本帖最后由 jacazan 于 30-3-2011 02:05 AM 编辑
I am a graduate student studying MSc Organisational Psychology at University of Manchester in UK. I am conducting research on the effects of job stressors and personality on the burnout level of Malaysian Primary School teachers. This area of research is unique, as it would be the first to study the job-related attitudes among teachers in Chinese Primary School (SJK C) in Malaysia.
It is hope that through your participation in this study, you will gain an opportunity to reflect on your past and current work experience, which may then contribute to your personal growth. Besides that, I hope to achieve a better understanding ofthe health and well-being of teachers in Malaysia.
For this study,the only criterion you would have to meet is you will have to be a Chinese Primary School Teacher employed by the Ministry of Education for over the past year. Each teacher will be asked to complete a demographic form, an ASSET stress survey, a Big Five Personality inventory, and a Copenhagen Burnout Inventory. Your time commitment to this study will be approximately 20minutes. You will be free to withdraw from the study if you do not feel comfortable at any point of the study. Please note that your confidentiality is 100% guaranteed and that the information will only be used for research purposes.
If you have any questions or concerns about being involved in this study, please feel free to contact me.
If you have decided to participate in this study, please click this link below tostart the online survey:
http://www.kwiksurveys.com?s=IODOOJ_cd6ecb4c 很感激几位老师的参与!可能我的survey set up另你们有一些困惑的地方。请记得在填完demographic information过后,按”NEXT” button进入其于的问卷问题!!(一共6页)谢谢!!
请老师们帮帮忙!如果您有朋友也是华小老师(男女老少都可以!),也请他们参与这份调查问卷,因为我需要大量的data!Your help will be very much appreciated!谢谢!! |