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PAM Contract 2006

发表于 24-4-2016 03:39 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Atila02 于 24-4-2016 05:42 PM 编辑

PAM Contract 2006是马来西亚建筑业最多人用的Standard Form Building Contract,也就是标准施工合同,建筑师们的日常工作范围都离不开这个contract。PAM Contract曾经经历过两次改版,第一版是1969出版,第二版是1998,2006年这个是最新版。

它的范围涉及Architect Intruction (AI),Variation, Extention of time, Practical Completion, Progress Payments等一个建筑师管理建筑合同的责任,我们不妨来讨论一下吧。

下面可以下载这个contract的两个reference copies,如果在公司不常接触这个contract或想要一份收藏的都欢迎下载。

PAM Contract 2006 (With Quantities)

PAM Contract 2006 (Without Quantities)


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 楼主| 发表于 25-4-2016 12:39 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Atila02 于 25-4-2016 06:54 PM 编辑


The Conditions of Contract

1.0  Contractor’s Obligations

1.1  The Contractor shall upon and subject to these Conditions carry out and complete the Works in accordance with the Contract Documents and in compliance therewith provide materials, goods and standards of workmanship of the quality and standard described in the Contract Documents and/or required by the Architect in accordance with the provisions of the Contract.

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发表于 26-4-2016 10:31 AM | 显示全部楼层
Atila02 发表于 25-4-2016 12:39 PM
The Conditions of Contract
1.0  Contractor’s Obligations
1.1  The Contractor shall upon and subject  ...


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发表于 26-4-2016 06:25 PM | 显示全部楼层
Atila02 发表于 25-4-2016 12:39 PM
The Conditions of Contract
1.0  Contractor’s Obligations
1.1  The Contractor shall upon and subject  ...

应该放在建筑与设计那个总版块吧,毕竟M&E SUB CONTRACT工程也有接触到这个。

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 楼主| 发表于 26-4-2016 07:19 PM | 显示全部楼层
阿公 发表于 26-4-2016 12:31 PM

明白在马来西亚contract admin都是QS在做,但是这个贴的出发点是以建筑师的角度探讨contract,其实QS的责任我不太懂。

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 楼主| 发表于 26-4-2016 07:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
blurmaster 发表于 26-4-2016 08:25 PM
应该放在建筑与设计那个总版块吧,毕竟M&E SUB CONTRACT工程也有接触到这个。

Building contract每一个consultants都会涉及到的,会考虑放出去外面的。

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 楼主| 发表于 26-4-2016 08:07 PM | 显示全部楼层
Clause 1.2
Unless designed by the Architect or Consultant, the Contractor shall be fully responsible for the adequacy, stability and safety of all temporary works and of all methods of construction of the Works, irrespective of any approval by the Architect or Consultant.

Clause 1.3
If the Contractor proposes any alternative design to that specified in the Works or if the Contract leaves any matter of design, specification or choice of materials, goods and workmanships to the Contractor, the Contractor shall ensure that such works are fit for its purpose. The copyright of the Contractor's design and alternative design belongs to the Contractor, but the Employer shall be entitled to use the design and alternative design for the completion, maintenance, repair and future extension of the Works. The acceptance by the Architect or Consultant of the Contractor's design and alternative design shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities under the Contract.

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 楼主| 发表于 29-4-2016 11:21 PM | 显示全部楼层
在下面这一个clause里有说明当contractor遇到Contract Documents里有内容冲突时应该如何处理。

Clause 1.4 Discrepancy or divergence between documents

The Contractor shall use the Contract Documents and any other subsequent documents issued by the Architect to plan the Works prior to execution. If during the said planning and subsequent execution of the Works, the Contractor finds any discrepancy in or divergence between any of the Contract Documents and and subsequent documents issued by the Architect, he shall give to the Architect a written notice in sufficient time before the commencement of construction of the affected works, specifying the discrepancy or divergence to enable the Architect to issue written instructions within a period which would not materially delay the progress of the affected works, having regard to the Completion Date. Such discrepancy or divergence shall not vitiate the Contract.

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 楼主| 发表于 30-4-2016 12:38 PM | 显示全部楼层

(c) Architect means the Person named in Article 3 and shall be a Professional Architect or any other form of practice registered under the Architects Act 1967 and approved by the Board of Architects, Malaysia;

(l) Clause means the clauses in the Conditions of the Contract;

(m) Completion Date means the date(s) for completion of the Works stated in the Appendix under Clauses 21.1 and 21.3 or the last extended date granted under Clause 23.4;

(n) Conditions means the Conditions of the Contract;

(p) Consultant means the Engineer, Quantity Surveyor and/or Specialist Consultant as appropriate;

(q) Contract or Contract Documents comprise the following documents:
     (i) the Letter of Award;
     (ii) the Articles of Agreement;
     (iii) the Conditions of Contract;
     (iv) the Contract Drawings;
     (v) the Contract Bills; and
     (vi) other documents incorporated in the Contract Documents, unless expressly stated to be excluded therefrom;

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 楼主| 发表于 30-4-2016 08:10 PM | 显示全部楼层

(t) Contractor means the party named in the Articles of Agreement and includes the Contractor's legal successors or personal representatives or any Person to whom the rights and obligations of the Contractor have been transferred with the agreement of the Employer;

(v) Date of Commencement means the date(s) fixed and stated in the Appendix under Clauses 21.1 and 21.2;

(w) Day means calendar day including the weekly day of rest but excluding gazetted holidays in the location where the Works is carried out;

(z) Employer means the party named in the Articles of Agreement and includes the Employer's legal successors or personal representatives or any Person to whom the rights and obligations of the Employer have been transferred with the agreement of the Contractor;

(ah) Lump Sum Contract means a fixed price Contract and is not subject to remeasurement or recalculation except for Provisional Quantities and Variations which shall be valued under Clause 11.0;

(bf) Works means the works described in the Articles of Agreement and referred to in the Contract Documents and includes any changes made to these works in accordance with the Contract;

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发表于 28-5-2016 06:54 AM | 显示全部楼层
在NSW 他们用的contract 有类似吗? 差异多吗?

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 楼主| 发表于 29-5-2016 04:40 PM | 显示全部楼层
parch2 发表于 28-5-2016 08:54 AM
在NSW 他们用的contract 有类似吗? 差异多吗?

在这里用的最多的是ABIC  contracts,其实大致都一样,只是细节不同。

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发表于 3-6-2016 07:34 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 4-6-2016 11:56 AM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 4-6-2016 03:07 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
Atila02 发表于 4-6-2016 11:56 AM

我完全看不到坏在哪里。 正好适合我这种半桶水的

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 楼主| 发表于 4-6-2016 05:56 PM | 显示全部楼层
tskiller131 发表于 4-6-2016 05:07 PM
我完全看不到坏在哪里。 正好适合我这种半桶水的


如果你的plan设定的ground floor slab 是SSL 40.50,contractor建好的slab SSL是40.32,就差大概一级楼梯左右,你去site inspection时发现这个问题,觉得这个问题很严重,有许多后续的问题需要考量,所以你决定出architect instruction要求contractor重建。Contractor拒绝,认为这样会拖慢工程,而且employer会因为重建slab需要追加extra cost。请问身为建筑师的你,under the contract,你的义务是什么?

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发表于 4-6-2016 06:06 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
Atila02 发表于 4-6-2016 05:56 PM

如果你的plan设定的ground floor slab 是SSL 40.50,contractor建好的slab SSL是40.32,就差大概一级楼梯左右,你去site inspection时发现这个问题,觉得 ...

小弟愚见。 只好出method statement了,top up回concrete.

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 楼主| 发表于 4-6-2016 07:01 PM | 显示全部楼层
tskiller131 发表于 4-6-2016 08:06 PM
小弟愚见。 只好出method statement了,top up回concrete.


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发表于 1-9-2016 10:59 AM | 显示全部楼层
請問 with quantity和 without quantity 的分別?

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 楼主| 发表于 3-9-2016 03:25 PM | 显示全部楼层
pyhoi2 发表于 1-9-2016 12:59 PM
請問 with quantity和 without quantity 的分別?

通常一份有Bill of Quantity (BoQ)的building contract价格都比较准确,可以确保以后没有那么多的variation。分别在于tender的时候有没有BoQ,如果有,building contract自然就会用有BoQ的。很多时候当我们request for tender时,我们的设计都还没有100%完成,例如内部joinery drawing等的,因为会在比较后期才建,我们通常不会等完成那些设计才tender,而是在contract里留一部分prime cost sum,builder就会将这部分allowance加进去他们的contract sum,但是实际上他们是没有price到整个完成的设计。但是如果是一些比较大型的项目如政府项目,就会要求完成100%的设计和图,然后由cost consultant如QS去将设计的每一部分详细的分开出来,例如材料,数量和长度等做成一个BoQ。tender时,tenderers其实是price那个BoQ加specification,而不只是price建筑师的图纸,所以说通常价格都比较准确。BoQ里有提供每一个部分的schedule of rates,如果以后有variation,也是根据当时contractor tender的时候给的price,可以减少出现过分超出合理价格的contract variation。

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