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HDB ramps up solar leasing withlatest tenderThe Housing and DevelopmentBoard (HDB) has called for the largest solar-leasing tender to date, underwhich solar photovoltaic (PV) panels will be installed on the rooftops of about500 HDB blocks managed by the Marine Parade, Jurong, Tampines and Sembawangtown councils. The 20 megawatts-peak (MWp)of electricity generated — enough to power more than 4,000 four-room HDB flats— could be used in common areas, to power lifts, corridor and staircase lights,for example, in these blocks as well as the Toa Payoh HDB Hub, the WoodlandsCivic Centre and a factory building in Bedok North. The tender, which waspublished on May 23 on the Government Electronic Business (GeBIZ) portal andcloses on July 11, eclipses an earlier one put up by the HDB in August last yearfor a company to own and operate 5MWp for 125 blocks — which was then touted asthe single largest project — in Ang Mo Kio, Sengkang, Serangoon Northand Buangkok. The pace at which HDB isramping up solar leasing is a shot in the arm for the development of solarenergy here and proves that the concept is economically viable, expertstold TODAY. When contacted, an HDBspokesperson confirmed that the tender is the largest to date. More detailswill be announced later, she said. In the August tender, theHDB would offset up to 30 per cent of the start-up costs and buy theelectricity from the successful bidder for 20 years at a lower price than theprevailing market rate. The HDB has not announcedthe award of this tender. Dr Thomas Reindl, deputychief executive officer of the Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore,said after Singapore achieved grid parity in 2012 — where the cost ofinstalling and maintaining solar PV panels is on a par with using conventionalelectricity — solar leasing has established itself as a viable business modelin the country. He added: “As soon as itmakes economic sense, the private sector will take care of the market uptakeand fast adoption (of the technology).” RELATED NEWS & OPINIONOther prominentsolar-leasing projects under way include that at the newly opened Sports Hub,to which solar company Phoenix Solar Singapore leases 707kWp. The firm’s commercialdirector Chee Yeen Yee said that while the solar-leasing model is stillrelatively new here, its introduction has opened up a new market that islargely driven by government tenders. Increasingly, commercial building ownersare also showing interest, she added. Sunseap Leasing, asolar-system developer, expressed interest in bidding for the latestHDB tender. The company was awarded atender in January last year to lease 3MWp to 80 blocks of flats in Punggol Eco-Town,among other solar-leasing projects on its books. Its business developmentmanager Shawn Tan noted that the latest tender documents did not provide anoption for bidders to state an amount they require the HDB to subsidise as partof start-up costs. He felt this could possiblyindicate the authorities’ confidence in the viability of the solar-leasingmodel for housing blocks. Instead, bidders areassessed on the efficiency of their systems and the amount of discounts theycan offer on the tariffs, he noted. Town councils involved inthe latest tender told TODAY the use of solar energy is not only good for theenvironment, but will also reduce their electricity bills, which have balloonedin recent years due to higher tariffs. With economic viability nolonger a challenge, professor Subodh Mhaisalkar, executive director of theEnergy Research Institute at Nanyang Technological University, said theintermittency of solar energy — it could be affected by cloud cover, forexample — could become a constraint if Singapore ramps up its use of suchrenewable energy. One of the solutionsinclude looking at storing energy that is generated, he added. 本帖最后由 EuniceLing 于 2-7-2014 09:14 PM 编辑