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[ 本帖最后由 Mr.Business 于 25-11-2008 05:55 PM 编辑 ] |
楼主 |
发表于 25-11-2008 05:47 PM
2006年07月01日 15:41
“我很喜欢读传记,”芒格说,“我认为,如果你想把一些伟大的有用的思想教给人们的话,传记是一种更易于使人们将思想创立者的生活与人格联系在一起的方式。如果你同亚当·斯密交朋友,你会把经济学学得更好。‘同那些已经过世的伟人交朋友’这听起来很荒唐。但是如果你一生中总是与那些有远见卓识的‘故人’ 交友的话,那么你将生活得更好,更有教养。这比仅仅讲一些大道理强多了。”
苏格拉底曾说:“未曾经历考验的生命不配活着。”( Unexamining life is not worth of living.)芒格所经历的常人难以忍受的苦难和不幸,正折射出他的英雄品质:正直诚实、坚韧不拔、积极乐观。
http://www.ce.cn/xwzx/xwrwzhk/pe ... 60701_7583413.shtml |
楼主 |
发表于 25-11-2008 05:49 PM
时间:2006-03-20 07:00
在过去的40多年里,沃伦·巴菲特(W a r r e n B u f f e t t)和他的伯克夏·哈撒韦(Berkshire Hathaway,BRK.A)公司过于耀眼,即便聪明绝顶、傲气十足的金融天才都无不怀着崇敬之情研读“股神”巴菲特的一言一行。巴菲特身后那道闪闪的光晕,几乎遮蔽了他周围所有的人。
听到这句话,查理·芒格(CharlesT.Munger)一定会感到很欣慰,45年来跟巴菲特相识相知的一幕幕场景想必会霎时浮现心头。作为巴菲特的合伙人和挚友,他担任着伯克夏·哈撒韦公司的董事会副主席——与巴菲特一起坐在伯克夏股东大会的主席台上宣读“告股东书”的家伙。与巴菲特不同的是,他患有 “媒体害羞症”,因此罕有人真正了解他。巴菲特对芒格十分信任:“一旦我出现任何不测,查理·芒格将马上执掌伯克夏公司的帅印。”
http://info.china.alibaba.com/ne ... #newsdetail-content |
楼主 |
发表于 25-11-2008 05:52 PM
[ 2006-6-30 11:26:00 | Author: QUANDE ]
■ 我认识一位制造钓钩的人,他制作了一些闪闪发光的绿色和紫色鱼饵。我问:“鱼会喜欢这些鱼饵吗?”“查理”,他说,“我可并不是把鱼饵卖给鱼的呀”。
■ 我想自己不是受到良好教育的典范,我是自己学会通过阅读而获取自己想要的信息的。我一生中常常如此。我经常是更喜欢已经作古的杰出导师而不喜欢仍在人世的老师。
■ 在遭遇一件令你难以接受的悲剧时,你永远也不能因为摆脱不掉它的困扰、在生活中再屡遭失败而让这一件悲剧变成两件、三件。
■ 生活就是一连串的“机会成本”,你要与你能较容易找到的最好的人结婚,投资与此何其相似啊。
■ 我喜欢资本家的独立。我素来有一种赌博倾向。我喜欢构思计划然后下赌注,所以无论发生什么事我都能泰然处之。
■ 一个素质良好的企业和一个苟延残喘的企业之间的区别就在于,好企业一个接一个轻松地作出决定,而糟糕的企业则不断地需要作出痛苦的抉择。
■ 如果你的思维完全依赖于他人,只要一超出你的领域,就求助专家建议,那么你将遭受很多灾难。
■ 本·格雷厄姆有一些盲点,他过低估计事实,而那些事实值得花大本钱投入。
■ 我从不为股票而支付内在价值,除非像沃伦·巴菲特那种人所掌管的股票,只有很少人值得为了长期利益投资一点,投资游戏总是蕴含考虑质量与价格,技巧就是从你付出的价格中获得更好的质量,很简单。
■ 不要同一头猪摔跤,因为这样你会把全身弄脏,而对方却乐此不疲。
■ 人们低估了那些简单大道理的重要性。我认为,在某种意义上说,伯克夏·哈萨维是一个教导性的企业,它教会一种正确的思维体系。最关键的课程是,一些大的道理真的在起作用。我想我们的这种渗透已经起到了非常好的作用——因为它们是如此简单。
■ 所谓投资这种游戏就是比别人更好地对未来作出预测。你怎样才能够比别人做出更好的预测呢?一种方法是把你的种种尝试限制在自己能力许可的那些个领域当中。如果你花费力气想要预测未来的每一件事情,那你尝试去做的事情太多了。你将会因为缺乏限制而走向失败。
■ 沃伦和我决不会停止批评投资银行业务文化中的某些方面。想要人们生活在有严重毒气漂浮的环境中却不会偶尔发出抱怨之词,那是件很困难的事情。
■ 对我来说,在共同基金业务中发生了什么真是令人吃惊,它只是成长、成长和成长。而且他们获得了这些费用只不过是为了把那些股票保持在原来的位置上——12-B-1费用或者随便他们怎么叫它,我没有被那项业务的技巧所迷惑。
http://quande.blog.cnstock.com/archives/2006/4501.html |
楼主 |
发表于 25-11-2008 05:58 PM
2、芒格不若巴菲特般,对格兰姆有特别的情感与崇敬,格兰姆有些看法根本无法打动他,芒格表示,“我认为其中很多想法简直是疯狂,忽略了相关事实,特别是他看事情有盲点,对于有些实际上值得以溢价买进的企业的评价过低。”但是芒格认同葛拉汉最基本的教条,这些教条自始都是芒格-巴菲特成功准则的一部份,他说: “对私人股东和股票投资人而言,依据内在价值而非价格动能来买卖股票的价值基本概念,永不过时。”
5、巴菲特赞同陆米思的解释:“如同格兰姆教导我挑选廉价股,芒格不断告诫我不要只买进廉价品,这是他对我最大的影响,让我有力量摆脱格兰姆的局限观点,这就是芒格的才智所展现的力量,他开拓了我的视野。”巴菲特表示,自己许多见解是慢慢向芒格的观点靠拢。 巴菲特对此简单补充道:“如果我只听格兰姆的就不会像今天这么富有。”话虽如此,巴菲特很快就将他得自葛拉汉和芒格的观点融合,他说:“我现在对以合理的价格买进出色的公司很感兴趣。”
http://ido.thethirdmedia.com/art ... --%20ido.3mt.com.cn |
楼主 |
发表于 25-11-2008 06:03 PM
Friday, October 18, 1996
Banking & Finance
Friendly investment advice from Warren Buffett's buddy
San Francisco Business Times - by Mark Calvey
IT PAYS TO BUY QUALITY: Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett's sidekick at Berkshire Hathaway Inc., shared his thoughts on investing during a recent visit to San Francisco. He tossed in a little personal advice for good measure.
His speech at the Oct. 10 Mein Indicator Lunch focused on the peculiar characteristics of Omaha-based Berkshire, of which he's vice chairman.
Munger is widely credited for expanding Buffett's investment horizons to include fully valued companies that have superior franchises, management teams or other characteristics that foster growth year in and year out. Munger persuaded Buffett to embark on the new investment strategy with the 1972 acquisition of South San Francisco's See's Candies for $25 million -- a tiny fraction of what it's worth today.
"See's candy company was the first high-quality business we ever bought," he observed. See's also demonstrated to Berkshire the value of building a "seamless web of trust" between a company and its customers and suppliers, he said in making the point that doing the right thing can pay big dividends both personally and professionally.
Berkshire has a lot of patience in waiting for the right investment opportunities to come along, and similar patience and selectivity can be useful in one's personal life as well, Munger said.
"When you have doubts about a person, you can pass," he said. "There's enough nice people to interface with."
Other observations Munger shared:
• Strategic plans prompt people to do something when sometimes the best course of action is no action.
"Strategic plans cause more dumb decisions than anything else in America."
• Berkshire's mistakes tended to be "great losses of omission.
"If we had invested in McDonald's in its infancy ..." he ruminated. Berkshire recently acquired a significant stake in the nation's largest restaurant chain.
• Know your limits.
"A money manager with an IQ of 160 and thinks it's 180 will kill you," he said. "Going with a money manager with an IQ of 130 who thinks its 125 could serve you well."
• Berkshire buys so many simple things.
"How smart do you have to be to own Coca-Cola?" he asked of the company that has built a worldwide empire on brown sugar water and astute marketing. "Why doesn't Coca-Cola get through to other people?"
LIKE BEES TO HONEY: Where there's wealth, bankers will soon follow.
This is evident in the number of banks and financial firms rushing into California to ride the wave of wealth creation.
Fortunes are being made in high tech, entertainment and trade to name just a few of the sectors contributing to the state's robust economy.
One indication of how much wealth resides in the state can be found on the recently released 1996 Forbes 400 list of the wealthiest.
Almost a fourth of those making the list are Californians. New York is a distant second with 58 residents; Texas, 35; and Florida, 25.
http://sanfrancisco.bizjournals. ... 21/newscolumn6.html |
楼主 |
发表于 25-11-2008 06:05 PM
The World According to "Poor Charlie"
Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet's number two speaks to Kiplinger's about investing, Berkshire and more.
December 2005
Charlie Munger has been Warren Buffett's partner and alter ego for more than 45 years. The pair has produced one of the best investing records in history. Shares of Berkshire Hathaway, of which Munger is vice chairman, have gained an annualized 24% over the past 40 years. The conglomerate, which the stock market values at $130 billion, owns and operates more than 65 businesses and invests in many others. Buffett's annual reports are studied by money managers. But Munger, 81, has always been media shy. That changed when Peter Kaufman compiled Munger's writing and speeches in a new book, Poor Charlie's Almanack: The Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger ($49.00, PCA Publications). Here Munger speaks with Kiplinger's Steven Goldberg.
Why has Berkshire done so well?
Just remember that we had a long run and an early start, particularly in Warren's case. It's much easier for me to talk about Warren than myself, so let's talk about Warren. Not only did he have a long run from an early start, but he got very smart very young -- then continuously improved over 50 years.
Buffett was a student of Ben Graham, the father of security analysis. He was buying deep value stocks -- "cigar butts" -- until you got involved.
If I'd never lived, Warren would have morphed into liking the better businesses better and being less interested in deep-value cigar butts. The supply of cigar butts was running out. And the tax code gives you an enormous advantage if you can find some things you can just sit with.
There are a whole lot of reasons, and Warren was a natural for always just getting smarter. The natural drift was going that way without Charlie Munger. But he'd been brainwashed a little by worshiping Ben Graham and making so much money following traditional Graham methods that I may have pushed him along a little faster in the direction that he was already going.
How do you work together?
Well, it's mostly the telephone and as the years have gone on, and I've passed 80 and Warren is 75, there's less contact on the phone. Warren is a lot busier now than he was when he was younger. Warren has an enormous amount of contact with the operating businesses compared to what he had early in his career. And, again, he does almost all of that by phone, although he does fly around some.
What are your work styles like?
We have certain things in common. We both hate to have too many forward commitments in our schedules. We both insist on a lot of time being available almost every day to just sit and think. That is very uncommon in American business. We read and think. So Warren and I do more reading and thinking and less doing than most people in business. We do that because we like that kind of a life. But we've turned that quirk into a positive outcome for ourselves.
How much of your success is from investing and how much from managing businesses?
Understanding how to be a good investor makes you a better business manager and vice versa.
Warren's way of managing businesses does not take a lot of time. I would bet that something like half of our business operations have never had the foot of Warren Buffet in them. It's not a very burdensome type of business management.
The business management record of Warren is pretty damn good, and I think it's frequently underestimated. He is a better business executive for spending no time engaged in micromanagement.
Your book takes a very multi-disciplinary approach. Why?
It's very useful to have a good grasp of all the big ideas in hard and soft science. A, it gives perspective. B, it gives a way for you to organize and file away experience in your head, so to speak.
The World According to "Poor Charlie"
Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet's number two speaks to Kiplinger's about investing, Berkshire and more.
December 2005
Charlie Munger has been Warren Buffett's partner and alter ego for more than 45 years. The pair has produced one of the best investing records in history. Shares of Berkshire Hathaway, of which Munger is vice chairman, have gained an annualized 24% over the past 40 years. The conglomerate, which the stock market values at $130 billion, owns and operates more than 65 businesses and invests in many others. Buffett's annual reports are studied by money managers. But Munger, 81, has always been media shy. That changed when Peter Kaufman compiled Munger's writing and speeches in a new book, Poor Charlie's Almanack: The Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger ($49.00, PCA Publications). Here Munger speaks with Kiplinger's Steven Goldberg.
Why has Berkshire done so well?
Just remember that we had a long run and an early start, particularly in Warren's case. It's much easier for me to talk about Warren than myself, so let's talk about Warren. Not only did he have a long run from an early start, but he got very smart very young -- then continuously improved over 50 years.
Buffett was a student of Ben Graham, the father of security analysis. He was buying deep value stocks -- "cigar butts" -- until you got involved.
If I'd never lived, Warren would have morphed into liking the better businesses better and being less interested in deep-value cigar butts. The supply of cigar butts was running out. And the tax code gives you an enormous advantage if you can find some things you can just sit with.
There are a whole lot of reasons, and Warren was a natural for always just getting smarter. The natural drift was going that way without Charlie Munger. But he'd been brainwashed a little by worshiping Ben Graham and making so much money following traditional Graham methods that I may have pushed him along a little faster in the direction that he was already going.
How do you work together?
Well, it's mostly the telephone and as the years have gone on, and I've passed 80 and Warren is 75, there's less contact on the phone. Warren is a lot busier now than he was when he was younger. Warren has an enormous amount of contact with the operating businesses compared to what he had early in his career. And, again, he does almost all of that by phone, although he does fly around some.
What are your work styles like?
We have certain things in common. We both hate to have too many forward commitments in our schedules. We both insist on a lot of time being available almost every day to just sit and think. That is very uncommon in American business. We read and think. So Warren and I do more reading and thinking and less doing than most people in business. We do that because we like that kind of a life. But we've turned that quirk into a positive outcome for ourselves.
How much of your success is from investing and how much from managing businesses?
Understanding how to be a good investor makes you a better business manager and vice versa.
Warren's way of managing businesses does not take a lot of time. I would bet that something like half of our business operations have never had the foot of Warren Buffet in them. It's not a very burdensome type of business management.
The business management record of Warren is pretty damn good, and I think it's frequently underestimated. He is a better business executive for spending no time engaged in micromanagement.
Your book takes a very multi-disciplinary approach. Why?
It's very useful to have a good grasp of all the big ideas in hard and soft science. A, it gives perspective. B, it gives a way for you to organize and file away experience in your head, so to speak.
Is there a bubble in the real estate?
When I see people going to some old flea-bitten old condo and the list price is $1.8 million, and they decide to put it on the market for $2.2 million, and five people start bidding for it, and they sell it for $2.7 million, I say that's a bubble. So there are some bubbly places in the economy. I am amazed at the price of real estate in Manhattan.
So there is some bubble in the game. Is it going to go back to really cheap houses in good neighborhoods in good cities? I don't think so. So I think there will be huge collapses in some places, but, on average, I think that good houses in good places are going to be plenty expensive in future years.
Is there a bubble in energy stocks?
When it gets into these spikes, with shortages and uproar and so forth, people go bananas, but that's capitalism. If the price of automobiles were going up 40% a year, you'd have a boom in auto stocks. But if you stop to think about it, of the companies that you could have bought in, say, 1911, to hold for a long time, one of the very best stocks would have been Rockefeller's Standard Oil Trust. It became almost all of today's integrated oil companies.
How do you feel most corporate citizens behave in the U.S.?
Well, I disapprove of the way most executive compensation is arranged in America. I think it goes to gross excess. And I certainly don't like phony accounting that takes part of the real cost of running the business and doesn't run it through the income account as a charge against the reported earnings. I don't like dishonorable, lying accounting.
Do you think the stock market will return its long-term annualized 10% in the next decade?
A good figure for rational expectation would be no higher than 6%. I think it's unreasonable to assume that the world is going to try to arrange itself so that the inactive, asset-owning class is going to get a much higher share of the GDP than it normally gets. When you start thinking that way, you get into these modest figures. The reason the return has been so good in the past is that the price-earnings ratio went way up.
Ibbotson finds 10% average returns back to 1926, and Jeremy Siegel has found roughly the same back to 1802.
Jeremy Siegel's numbers are total balderdash. When you go back that long ago, you've got a different bunch of companies. You've got a bunch of railroads. It's a different world. I think it's like extrapolating human development by looking at the evolution of life from the worm on up. He's a nut case. There wasn't enough common stock investment for the ordinary person in 1880 to put in your eye.
What do you see for bonds?
The bond market has fewer opportunities now. The short-term rates are the same as the long-term rates, and the premium interest rate you get for taking risk is lower than it ought to be, given the risk. By definition, that's a world in which bond investment is much tougher to do with great advantage.
What do you expect in terms of returns for Berkshire Hathaway?
We have solemnly promised our shareholders that our future returns will be considerably below our previous returns.
But annual reports have been saying that year after year after year.
But lately we've been better at doing what we have long predicted.
What happens to Berkshire after the two of you?
Well, the world will go on and, in my opinion, Berkshire will still be a strong, rich place and with a central culture that will be shrewd and risk-averse. But do I think that we will get another person better than Warren to come in and replace Warren? I think the odds are against it.
http://www.kiplinger.com/feature ... er3.html?kipad_id=1 |
发表于 25-11-2008 06:45 PM
中东股神也落难 阿瓦里德身价暴跌130亿
大纪元11月25日讯】(自由时报编译陈柏诚/特稿) 金融危机肆虐全球,享有中东巴菲特美誉的沙特阿拉伯王子阿瓦里德(Alwaleed )和正牌巴菲特(Warren Buffet )纷纷中箭落马,财富一夕锐减。两人的投资都禁不起金融风暴的考验,证明投资市场没有神仙。
阿瓦里德旗下王国控股(Kingdom Holding co. )今年迄今股价重挫逾六成,海外投资在金融危机中亏损上百亿美元,比巴菲特还惨;巴菲特所属伯克夏海瑟威上季获利骤减七成七,股价连跌9日,投资人叫苦连天。 投资花旗 跻身全球五大富豪 阿瓦里德当年投资濒临破产的花旗,由于花旗股价上涨带动身价暴涨,一度让他跻身全球前五大富豪,并被时代杂志冠上中东巴菲特的美名。不过时移势易,饱受金融风暴蹂躏的花旗,今年以来股价下跌接近八成,本月市值蒸发超过一半,导致阿瓦里德的获利跟着下滑。不过经多年的股票分拆、收购以及分割后,阿瓦里德的投资仍旧保有盈余。 彭博报导指出,花旗1997到2007年的平均股价为四十二美元,阿瓦里德自1997年以相当于每股二·九八美元入股花旗,时至今日,花旗在计入逾一三○亿美元的亏损和资产减记后,股价仍接近他当初买进成本的三倍,这或许正是阿瓦里德近日大胆将花旗持股由低于4%增加到5%的主因,他强调,“有些资产我永远也不会卖。” 除花旗外,阿瓦里德透过王国控股,在中东以外国家持有十四家公司的股权,不过今年以来王国控股股价下跌63%,阿瓦里德的资产因而缩水一三○亿美元,这才是让他身价暴跌的主因。 不管是美国或是中东巴菲特,他们都是靠投资股价遭低估的品牌公司赚到大钱。阿瓦里德的投资组合包括苹果、新闻集团以及时代华纳,主要是透过一九九○年代以低价买进大量花旗的股票,身价由少于一百万美元骤升到逾两百亿美元,不过他奢侈成性,为名副其实的暴发户,和巴菲特的节俭个性截然不同。阿瓦里德是全球第一个购买世上最大飞机A380的私人客户,他耗资一亿美元的利雅德宫殿共有三一七个房间,而巴菲特则长年驾驶着一辆2001年出厂的林肯轿车,住在当初以三万多美元买下的普通住宅,两人的作风有天壤之别。 (http://www.dajiyuan.com) |
发表于 25-11-2008 09:32 PM
我很欣赏 charlie munger,高龄、半盲,还很勤力地用大镜来阅读!~ |
发表于 26-11-2008 09:44 AM
"投资游戏总是緼含考虑质量与价格,技巧就是从你付出的价格中获得更好的质量,很简单" - charlie munger
一针见血的把价值投资说的一清二楚,也是很多投资者冲不破的墙。太相信书本和分析员说的 -- 每一个股票都有它应有的价值。
如果你可以把质量作为投资的切入点,那你已离开价值投资不远了!!! |
发表于 26-11-2008 10:14 AM
回复 10# secondbrother 的帖子
二哥,看了3篇 参不透质量的真正含义
你所谓的“质量“ 是什么意思?
请指教 |
发表于 26-11-2008 10:18 AM
回复 11# 江湖 的帖子
正在努力搜索中。。。 |
发表于 26-11-2008 11:27 AM
质量 英语就是 qualitative。
1. 管理层的素质
2. 公司的 policy 和 纪律
3. 竞争能力 (competitive edge)
4. 盈利的素质 (quality of profit)
5. 行业的优势
6. pricing power
7. corporate governance
8. 公平对待所有的股东,尤其是小股东
9. 等等。。。。
如果一间公司不符合已上的东东,它更本没有价值可言。这也跟书本和 analyst 说的 everything has a price 不合。
一些人说 public bank 是亚洲最贵的银行,它在 3.0 NTA 上下交易,但他们却忘了它的质量。 |
发表于 26-11-2008 09:04 PM
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