Tierra Santa 主题公园
电影Don't Cry For me Argentina讲述的贝隆夫人的坟墓也在这里。有不少人到前来向她献花,可是知识份子却认为她是把整个阿根廷经济开倒车的人,因为她提出的政策过度保护劳工,导致阿根廷的生产力逐年下降,劳工只要不高兴就罢工上街头示威,政府每一次都向他们妥协,因此有人说两百年前的阿根廷比现在更进步,目前国家是在吃老本而已,还不知道可以耐到什么时候。
很久很久以前,所有的鸟儿都聚在岸边,张开翅膀,翱翔万里长空,准备飞往新的地方,共筑美好家园. 其中一只雄鸟,依样张开翅膀,身体逐渐上升,正要启程的时候,突然发现一只受伤的雌鸟,又无奈又孤独地眼睁睁看着所有鸟儿展翅高飞.于是这只雄鸟慢慢降下来,停在雌鸟身边陪伴它养伤.多年以后,他们依旧在岸边,只是它们不再飞翔,反而游泳.它们看见天空的飞鸟,雌鸟眼角泛着泪对雄鸟说:是我拖累了你,让你无法冲出蓝天.此时,雄鸟怀抱着雌鸟,四目交接,手檫干雌鸟眼泪摇摇头说:我不仅有你陪伴,我们也得到了这片海洋.
Long long time ago, all the birds gather at the shore and spread their wings to take off to far far land to build their new sweet homes. One of the male bird, likewise spreads its wings and slowly ascends to heaven and ready to depart. Suddenly it saw a female bird, injured and helpless but can only see everyone's leaving her alone. The male bird decided to slow down its flapping wings, descend and stop by her side and wait for her recovery. Many years later, they remain at the shore but they no longer fly but swim. While looking at the birds flying in the sky, the female bird shed tears and said, I'm burden to you, for me, you couldn't soar up high. The male bird gives her a warm hug, looks into her eyes, wipes her tears and shakes its head, say, Not only I have your companionship, we have this vast ocean.
Sometimes it just requires somebody to take the lead; the question is: are you willing and ready?
Arrrr chuuuuuu...... it's too cold, someone please turn off the air con!
Let's dive!