Well, I've been "淘”ing for two years. I love the fact that I can find whatever I want in 淘宝网! It is such an amazing website.. I love buying shoes in Taobao. They were pretty yet very very cheap. I also bought e-book device here. Love it! It has been with me since 1year ++.. still working fine ( great job China!).. However, I hate to buy clothes in Taobao. Out of 10 purchases, I always messed up 8. What to say(T.T) The pictures were over PS-ed.....
Here are some tips for peeps:
1) If you want to buy shoes, use the cm measurement. I tried all the measurements before ( Europe size, US size, Uk size and etc) and found cm is the best shoes communicator! Why is that so? You will never fit into a 37 even there is a big bold "37" printed on the shoes box. The understanding of measurement is very different between the PRC and outside world. My personal understanding is that China tends to make smaller shoes. If you are a 36, you need to get 37/38 sometimes to get the right fitting shoes.
2) If you want to buy clothes, do not trust the pictures! Those are overly PS-ed. I am a size S in ZARA/ H&M / Topshop world. However, the experiences of buying clothes from Taobao were so upsetting. I never fit into a size S or M. I have to get size L.
3) Remember this in China! You'll get what you've paid for! Never expected to get a "A+" good with a "D-" price. Compare the items and prices with other sellers. Read the reviews and description box carefully.
You will make a more rational purchase if you have follow what I have mentioned here.