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发表于 10-4-2011 11:09 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 牛奶大侠 于 14-4-2011 02:33 PM 编辑

事先声明,我只是转载terrly gallyot-mr asia/mr malaysia在他facebook网页上的rating和supplement review相信很多新手都很需要。。

supplement list by Terry Gallyot#1 和 #2 楼
你的Bodytype(ecto,endo or meso) 彗星 #15 楼
supplement review kaysea #16
types of protein 彗星 #11楼

Here's a list of supplements and their ratings.A good guideline for many if you are unsure of the usage and/or usefulness.

0 - Garbage
* - Bad
** - Okay
*** - Decent ( may be useful )
**** - Good ( Is useful )
***** - Excellent ( A must have ! )

Amino Acids
- Amino Acids are basically proteins that are broken
down into their basic building blocks. Amino Acids are very
important factor in anabolism (the building of muscle tissues). They
are essential, But if you already have a high protein diet you may
not need these. Otherwise, a good choice.
Rating ***1\2

- A few supplement companies have claimed boron raises
your testosterone. But I can assure you, it doesn't. Do not waste
your money on this garbage.
Rating 0

- This is an amino acid that promotes fat burning. But it
doesn't do too good of a job. One of the fats that it does burn off is
a good fat (triglycerides). Also gives mild energy boost.
Rating ***

- This is a popular "fat blocker", and some studies have
actually shown that this can block the absorption of fat to your
stomach. But it may also stop the absorption of other essential
vitamin and minerals. I would recommend this product only for
those looking to lose weight, not to gain muscle. You may have
seen commercials about a product called "Cheat and Eat" which is
based on chitosan.
Rating **1\2

- This is probably the most famous of all the fat burners
of the market. Chromium is a good product, It has been proven that
chromium can help you lose fat and gain muscle. The best
chromium product is chromium picolate.
Rating ***

- This is an extract from a plant. It prevents the conversion
of testosterone to estrogen, which is common when you take any
supplement that increases testosterone production and you do not
want that to happen. So if you are taking any supplement that
increases testosterone, it's good to add chrysin.
Rating **

- This product claims to raise your IGF-1 (Insulin Growth
Factor). It's found in a mother's breast milk. But it doesn't give you
anything good because the IGF-1 increase is only good for the
mother's baby. Which makes it useless for you and me.
Rating 0

- Creatine is one of the muscles' main energy sources, the
muscle will store more creatine then we consume in our normal
diets, (creatine is found in a varity of foods, one of the best sources
is lean red meat, so it is a good idea for vegetarians to suppliment
it) by supplementing it the muscles will soak up the extra creatine.
When muscles absorb creatine it also brings water with it, your
muscles are 70 % water) this makes the muscles bigger and
harder. Also when you ingest creatine it is stored, and about 20
minutes later it is transformed into ATP. ATP's are what give your
muscles 'energy' during a workout, on creatine you might be able to
push a few more reps than usual. The best type of creatine to take
is creatine monohydrate. Many companies tell you that you should
'load' on creatine. Which means you should take up to 4 times as
much creatine than usual during the first few weeks on creatine. It
is optional to load.
Rating *****

- This is a diuretic which is pretty useful. Many
bodybuilder use dandelion before contest to get that ultra lean look.
It is included in the popular product 'taraxatone.' I recommend not
to buy dandelion individually, instead purchase a product like
Rating ***1\2

- DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is another testosterone
booster. It doesn't work too well on It's own. But It is very useful
when stacked with tribulus terrestris and Tongkat Ali.
Rating ***

Essential fatty acids (EFAs)
- It was once said that all fats are bad.
This is not entirely true. Now, don't get the idea that you can go to
your favorite fast food restaurant and gain muscle. Unfortunately it
doesn't work that way. The "good" fats are called linoleic (omega-6)
and linolenic (Omega-3.) These are commonly found in cold water
fish like flounder, or in certain oils like soybean oil. So, If you are on
a very low fat diet, EFAs can be very helpful in giving you energy
throughout the day.
Rating ***

Ginkgo Biloba
- This herbs helps concentration. Which may be
helpful to some people at the gym who can't keep up with their sets
(slacking off). I have never tried ginkgo myself but I've heard from
so people that it works, and from other that it only brings on a
painful headache. If you have trouble focusing on your workout at
the gym, give it a try.
Rating **1\2

- Ginseng is an herb that help you cope with stress. I'd say
that about half of the people on ginseng actually experience results.
It comes in many different forms like, Indian, American, Korean,
and Siberian ginseng. They are all not that different but Siberian is
the best.
Rating **

- This very popular arthritis medication that help your
body form cartilage. Many bodybuilders experience pains at their
joints throughout the day from weightlifting.
Rating **

- Glutamine is an amino acid. It's the amino acid which is
found most in human muscle tissue. Therefore making it an
essential to all bodybuilders. Everyone knows that you need protein
to get any bigger, and glutamine is the number one part of the
protein the makes you grow. Glutamine is one of the best, if not the
best supplement on the market today.
Rating - *****

- Guarana is consider to be the herbal form of caffeine.
Guarana is in almost all 'energy' products. It can give you a good
boost of energy during a workout. Best if combined with Ma Huang.
Rating ***

- 5 Hydroxytryptophan is converted into seratonin in your
body. 5-HTP is supposed to help suppress your appetite. Many
people claim that it actually works. If you have trouble dieting, then
give it a try.
Rating ***

Hydroxy Citric Acid (HCA)
- HCA is another appetite suppressant.
HCA is not very popular and doesn't work for everyone. Even if it
does work for you, It won't have a great effect.
Rating *

Lipoic Acid
- This is an insulin like substance. It is found in many
creatine products like Cell Tech. Lipoic Acid actually works great
when used with creatine. Bodybuilders using insulin with creatine
can get steroid like gains. This effect won't entirely happen with
Lipoic acid, but you will get some good gains.
Rating **** (w\creatine)

Medium Chain triglycerides (MCT)
- These are a type of fat which
are less easily stored than normal fat. Back in the days' when
Weight gainer's were the biggest and the best thing around MCT
were very popular. Today my favorite weight gainer contains MCT's
(Champion Nutrition's Heavyweight gainer 900). Do not consume
these thinking it will help lose fat or gain muscle. MCT's are not
important, but are better than regular fat.
Rating *1\2

- Melatonin is the hormone which, in our bodies, tells you
when to go to sleep. It is a natural sleep aid. It may not be that
powerful, but it not addicting like other sleep aids. Bodybuilder's use
Melatonin because the only time you grow is while sleeping.
Rating **

Mexican Yam
- Mexican Yams are supposed to be converted into
DHEA in the body. I say, If you want DHEA buy DHEA! Do buy this!
Rating 0

- Phosphates are used to increase your endurance.
They are also used with creatine, like in EAS Phosphagen HP. I
don't believe this is a good product. Bill Phillips (EAS) made it
popular in his creatine.
Rating *1\2

- This is another testosterone elevating hormonal
compound. It also raises the female hormone progesterone which
is a catabolic hormone. Catabolic means that breaking down of
muscle tissue, which is very bad. In conclusion this is another
supplement that does just about no good at all.
Rating 1\2

- This is a new supplement that is supposed to help you
"lose fat without exercise". Some studies show Pyruvate works, so
show it's just a hype. Pyruvate is supposed to alter your ATP levels
(muscle cell energy) like creatine. Try it out for yourself, But I do
recommend that you do workout while taking it.
Rating ***1\2

Saw palmetto
- This is herb that was first used to help protect the
prostrate for men. Now it was found that it is also anti-estrogenic
(Blocks the harmful female hormone estrogen). Which may help in
making androstene last longer in your system. Saw Palmetto has
also been found to treat acne into some cases.
Rating ***

Shark Cartilage
- This became popular back in the early 90s when
someone said that it could be a cure for cancer. He said that sharks
were the only animal that couldn't get cancer. This started a craze
to get shark cartilage. Later it was found that this was all hype. Now
shark cartilage can help bodybuilders and weightlifters repair
cartilage. By releasing Glucosamine. My opinion is if you want to try
to repair your cartilage buy Glucosamine in it's purified form.
Rating *1\2


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 楼主| 发表于 10-4-2011 11:10 PM | 显示全部楼层
Sterols (Plant Sterols)
- Despite their name "sterols" they have
nothing to do with steroids. Marketers just try to sell it because of
the similarities in names. Sterols do not do anything!
Rating 0

- Like I said before Glutamine was the Number one Amino
acid found in muscle tissue. Taurine is the number two Amino acid
found in muscle tissue. In my opinion just take glutamine. But if you
want to be one small step ahead take both.
Rating ***1\2

Tongkat Ali also know as Long Jack
- has been shown to support
male hormonal balance (including testosterone availability), libido
and performance. Tongkat Ali is a Southeast Asian botanical known
to substantially increase testosterone levels (scientific abstracts
note increased testosterone levels of up to 400%) and anabolic
activity. Used traditionally to enhance energy levels, endurance and
stamina, and to reduce occasional mental fatigue. fatigue.
Rating *****

Tribulus Terrestris
-Tribulus has been a popular medicinal herb in
folk medicine in the East and in Bulgaria since 1981 in the
treatment of sexual deficiency. According to one Bulgarian clinical
study in men it increases libido and increases Testosterone by
38%. Since testosterone promotes protein synthesis, the benefits
are increase in muscle growth and body strength.
Rating *****

Vanadyl Sulfate
- Vanadyl is a good supplement because it makes
your muscles look and feel harder. It is another insulin like
supplement. But vanadyl has been shown to be slightly toxic in high
doses. If you have soft muscles, then give it a try. But follow the
Rating ***

Whey Protein
- Whey protein is by far the best protein there is (for
now). Your diet should always be a high protein diet. Also you
should eat both high protein normal foods plus whey protein
shakes. To figure out your recommended daily protein intake you
should multiply your body weight by at least 1.5 (e.g 200lbs times
1.5 = 300 grams).
Rating *****

White Willow Bark
- This is the herbal form of aspirin. Aspirin
stacked with Ephedrine has shown to reduce fat.
Rating **

- This herb is most widely used by men for sexual
performance. But also is able to stop your body from storing fat (in
small amounts).
Rating ***

转载:supplement guide

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 楼主| 发表于 10-4-2011 11:11 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 牛奶大侠 于 10-4-2011 11:14 PM 编辑

欢迎分享讨论,我们这里很开通,什么人都欢迎,不会酸葡萄或者说我要躲起来也不会一直spam amino acid

最后终告:real food永远都是 > supplement

Supplements are great but they're not the cure-all and they certainly won't turn you into a powerful, muscular, ripped guy over night. Want to know the best way to accomplish those goals? Eat high-quality food, train consistently, know which supplements to take at the right time, and get enough water and sleep. Not too f***ing hard (though a lot of people will try to convince you it is).

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发表于 10-4-2011 11:22 PM | 显示全部楼层
欢迎分享讨论,我们这里很开通,什么人都欢迎,不会酸葡 ...
牛奶大侠 发表于 10-4-2011 11:11 PM


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 楼主| 发表于 10-4-2011 11:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
KaySea 发表于 10-4-2011 11:22 PM


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发表于 10-4-2011 11:24 PM | 显示全部楼层
gnc 的 mega men multivitamin 里的 amino acid 成分如何?

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Follow Us
发表于 10-4-2011 11:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
牛奶大侠 发表于 10-4-2011 11:23 PM


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 楼主| 发表于 10-4-2011 11:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
gnc 的 mega men multivitamin 里的 amino acid 成分如何?
红色乂天空 发表于 10-4-2011 11:24 PM


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 楼主| 发表于 10-4-2011 11:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
KaySea 发表于 10-4-2011 11:26 PM

我还是比较喜欢自然食物。。rf !

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发表于 10-4-2011 11:29 PM | 显示全部楼层
gnc 的 mega men multivitamin 里的 amino acid 成分如何?
红色乂天空 发表于 10-4-2011 11:24 PM

   通常如果你要amino acid...就直接买amino acid的capsule比较好...


gaspari anavite, universal nutrition animal pak

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 楼主| 发表于 10-4-2011 11:43 PM | 显示全部楼层
基本上weight gainer和mass gainer都是一样的
都是一些fancy terms而已,都是一些糖+protein来达到你的卡路里需要



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发表于 10-4-2011 11:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
会慢慢 ...
牛奶大侠 发表于 10-4-2011 11:28 PM

例如:pizza, McD, KFC, maggie goreng, nasi lemak, roti canai

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发表于 11-4-2011 12:21 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 彗星 于 11-4-2011 12:22 AM 编辑
gnc 的 mega men multivitamin 里的 amino acid 成分如何?
红色乂天空 发表于 10-4-2011 11:24 PM


terry gallyot可是德高望重,SALUTE!


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发表于 11-4-2011 12:25 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 13# 彗星


Amount Per Serving% Daily Value*


Vitamin A (as Retinyl Acetate)2500 IU100%
Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid &    Calcium Ascorbate)150 mg250%
Vitamin D (as Ergocalciferol)90 IU23%
Vitamin E (as Natural d-alpha Tocopheryl    Succinate)50 IU167%
Thiamin (Vitamin B-1) (as Thiamin    Mononitrate)25 mg1667%
Riboflavin (Vitamin B-2)25 mg1471%
Niacin25 mg125%
Vitamin B-6 (as Pyridoxine    Hydrochloride)25 mg1250%
Folic Acid200 mcg50%
Vitamin B-12 (as Cyanocobalamin)25 mcg417%
Biotin150 mcg50%
Pantothenic Acid (as Calcium    d-Pantothenate)25 mg250%

Calcium (as calcium carbonate and    calcium citrate malate)100 mg10%
Iodine (as Potassium Iodide)75 mcg50%
Magnesium (as Magnesium Oxide)50 mg13%
Zinc (as Zinc Oxide)12.5 mg83%
Selenium (as Hydrolyzed Protein Chelate)100 mcg143%
Copper (as Copper Gluconate)1 mg50%
Manganese (as Manganese Sulfate)1 mg50%
Chromium (as Hydrolyzed Protein Chelate)60 mcg50%
Molybdenum (as Sodium Molybdate)37.5 mcg50%
Proprietary Amino Acid Blend50 mg*
L-Methionine,  L-Glutamine,  L-Arginine



Citrus Bioflavonoids Complex35 mg*
Grape Seed Extract (Vitis vinifera)17.5 mg*
Spinach Powder (Spinacia oleracea)17.5 mg*
Alpha Lipoic Acid12.5 mg*
Green Tea Leaves Extract (camellia    sinensis)5 mg*
Choline (as choline bitartrate)5 mg*
Inositol5 mg*
Silica (as Silicon Dioxide)2 mg*
Boron (as Hydrolyzed Protein Chelate)1 mg*
Natural Mixed Carotenoids0.75 mg*
Lutein (as Lutein Esters)475 mcg*
Lycopene475 mcg*
Astaxanthin25 mcg*
Zeaxanthin25 mcg*
Vanadium (as Sodium Metavanadate)5 mcg*


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发表于 11-4-2011 12:29 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 彗星 于 14-4-2011 02:03 PM 编辑


  • lightly        muscled

  • stoop-shouldered

  • Has        trouble gaining weight.

  • High        metabolism rate

  • muscle        growth takes longer.

  • Thin/        Underweight         

  • BMI <18 (bamboo stick)

Key to remember

  • training session-> not        too often or for too long

  • fairly        heavy and workout pace slower

  • should        eat high in calories (good quality food but not junk)

  • cut        down high intensity cardio/aerobic activities eg: marathon, dancing        etc

Supplementthat suitable

  • High        calories & high protein

  • 1000+        calories per serving

  • 50+g        protein per serving

  • eg:        ON serious mass 1250/serving 50g protein, ULT MJ 1020/serving 56g        protein, Dyma super mass gainer 1280/serving 52g protein


  • gains        or loses weight easily

  • grows        muscle quickly

  • athletic

  • thick        skin

  • normal        BMI 18~23

Keyto remember

  • naturally        fit body

  • have        to exercise and diet to maintain and improve

  • training->        longer and often

  • can        do aerobic but not too excess if want lean bulk

Supplementthat suitable

  • intermediate        level calories and high protein

  • concentrate        on sugar level/serving(lean mass gainer 1-10g)

  • 50+        g protein per serving

  • Eg: ULT isomass gainer, un real        gain, gaspari real mass, mhp up ur mass, bsn true mass


    • Flabby

    • Big                appetite

    • trouble                losing weight                

    • BMI                at border of overweight

Keyto remember

  • Trouble        losing fat

  • Have        to diet properly

  • Increase        cardio intensity to increase metabolism weight

  • Fast        training pace (moderate weight with less resting time)

  • lower        calorie intake

Supplementthat suitable

  • Lower        calories and moderate protein level

  • 100-200        calories/ 20-30g protein for 1 scoop

  • Normally,        whey protein or sustained released protein like protein blends are        suitable

  • Eg:        ult prostar 100% whey, ult iso sensation 93, ult protein sensation        81, un ultra whey pro, scivation whey, gaspari intrapro, gaspari        myofusion,         

当你开始做GYM 后,就很难那BMI(身高+体重比例)做标准了。你去照个镜子或放个照片,看看身形。
1. 你对自己的身型还满意吗?
   -满意,我只是想要更多肌肉线条,不要大了---->WHEY PROTEIN或PROTEIN BLEND, 卡路里大概100-300就好
   -有一点不满意,我只是要大只一点点,因为有正常体重了,。可能需要UPPER BODY再UP一点点就好。可是我不要GAIN到大大个肚腩出来---->MASS GAINER,卡路里大概500-600,蛋白质40-50克,注意SUGAR LEVEL,大概10-20克。因为糖份不是一个很好的卡路里SOURCES。
   -超级不满意,太瘦了,骨头而已,我要增多几KG,管它是肚腩,肥油或是肌肉---->WEIGHT GAINER, 卡路里大概1000-1200,蛋白质50克+,注意SUGAR LEVEL,大概20-60克。糖份比较高,但是在这个PHASE是这样的,也要适量的拿铁,不拿铁就根本不好看,拿太多会GAIN不到,自己ADJUST。

DISCLAIMER:有关文章我已整理在一页,所有资料只供参考,而且所提到的所有SUPPLEMENT是不适合治疗疾病,没有运动者,也不是减肥。这是一个交流平台,全部纯属个人意见。。。READ AT YOUR OWN RISK

使用道具 举报

发表于 11-4-2011 12:30 AM | 显示全部楼层

首先如果一个新手想用supplement...先要考虑的是whey protein...whey protein可以供给人体需要的蛋白质...
whey protein容易吸收也很快吸收...适合健身后喝...
可以自己加些牛奶,麦片等...就是不错的protein shake了...
也适合在其他时段喝,不过不是一个很好的meal replacement...原因:只有蛋白质,没有carbs和一些fat...
whey protein在人体里1-2小时就被消化了...如果拿来睡觉前喝,就有些太快了...睡前可以用casein protein(不过偏贵)

还有另一种就是whey blends,里面有不同的蛋白质种类...可以在人体4-6小时
所以现在蛮多人开始用whey blends来取代纯whey protein了...
至于要whey protein还是whey blends两者来选, 我个人比较推荐whey blends...

creatine...最好的creatine是creatine monohydrates...
creatine monohydrates通常一天5g就够了...
可以分开workout前2.5g...(creatine也会给energy) workout后加进protein shake里2.5g...

glutamine...amino acid的一种...
protein分解成最小的就是amino acid...glutamine是人体最多的amino acid...


1. whey protein
2. multivitamin
3. creatine
4. glutamine

creatine 和 glutamine 算是蛮便宜的supplements...
你可以找到1kg creatine RM83...如果你一天5g...可以吃200天...

***但是还是whey protein最重要的***

可以考虑一些其他的...如BCAA, amino acid, nitrix oxide等等....


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发表于 11-4-2011 12:35 AM | 显示全部楼层
[quote]回复  彗星

Proprietary Amino Acid Blend50 mg*
L-Methionine,  L-Glutamine,  L-Arginine



50mg= 0.05g都不到1克的重量。。。这么少呀 ...............

使用道具 举报

发表于 11-4-2011 12:36 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 KaySea 于 11-4-2011 12:37 AM 编辑

   分享一片文章 "You Don't Need a Bunch of Supplements" by Nate Green

A supplement, as I said in my frst book Built for Show, is something that you add to an already existing protocol. It doesn't replace the entire protocol. I used to work for T-Nation.com which is owned by Biotest.

Biotest, if you don't know, is arguably one of the best sports nutrition companies in the world and makes a couple dozen products to help people gain muscle, lose fat, and perform better.

But here's the thing: you don't need any of that stuff. Does some of it help? Sure. Do you need it? Nope. Most people don't know, but when I gained 40 pounds of muscle, I was only using a basic protein powder and a workout drink. I bought them on my own and I used them on workout days. They helped me gain muscle, but they weren't the reason I gained muscle. They maybe accounted for 5 percent of my overall success.

I know guys who give up their whole paycheck to buy supplements. And marketing has us believing we actually need all of it. When I worked for Biotest, I used to get a gigantic box of whatever the hell I wanted for free. I experimented with different powders and pills (all legal) and saw some decent progress.

But nothing like it was when my body was primed to grow a few years ago.

The bottom line: supplements can help, but they're not necessary. Far from it, really.


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发表于 11-4-2011 12:42 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 16# KaySea

1. whey protein
2. multivitamin
3. creatine
4. glutamine

1. protein
4.其他如:multivitamines,amino acids,tribulus terrestis +++


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 楼主| 发表于 11-4-2011 12:45 AM | 显示全部楼层
分享一片文章 "You Don't Need a Bunch of Supplements" by Nate Green

A supplement, as I said i ...
KaySea 发表于 11-4-2011 12:36 AM

很好的一篇文章supplement at right time=growth explode

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