people who could benefit from being on antidepressants. Depression, after all, is the biggest risk factor for suicide.
While the drugs may not be for everyone, most of the experts TIME spoke with agreed that the warnings deter depressed people from taking drugs that could improve their wellbeing.’ (Sifferlin 2014)
紐約大學精神病學教授兼臨床醫師Dr. Norman Sussman說的值得留意:’I am not enamored by these drugs. They have their limitations and they really don’t work for most people, but the ones they work for best are the ones who are the most seriously depressed.’ (Sifferlin 2014)
Johns Hopkin大學精神病學和兒科教授Dr. Mark Riddle表示:’We don’t want wild and crazy prescribing, but we don’t want good clinicians afraid to use useful drugs… Though I am generally a cautious person and most of my research is on side effects, I think the FDA needs to back off a little.’ (Sifferlin 2014)
Weill Cornell Medical College臨床精神病學Dr. Richard Friedman表示:‘There’s absolutely no evidence that [the boxed warning] has done any good. There’s certainly credible data that it’s done harm.’ 而FDA的Dr. Marc Stone則表示‘the data suggesting the black box should be removed is “extremely questionable; virtually meaningless.” ’ (Sifferlin 2014)
Nischal et al. (2012)表示SSRIs對小孩和青少年會增加一點自殺想法和企圖,但沒增加成功自殺的人數(completed suicides)。使用SSRIs的風險能預估和做臨床管控,因此建議臨床醫師在病人的初始治療期做緊密跟進,並警惕風險。
Taking account of the methodological limitations of these studies, the current evidence fails to provide a clear relationship between their use and risk of suicidality in adults. However, in children and adolescents, there appears to be a bit of increased risk of suicidal ideations and attempts, but not of completed suicides. This risk can be anticipated and managed clinically. Clinicians are, therefore, advised to maintain a close follow-up during the initial treatment periods and remain vigilant of this risk. This advisory, however, should not deter clinicians from the use of effective dosages of antidepressants for a sufficient period of time, in every age group of patients, when clinically needed, and if found suitable otherwise.
Caution is advisable during prescription of antidepressants to patients, especially in children and adolescents, as it may precipitate suicidal ideation in some vulnerable patients.
However, this can be readily identified and managed clinically, and it should not deter clinicians from providing effective pharmacological treatment to those in need. (Nischal et al. 2012)
FDA也做類似建議:Physicians recommend treatment when the clinical need outweighs the risk. The FDA suggests patients of all ages who start taking antidepressants should be carefully monitored for clinical worsening, suicidality or unusual changes in behavior. (Mauney 2018)
不論如何,在美國有抗憂鬱劑使用和自殺之爭議(Mauney 2018):
Naika Venant, 14, of Miami, hanged herself on Facebook Live a month after her doctor doubled her dosage of Zoloft. Venant started taking the antidepressant in 2015 when she was just 12 years old.
JULY 2014
Conrad Roy, 18, of Mattapoisett, Massachusetts, was prescribed and taking Celexa when he committed suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning. His girlfriend, 18-year-old Michelle Carter, was charged with manslaughter, with prosecutors arguing she used “emotional coercion” through a series of phone calls and text messages to convince Roy to take his own life. Carter started taking Celexa a few months before Roy’s death. A defense witness argued she “had no notion of the wrongfulness of what she was doing” because she was “involuntarily intoxicated.”
JULY 2010
Stewart Dolin, a former corporate lawyer at the Chicago law firm Reed Smith, stepped in front of a commuter train on July 15, 2010, while taking a generic version of Paxil. His widow, Wendy Dolin, was awarded $3 million in a lawsuit against GSK that claimed an adverse reaction to the antidepressant led to her husband’s suicide.
Mauney (2018)表示抗憂鬱劑能治療憂鬱,但有高風險,並提供其他治療建議:
Medication-induced suicide has taken the life of both younger and older patients. People take antidepressants in hopes of curing their depression. But without the proper warning of risks from doctors and manufacturers, the outcomes can be devastating.
Antidepressants can help treat depression, but come with high risks. Other medications may be prescribed, and doctors may recommend additional therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy, where a patient speaks with a licensed mental health counselor, reduces the risk of repeated suicide attempts by 50 percent.
Taking proactive steps like speaking to a doctor or seeking hospitalization can save lives. Friends and family can help by recognizing symptoms or unusual behavior.
[1] SSRI能透過增加血清素水平,恢復腦袋的化學平衡,但會導致情緒搖擺轉換,並可能加劇憂鬱或焦慮。服用超過建議用量的抗憂鬱劑或突然停止服用,會增加病人產生自殺意念和行為的機會(Mauney 2018)。
[2] 鄭光男(2012)也提到:
鄭光男2012,《除了開藥單,我還能做什麼? 精神科醫師沒說的事》。台北:博思智庫
Alexandra Sifferlin. 2014. Do Depression Drugs Still Need Suicide Warnings? Time
Anil Nischal, Adarsh Tripathi, Anuradha Nischal, and J. K. Trivedi. 2012. Suicide and Antidepressants: What Current Evidence Indicates. Mens Sana Monographs 10(1)
Matt Mauney. 2018. Suicide and Antidepressants. drugwatch
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