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【托雷斯 走了】我去Chelsea鸟~88

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发表于 4-6-2008 02:45 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 sperkey2 于 1-2-2011 11:51 AM 编辑

1984年出生的费尔南多·托雷斯被预为是西班牙的足球神童,19岁的托雷斯的履历已经足够神奇:U-16和U-19欧洲杯冠军,并且是这两届杯赛的最佳射手。在联赛中大发异彩的他已经成为了西班牙国家队最年轻的国脚,并有了"劳尔二世"的绰号。 托雷斯脚下技术出色,无论是在禁区外还是在禁区内他都是对方门将的恶梦。















喜欢的衣服品牌:运动装:耐克;休闲装:Armani;正式场合:Hugo Boss

喜欢的香水品牌:Hugo Boss














Player - Fernando Torres   


Goal - Boubacar Sanogo  
Controversy - Aiden McGeady  
Gaffe - Abdou Traore   
Moment - Massimo Donati  
Comeback - Aaron Hunt   
Match - Stuttgart 3 Rangers 2   
Team of the week  

                                christian vander  
christian panucci        mladen krstajic        naldo         ashley cole  
(帕努奇-罗马)    (科斯塔季奇-沙尔克04)(纳尔多-不莱梅) (阿科尔-切尔西)  
   joe cole           barry ferguson     pernambucano juninho   predrag djordjevic  
(乔科尔-切尔西)  (弗格森?-格拉斯哥)  (儒尼尼奥-里昂)  (乔尔捷维奇-奥林匹亚科斯)  
                      didier drogba       fernando torres  
                        (如花-切尔西)  (NINO-我军)





1#                    托雷斯个人资料
2#                    关于托雷斯的短片
3#                    托雷斯西班牙专访
4#                    托雷斯变身香蕉超人
5#                    托雷斯的精彩时刻
6-10#              新闻
11#                  托雷斯专访
12#                  托雷斯07/08进球纪录
13-18#            托雷斯childhood(1984-2006)
19#                  废话
20#                  托雷斯庆祝进球图集
21#                  托雷斯拜年
22#                  拉法、阿隆索、托雷斯出席TVE转播英超宣传活动
23#                  短片 托雷斯-The Man Of The Year
                                                 -Nike Advert
24#                  短片 托雷斯-speed painting

[ 本帖最后由 sperkey2 于 9-11-2009 08:56 AM 编辑 ]


参与人数 1积分 +20 收起 理由
hihaboy + 20 将要开赛咯 希望你能好好经营这楼!



使用道具 举报


 楼主| 发表于 4-6-2008 03:03 AM | 显示全部楼层

Fernando Torres Welcome to Liverpool Compilation


Fernando Torres - First 25 goals in season 07-08

Fernando Torres top 10 goals

Fernando Torres Nike Total 90 Laser Ad

Fernando Torres 踢手榴弹

[ 本帖最后由 sperkey2 于 5-6-2008 10:23 AM 编辑 ]


参与人数 1积分 -10 收起 理由
hihaboy -10 惩戒你对友队的不礼貌 扣分处理!



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 楼主| 发表于 4-6-2008 11:10 AM | 显示全部楼层



这座城市在醉醺醺中醒来了,在星期三欢乐的一晚结束后,所有人都想喝水。在Matthew Street街上,表上已经是星期四了,这条路一直通向The Cavern的大门,利物浦的中心。往这条街走一点,便是一家名叫The Grapes的酒吧。最后一批球迷还在哪里喝着前一天晚上还没喝完的酒。他们祝愿着球队能够晋级淘汰赛,还有贝尼特斯,他们还在为他唱歌。他们还为新的偶像干杯。  

几小时过后,太阳升了起来,但依旧挡不住凛冽的寒风,我们也只好到Malmaison酒店的咖啡店里那紫红色的椅子里寻求庇护。在那里,我们可以看到默西河,现在已经干涸了。托雷斯点了一杯cappuccino,看着英国报纸的一副标题:“带着它去银行:致命的托雷斯表现出金钱的价值”。这是the times的标题。  

“我想起一些很特殊的时刻。”他记起最近的热闹事,朋友发来的温情短信,他的第一个欧冠进球,又一个梦想成为了现实,他旅程中的又一个站。“踢进那个球……太难以置信了。我不知道,这很特别。你在球场上,看到“The Kop”,看也看不完。这是一场很特殊的比赛,这种感觉你永远也忘不掉。”  






这就是为什么今天下午他要跟Rob上课,Rob是一位“狂热的利物浦球迷”,还去了他Woolton的家,就在Pepe Reina的旁边。“一开始,我一个单词都听不懂,完全不明白。”他忍不住笑起来,还想起很多趣事,还有他们的守门员。“他是,哦……我很长时间不敢在更衣室里说话,每次我都试着在其他西班牙队友面前说话,Pepe都笑到不行。当然了,我也想看看他刚来的时候啥样!”  


他也没办法。如果贝尼特斯看见他们在更衣室里说西班牙语,这是规矩。“你,那边去,你,这边去。”他说,但是在一个有12个人都会说西班牙语的环境里,想不说也难。他的衣柜挨着杰拉德和沃罗宁。他想起来第一次训练,就是一段小插曲。“我一开始什么都不知道。我穿着球衣坐在那里,一个全新的地方,我就想:‘天,我真在这儿了,这里要成为我今后好多年的家。’ ”


岑登离队以后,托雷斯住进了他的房子。原因有好多。第一,他喜欢这个地区,还因为这和Pepe Reina家挨着。他一直提到Pepe Reina,这次说得很严肃:“没有他,我适应起来就是另外一个样子了。他一直在帮我,当你到一个新的球队,这种帮助太重要了。”当然还有他的女朋友,Olalla,她跟着他一起来到利物浦——而他也承认,她学英语比他强——和Pepe的妻子成为了好朋友。当然,他还为‘Pomo’ 和 ‘Llanta’挑了一座有后花园的大房子。  


所有都是新鲜的。在马德里待了7年,一连串的记忆,哪里的风俗、日程、麻烦,和媒体的,和别人的,不能在公众场合喝咖啡、喝酒,什么都不能喝。如果想喝,哪怕一点点,就得去Majadahonda。现在不再这样了。“我可以正常地做事了,我正常了!在这里,你离开训练场,到明天都不用再去想。你可以在街上散步,去购物中心……”顺带说一句,他已经知道了Trafford Center,就在去曼彻斯特的路上,是全欧洲最大的。  


而现在,这里成为他和Reina的家。他们请来Mikel Arteta来开下棋party,男孩和女孩比赛,一直闹到午夜。这也不好。“我们男孩子总是赢。”他说,这个事实我们是无法确认了。他热切盼望着圣诞节,对他来说是又一大发现,他的父母要在25号来,女朋友的家人新年来。主要因为他们没假期,因为足球,还因为他要学完DIY的紧张课程。被逼的。在最好的商店里,家具特别贵,还不给你安。“他们就把30个箱子一放,然后说,你自己装吧。当然,最后结果就是架子不能都开,门不能好好的关上……”  

一开始,他去El Corte Inglés定了一堆东西,一堆罐头,还有火腿,这是看马竞比赛不可或缺的吃食。“今天(星期四),我们看球的时候可以吃饭了。”在拍照前他宣布道。他在寒风中冻得哆嗦,恨不得赶快钻到Audi Q7里去,在球队让他试过Range Rover, X5, ML…他选了这辆车。Audi车的方向盘在右边,这也是个问题,虽然现在不算大了,“以前我把车开在两条车道的中间,那叫一个乱啊……”  








Q:当你和不同搭档比如Kuyt, Crouch or Voronin配合时,你扮演的角色是否不同?  




[ 本帖最后由 sperkey2 于 5-6-2008 10:40 AM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 4-6-2008 11:11 AM | 显示全部楼层









英超官方技术统计ACTIM排名 托雷斯第五
2007年09月06日 来源:搜狐体育





排名 球员    球队    位置  得分   
1  乌塔卡    朴茨茅斯  前卫  108.00   
2  兰帕德    切尔西   前卫  107.00   
3  阿内尔卡   博尔顿   前锋  104.00   
4  法布雷加斯  阿森纳   前卫  102.00   
5  托雷斯    利物浦   前锋  93.00   
6  埃瑟林顿   西汉姆   前卫  91.00   
7  西贝尔斯基  维甘    前卫  90.00   
8  阿特塔    埃弗顿   前卫  86.00   
9  恩佐比亚   纽卡斯尔  前卫  85.00   
10  莱斯科特   埃弗顿   后卫  78.00   
11  比基     雷丁    后卫  78.00   
12  费迪南德   曼联    后卫  76.00   
13  杰纳斯    热刺    前卫  76.00   
14  纳尼     曼联    前卫  76.00   
15  舒梅切尔   曼城    门将  75.00   
16  邓恩     曼城    后卫  75.00   
17  沃洛宁    利物浦   前锋  71.00   
18  范佩西    阿森纳   前锋  70.00   
19  格兰奎斯特  维甘    前卫  70.00   
20  米尔纳    纽卡斯尔  前卫  69.00   
21  马尔布兰克  热刺    前卫  69.00   
22  约翰逊    埃弗顿   前锋  68.00   
23  贝拉米    西汉姆   前锋  68.00   
24  奥克利    德比    前卫  68.00   
25  卡卢     切尔西   前卫  67.00









  正在准备西班牙08年欧洲杯的El Nino在处子赛季打败了鲁德.范尼斯特鲁伊创下的记录——在最后一场对阵热刺的第24球,英格兰超级联赛见证了又一名海外高产射手的诞生。







红军将为托雷斯加薪400万镑  断切尔西奢望









[ 本帖最后由 sperkey2 于 5-6-2008 11:05 AM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 4-6-2008 11:13 AM | 显示全部楼层

1. 第一次穿马德里队服参加比赛(1995):
“它真令人兴奋。我们以前只在沥青场地上踢,而现在我得到了我的有史以来第一件队服。而且每件事物真的令人印象深刻,我将从不忘记有关那一个巡回赛的事,那是我伟大的开始。”因为他是马竞队的球迷,所以他也真的加入了马竞队。我记得他对我说: “一旦比赛完了,就打电话给我。”我进了一些球,而回家后的第一件事就是打电话。

2. 耐克杯欧洲区青少年俱乐部冠军(1999年)
在赢得耐克杯西班牙区之后我们为欧洲的巡回赛取得资格。 和儿子一样,我们一到就和所有的队员一起到大厅去。 顶级的欧洲球队都在那里,像AC 米兰, 尤文图斯,曼联…… 最吸引起我的注意的是耐克录像机,当儒尼尼奥出现并祝我们好运时,我们吃惊了。
它像巡回赛本身一样的难打。 我们赢得了比赛而且通过了首回合,我们以2-0击败了皇家马德里,并且赢得了与Reginna的决赛,这支球队是我们在Molinero赢过的一支球队。 那是我赢得的第一个大赛冠军。在巡回赛之后我的名字开始在新闻媒体中出现,我已经在家得到一些副本, 赞助商也纷纷而至, 举例来说阿森纳。 因此我也开始了解到了顶级球队,而且即使很快地浏览它也是一种很好的享受。

3. 欧洲16岁以下足球队冠军(2001年4月)
那年我受了伤,我错过了初赛, 只参加了十二月赛季和在五月的巡回赛,但是我真的想要参加。 结束后,当我进入队中,我被这快乐的气氛所感染。 它与耐克杯类似,但和国家队有区别。 你到那里后,他们就把抽签结果给你看。他们让你住在这个城市中的一家十分漂亮的旅馆,而你得用赞助商的名字来表示国家。你知道,你正在在每天的电视上和每天的西班牙报纸上出现, 而当你只有15岁或16岁的时候,真的不敢去相信。

4. 在竞技队一队的初次亮相。(2001年5月27日)
在欧洲16 岁以下足球队的比赛之后,我参加青年队的冠军杯和西班牙杯。在杯赛之后,我遇到了Iñaki Sáez,他告诉我我会去18岁以下的梯队,然后一个星期之后,Futre会叫我去一队里踢球。我会在季前赛中踢几场,这也是让我尽快适应新环境的一个好方法。我星期三开始训练,星期六我穿上队服,星期日就完成了我的初次亮相。一切过得很快。

5. 第一个进球:阿尔巴塞特Vs马德里竞技(2001年6月3日)
在一周内已经有一些关于我是否应该首发的评论。 在离比赛结束只有15 分钟时,我上场了。在记分板上仍是0-0。又一次,我们赢得了一个前场定位球。当我见到球从天上掉下来的时候,我调整了一下,然后射门。这是我在一线队的第一个进球,我永远也忘不了。一半的观众是竞技队的球迷,每个人都为之疯狂,包括我的队友以及每个人……在比赛结束的时候,球迷完全浸入了庆祝胜利的喜悦中,那是如此令人诧异。


7. 晋级 (2002年4月28日)
我有一年十分糟糕,在所有人的期待中,我只有想方设法来完成一份进六个球的答卷,但我没有交出一份令人满意的答卷来使球队得意提升。 当我们晋级的时候,实在是有点怪,不是在维森特•卡尔德隆的主场,这也正如我们所预期的一样,而这种奇怪充斥着全场。 结果极有可能变成另外一回事儿,但我们在对镇Nastic一役中滑了一跤,我们应该能赢得比赛,但在最后时刻,他们把比分扳平了。而我们不得不等到第二天,回到家后,队友们就开始议论会收到的奖励,接着,我们就关灯开始庆祝了。对Nastic的比赛显得并没那么糟糕,这可从球迷的高亢中看出,四面八方的球迷准备扔掷各种物品,这一切都是为了庆祝晋级。而我会选择等上一两周,甚至更长,就为了能和维森特•卡尔德隆的球迷一起欢庆 。

8. 欧洲19岁以下青年队 (2002年7月)
我因为巡回赛错过我的假期,但是我实在想去踢比赛。 在16岁以下青年队或多或少都差不多,然而我们相当自信。 我们以平局开始,而自那以后,我们赢了所有的比赛,我们又一次赢得了欧洲的冠军。我再次获得了金靴奖,也是第二次被投票为最佳球员。这些个人的荣誉真的使你感到自豪。 我记得,在旅馆中,在每场比赛之后,董事会都会给每个球员和每粒进球点什么的。 在巡回赛的时候,我想我大概会在那儿迎来一个转向顶峰的机会,我踢得很好,还进了很多球,而且最后赢得了冠军,就态度上而言,我听到有人大声称呼我为比赛型球员和顶级射手,我十分高兴。从那之后我的荣誉簿上又添上了浓重的一笔,而俱乐部再一次对我产生浓厚的兴趣,但这一次已经是在相当高的等级上了。

9. 代表国家队的第一场比赛 (2003年9月6日)
我已经适应了比赛,但葡萄牙队从一开始就对我进行攻击而我不得不在半场前,带着腰伤下场。 无论如何,即使我下场了,但我还是十分开心的,因为我完成了我的国家队的初次亮相,那会永远留在我的心里!

10. 为国家队打进的第一个入球,西班牙Vs意大利 (2004年4月28日)

11. 04欧锦赛 (2004年6月)
欧锦赛冠军整年在我的脑海里徘徊,一年过得好是为了可以去葡萄牙,而联赛踢得好是为了可以进国家队……一个好的赛季对于俱乐部队有多少好处,对于我也就有多少好处,加上一个事实,Iñaki Saez(现在国家队的教练)从初级队开始就对我十分了解了,认为我被选中是十分幸运的事。有时我想要享受它,如果没有拿下一场比赛,那也不会让我伤脑筋, 因为我坚信我在进步,所以我想要去比赛,甚至是坐冷板凳,也没有使我妥协,相对而言是因为那是一种难以置信的经验,那和16岁以下青年队或19岁以下青年队一样,甚至更厉害些,因为没有更高水平的队伍,所以最终你能指望的就是国家队了,国家队是最高水平的队伍
在20的时候我已经在一支顶级的国家队了。 那是一种享受,我们对阵希腊,我们没觉得拿下他们哪有什么问题,那儿有一种很好的氛围让我们和欧洲最好的球员一起享受观看比赛。 我们没有取得进军四分之一决赛的资格,那对我来说是从未考虑过的,我们十分得自信,认为可以击败葡萄牙,以致于当我们被敲醒时,我们已经出局了。那一刻葡萄牙的球迷和球员都发狂了,但那对我来说是沉默,西班牙球迷的沉默,我的队友的沉默,每个人的头都低下来了,我们对此难以置信,我记在心里好些天,我们出局了。

[ 本帖最后由 sperkey2 于 5-6-2008 11:14 AM 编辑 ]

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发表于 5-6-2008 06:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
搜狐专访托雷斯:为夺冠而来 誓与C罗争最佳射手

来源:搜狐体育 作者:乔雅

    搜狐体育讯  搜狐11人选择西班牙国家队9号前锋的理由太多了,作为一名很早就被誉为“金童”的技术型前锋,托雷斯一直都没有拿得出手的荣誉。但是很多欧洲专家和球迷们都知道,这与他对于马德里竞技俱乐部的报效之心有关。一年前,在创造了当年最高转会费纪录后,托雷斯在众多的疑惑中加盟欧洲传统豪门利物浦,这才有了第一次参加欧洲冠军杯的机会。





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发表于 7-6-2008 09:07 AM | 显示全部楼层
托雷斯曝缘何疯狂进球 一人防守能力堪称完美

2008年06月06日09:42   腾讯体育

腾讯体育讯 北京时间6月6日,正随西班牙备战欧锦赛的利物浦前锋托雷斯,今天在接受采访时,就英超球队的防守作出了自己的评价,同时,他还透露出自己破门的心得,并表示葡萄牙人卡瓦略堪称英超防守第一人。


但是,并非每个队的防守都是这样,比如曼联与切尔西的防线,无论在英超或者欧洲都是堪称牢固的,对此,托雷斯表示:“ 范德萨和切赫,他们是两个防守经验丰富的球员,当你当球离他们越近,破门就越难。所以,要在他们这里取得进球,我总会在与曼联和切尔西交锋时,面对他们尽早出球,以便能给队友制造射门的机会。”






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发表于 11-6-2008 08:33 AM | 显示全部楼层
托雷斯:我和比利亚很默契 对俄罗斯赢的越多越好

2008年06月10日14:13  体坛周报
























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发表于 11-6-2008 08:56 AM | 显示全部楼层

独家对话托雷斯:被换下没不高兴 8强对谁无所谓

新浪体育讯 托雷斯在利物浦的2007-08赛季风光无限,可在国家队呢?今天,他的风头被完成帽子戏法的比利亚抢去。出于担心和保护的需要,老帅阿拉贡内斯下半时早早把他换下。

  然而,这次过早的换人并没给托雷斯带来太多不愉快,相反马德里金童非常享受胜利的快感。在混合区,记者们见到的仍然是面带笑容的那个 “Nino”。场上激情四射的“金童”场下别有一种柔和的气质,湿漉漉的金发整整齐齐的梳在额前,露出轮廓清秀的面孔,比球场上显得文静了许多。无数话筒伸向他,托雷斯没有露出丝毫不耐烦的表情,对记者的要求几乎有求必应,全没半点球星架子,和他相熟的老记还玩笑般的拍打着他的脸颊,托雷斯回报一个邻家男孩般的笑容。


















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发表于 11-6-2008 08:59 AM | 显示全部楼层

班牙新金童升华修成霹雳双剑 升级版超级锋线1+1>2


新浪体育讯 欧洲杯之前,阿拉贡内斯一直迷信4141阵型,因为老帅认为正是这一阵型,帮助西班牙走出了泥泞。欧洲杯预选赛最后阶段战胜丹麦、瑞典,此后的热身赛战胜法国和意大利,西班牙用的都是4141。在使用这一阵型的情况下,比利亚只能成为锋线的替补,不过,单前锋战术,在近期的热身赛中却显得不灵。对秘鲁和对美国的比赛都证明,西班牙队只有托雷斯一人顶在前锋是绝对不够的。由于跟利物浦打法不同,托雷斯在西班牙国家队得不到支持,在球场上找不到感觉,这让阿拉贡内斯不得不改用442双前锋阵型,老帅希望比利亚的上场能带动利物浦前锋。


  一些专家表示,托雷斯的风格与西班牙队不合拍。托雷斯是一位需要大空间才能产生威胁的前锋,而西班牙队因为追求控球,往往需要在对方的密集防守中寻找机会,托雷斯发挥欠佳也就在所难免。但是,这一场比赛证明,托雷斯在西班牙队,还是大有可为,因为打惯了层层推进的西班牙队,偶尔在细腻当中加一点粗线条 ,也往往能起到意想不到的效果,托雷斯就是给国家队添加粗线条的人。




  阿拉贡内斯早指出:“比利亚不便多进禁区,他的身材不适应和对方拼,这一作用主要由托雷斯来完成,由托雷斯来为比利亚创造机会,我们要最大程度利用比利亚的灵活度,他的速度和高效是我们必须要加以利用的,也正因为如此,进球的多少不是横梁托雷斯的贡献的标准。” 这是托雷斯代表西班牙出场的第50场比赛,尽管年轻,托雷斯却已成为了国家队真正的老兵,另外,他还是阿拉贡内斯入主后,代表西班牙队出场最多的球员,在 “智者”手下,他已经踢了40场比赛,而对俄罗斯的比赛则是托雷斯第50次为西班牙国家队出场。

  对俄罗斯的比赛,托雷斯和比利亚有着完美的结合,西媒体称他们是一对电影中才有的搭档,两人在前场有多次的精妙配合。托雷斯这场比赛非常活跃,获得了媒体很好的评价,下半场在胜券在握的情况下,阿拉贡内斯早早将托雷斯换下,以让他保存体力。“有谦虚和尊重精神,我们是可以取得今天这样的胜利。” 托雷斯透露,主教练下半场早早将他换下场,是让他有点难过,但很快就过去了,最后,托雷斯表示他和比利亚之间不存在不良竞争,“作为队友,我们没有什么可争的,你们没看到他在打入第三个进球后,特意跑过来与我拥抱吗?”(塞尔吉奥)

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 楼主| 发表于 13-6-2008 08:34 PM | 显示全部楼层
























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发表于 14-6-2008 05:22 PM | 显示全部楼层

Fernando Torres "&#201;l Ni&#241;o de oro" 2007/08 Liverpool



[ 本帖最后由 依然范特西 于 14-6-2008 05:26 PM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 15-6-2008 12:27 AM | 显示全部楼层
Childhood (from birth to his first official match)

I was born on the 20th of March 1984. According to what I’m told my arrival was just what my parents, Flori and Jose, needed to calm their nerves, as my brother and sister, Israel and Mari Paz, who were seven and eight respectively, were a pair of tearaways whereas I was always pretty well-behaved, in the house at least.


I can’t tell you much about my first year of life because I don’t remember anything, and my family haven’t told me anything interesting about it either but I imagine I crawled about and cried a lot like all kids at that age.

When I was only two I started to kick my brother’s ball around the house, and that was my first contact with football. Around then another of my hobbies was throwing things out of the window. Unluckily, one day I threw a model truck, which was full of money, out into the street. That story is pretty well known, but I think it deserves a mention in my biography, because of the difficult time it caused for my parents. It ended up as just a family anecdote, though.

At three years old I was just like my older brother. He’s seven years older than me and has always been, in some ways still is, the mirror that I look in to see myself. On the other hand my sister Mari Paz is the only one who has always let me get away with everything. In her eyes I’m still the little boy I was then, and she still treats me as if I was。

At four years old I started to become really interested in football. I remember my dad played with me whenever he could, especially when we were in Gastrar, a little village in Galicia where we went for our holidays. The games basically consisted of kicking a ball around, but at that point, that was the limit of my footballing aspirations.

I was five when I joined my first team, Parque 84. There was a footballathon organized in my neighbourhood sports centre, in Fuenlabrada, the area I grew up in. The matches consisted of 15 or 20 kids running around after a ball, really crazy! Nonetheless, for a kid like me at that age it was a really big deal. I was in the team for two days, that is to say for as long as the footballathon lasted. Like any other five-year-old kid, besides playing football I played other things, like bottletops, marbles, and rough games like el culete and gol alemán, among others. In nursery school I had my first girlfriend- I can’t remember her name! And they say your first love is the one that leaves a mark。

From when I was six football became really important- thanks to Oliver and Benji on TV! It was a cartoon series, really good. The story was about a group of lads who start by playing football for fun, and end up as professionals. After the show me and my brother would go out and play football. I liked to imagine I was a professional footballer like the kids in the series. I played in goal until one day I got a couple of teeth knocked out by the ball and decided that my career between the sticks was finished. Great save, though。

I’ve got great memories of my childhood, but one in particular is really important: chatting with my Grandad about Atleti. My Grandad was a strange case in terms of football, the truth is football hardly interested him, but nonetheless he was passionate when it came to Atleti. The image is still fresh in my mind of my Grandad in front of me, talking without stopping, trying to get across to me the importance of being an Atletico de Madrid fan, and as witness to those wonderful talks have a plate, with his name and the Atletico badge. That plate is the best trophy I’ve got.

[ 本帖最后由 sperkey2 于 15-6-2008 12:47 AM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 15-6-2008 12:53 AM | 显示全部楼层
Once I’d got over my goalkeeper phase I started to play as a forward. In that period my neighbourhood café organized a team, called ‘Mario’s Holland’. It was the second team I played in, and I got in even though I was younger than the league limit.
I played indoor football for three years, in a league, with a team strip and everything, and my dream of becoming a footballer really began to develop. Thanks to this experience I got to know what it meant to be in a team, and to have team-mates, both of which have been really important for my development as a person and as a player.
As I said before, every summer I went to Gastrar with my family. It was a big family gathering, my grandparents, uncles and aunties, cousins and of course me and my brothers were all there- I was the youngest of all, the baby. Obviously I always had to tag along, but I didn’t mind because you could keep me amused any old how in those days. For the first seven years of my life, my family, my friends, football and summers in Gastrar were the I only things I needed to be happy.

Just after I turned eight my parents bought a house in Estorde, in Galicia. Although at first this might not seem so important, it turned out to be because it was there that I met the girl who ended up being my girlfriend, Olalla. Apart from that, that time in my life was important because I made friends with a group of people who are still my friends today。

&szlig; I was just a nine-year-old kid when I first visited the Atletico de Madrid trophy room. I remember my dad didn’t want to tell me where we were going, I don’t know which of us was more excited: him, dying to show me, or me, waiting for the big surprise. When we got there you still couldn’t say, because we both loved it.
I’d seen photos of the trophies, but I’d never seen them close up, I’d never touched them and that day I did both, and luckily since then I’ve had my hands on on or two more…. All my life I’d heard my family talk about them, the World Club Cup, the League trophies, the Cups that Atleti had won, and that day I got to see what I’d always imagined.

Atlético de Madrid (In the clubs youth teams)

When I was ten I played in my first eleven-a-side team, Rayo 13. That was a good year for me. The three best players of the season were given the opportunity to try out with Atletico- I scored 55 goals that year, and thanks to that I was one of the players chosen. On the day of the trial I was really excited, dying to get out on the pitch and taste the real world. And things turned out just the way I’d hoped.
1995When you belong to a club like Atletico de Madrid at that age you live for it, it’s indescribably exciting, although I couldn’t let myself forget that football was still just a hobby for me. For my family it was a nightmare: I say a nightmare because of the effort the four of them put in so as I could become a footballer- although that wasn’t the goal then because no one knew, not one us of even imagined I’d get to where I am today.

My dad had to leave work in the afternoons to take me to training in Orcasitas, and then go back to work in Fuenlabrada by train, other times my mother took me to the training ground on the bus and on the train, whether it was raining or if it was baking hot she’d always take me. She used to say ‘if you ever get tired you don’t have to go anymore, don’t feel obliged to keep on with the football.’ But I never got tired of it. My brother and sister had to take me to training sometimes, too. While I was playing, they’d be in the stands studying, in the different grounds they had to take me to.
Without my family I never would have got into the first team, I never would have even been a footballer.

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 楼主| 发表于 15-6-2008 12:58 AM | 显示全部楼层
  My first year in the junior team, Junior B to be precise, twelve years old, the games were more difficult, the other teams had players that were older than us, which made a difference. But even so, although we didn’t win the league we finished in a good position in the table. We had the same group of players as the year before, apart from six or seven lads who’d fallen by the wayside. I spent every day playing football or studying, it was a bit hard going to be honest, but it was worth it in the end.


I began the Junior A season at 13. People from outside Madrid joined the team. I remember players like Manu, Molinero and Sergio Torres, who won the European under-16 championship with me. Football was still a past-time for me, but I knew what it meant to be part of an organisation like Atletico de Madrid, and I was 13.

It was my third year of football with Atleti. My arrival coincided with the double year, and that made me even more proud to be part of the club. In just a handful of years I’ve lived through the double, relegation, promotion, happiness and disappointment as a player and a fan…I’ve seen people of all age crying in the stands, I’ve even seen the fans leave the ground happy even though the team have lost!

They’re happy to have seen Atleti, their team. It’s different from with teams like Barcelona or Real Madrid, whose fans are only interested in winning, Atleti fans follow their feelings more than the results, we like to enjoy ourselves, have a good time every Sunday, then if you win, all the better. That’s the way of thinking I got from my Granddad, the Atletico way.


At cadet level I had a change of coach, Pedro Calvo was in charge of the team. I won my first important title with Pedro, and I want to thank him for his help and advice both when I was in his side, and afterwards.

I played for a year at cadet level, that was the year we played two Nike Cup tournaments, at domestic and European level. All the best teams were at those tournaments: Real Madrid, Barcelona, Milan, Manchester United, Juventus…, the standard was much higher than I’d been used to up to that point. And even so we won.

&szlig; Those two trophies form part of the successful record of Atletico de Madrid junior football, and if that wasn’t enough I was voted Junior Player of the Year. I couldn’t believe what was happening, I’d gone, in such a short time, from playing with a bunch of mates in Rayo 13, to being the best European player in my age-group. I was still only fourteen years old.

At fifteen I signed my first contract with Atletico de Madrid. I would have signed for life. When I was a kid and we played bottletops I was always Atleti, playing football with my mates I always imagined I was an Atleti player, and now I really was one, I was part of the club, I was an Atletico de Madrid player.
At cadet age I played my first season with the youth team and took part in the National League. The group I was in was made up of cadet level players who had stood out the year before and first year youth team players, with the aim of putting together a strong side for the Honour Division. It was then I met the coach who has been most important for my career, Abraham Garcia, who I really hope and believe will go far.

(Professional Football and the National Team)

At sixteen I began the season playing in the Honour Division and I finished it in the first team. That season was amazing, but from the way it started nobody would have guessed how well it would end. Thanks to a cracked shinbone, and after an operation to put it right, I didn’t start playing until December.

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 楼主| 发表于 15-6-2008 12:59 AM | 显示全部楼层
  My first year in the junior team, Junior B to be precise, twelve years old, the games were more difficult, the other teams had players that were older than us, which made a difference. But even so, although we didn’t win the league we finished in a good position in the table. We had the same group of players as the year before, apart from six or seven lads who’d fallen by the wayside. I spent every day playing football or studying, it was a bit hard going to be honest, but it was worth it in the end.


I began the Junior A season at 13. People from outside Madrid joined the team. I remember players like Manu, Molinero and Sergio Torres, who won the European under-16 championship with me. Football was still a past-time for me, but I knew what it meant to be part of an organisation like Atletico de Madrid, and I was 13.

It was my third year of football with Atleti. My arrival coincided with the double year, and that made me even more proud to be part of the club. In just a handful of years I’ve lived through the double, relegation, promotion, happiness and disappointment as a player and a fan…I’ve seen people of all age crying in the stands, I’ve even seen the fans leave the ground happy even though the team have lost!

They’re happy to have seen Atleti, their team. It’s different from with teams like Barcelona or Real Madrid, whose fans are only interested in winning, Atleti fans follow their feelings more than the results, we like to enjoy ourselves, have a good time every Sunday, then if you win, all the better. That’s the way of thinking I got from my Granddad, the Atletico way.


At cadet level I had a change of coach, Pedro Calvo was in charge of the team. I won my first important title with Pedro, and I want to thank him for his help and advice both when I was in his side, and afterwards.

I played for a year at cadet level, that was the year we played two Nike Cup tournaments, at domestic and European level. All the best teams were at those tournaments: Real Madrid, Barcelona, Milan, Manchester United, Juventus…, the standard was much higher than I’d been used to up to that point. And even so we won.

&szlig; Those two trophies form part of the successful record of Atletico de Madrid junior football, and if that wasn’t enough I was voted Junior Player of the Year. I couldn’t believe what was happening, I’d gone, in such a short time, from playing with a bunch of mates in Rayo 13, to being the best European player in my age-group. I was still only fourteen years old.

At fifteen I signed my first contract with Atletico de Madrid. I would have signed for life. When I was a kid and we played bottletops I was always Atleti, playing football with my mates I always imagined I was an Atleti player, and now I really was one, I was part of the club, I was an Atletico de Madrid player.
At cadet age I played my first season with the youth team and took part in the National League. The group I was in was made up of cadet level players who had stood out the year before and first year youth team players, with the aim of putting together a strong side for the Honour Division. It was then I met the coach who has been most important for my career, Abraham Garcia, who I really hope and believe will go far.

(Professional Football and the National Team)

At sixteen I began the season playing in the Honour Division and I finished it in the first team. That season was amazing, but from the way it started nobody would have guessed how well it would end. Thanks to a cracked shinbone, and after an operation to put it right, I didn’t start playing until December.

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 楼主| 发表于 15-6-2008 01:04 AM | 显示全部楼层

Things started to pick up in February when I won the Algarve Tournament with the National under-16s, in the Algarve. I really wanted to play in the under-16s European Championship which was to be held in England the following May, but it wasn’t going to be easy, me having been injured and not having taken part in the qualifiers. In the end Juan Santiesteban and Armando Ufarte gave me the chance to play.

  &szlig; Right after turning sixteen I played in and won the European under-16 championship. I was top scorer and chosen as Player of the Tournament, the same as had happened at cadet level. One of the most noticeable effects of that tournament was that when I got back to Madrid people would stop me in the street. Nothing like that had ever happened to me before.

&szlig; After the under-16s championship I played a match with the under-18s, and I also played in the final of the Youth Champions Cup. A few days later Futre called me to tell me I was going to train with the first team, as I was going to be involved in the pre-season preparation and I might as well get integrated into the set-up. That was a Tuesday; the Wednesday I went to training, the Saturday I was in the squad and on Sunday I made my debut in El Calderon against Leganes- the 27th of May 2001.

The following week I scored my first goal, against Albacete, and a few weeks later I suffered my first great professional disappointment when we missed out on promotion to the First Division, on goal difference, after the game against Getafe.
That year I got to know all about success and failure. For me personally it had been a great season, but as a team we had not accomplished our objective, and the disappointment was intense. I’d been in the first team for a month and I’d already been through things which some footballers might not experience in their whole career. And my career had only just begun.

In November I played in the under-17 World Cup, in Trinidad and Tobago. It wasn’t a good experience as far as results on the pitch are concerned, but nonetheless it helped me grow professionally. I began the new season with the first team.

That year we achieved promotion a few weeks before the end of the season, and despite not having had a great year personally, I was very happy that we had reached our goal. Two years previous the club had incurred a great debt to the fans, and we’d paid it back by getting back to the place we never should have left in the first place, the First Division.

In July, 18 by now, I played in the under-19s European Championship in Norway. We arrived with great expectations, we had a good team, even though we did make thing a bit complicated for ourselves by drawing with the Czech Republic. We made up for it with victories over the hosts, Norway, and Slovakia, playing excellent football. We beat the Germans in the final, I was sharp enough and lucky enough to score the winning goal in a game in which both teams played exceptionally. We were champions again, and once again I was both top scorer and Player of the Tournament.

After a year in the Second Division which hadn’t gone too well for me the fans were waiting to see what I’d be capable of in the First Division. It was a good season, I scored thirteen goals and played well all year- especially in the home games against Barcelona and against Deportivo La Coru&ntilde;a. Those two games marked my footballing career, in a way, because after those games the fans really started to believe in me, in my ability.

In the First Division there’s more technique, more space, and that works to the advantage of attractive and spectacular football. Different from the Second Division, where tactical play is more important and many teams often make up for lasck of talent with an excess of toughness. That year I also made my debut with the under-21s, won more sep towards fulfilling my dream of playing for the full National side. With professional success comes recognition, and with this recognition comes fame.

I’m an accessible person. I think signing autographs after a training session is almost a duty, a moral obligation. I’m aware of the enthusiasm and excitement that the fans feel towards me, the respect and affection they have for me. In fact, not long ago I was one of them. Being important to the fans is a source of pride and satisfaction for me. What I don’t like so much is the loss of privacy, not being able to have a good time with friends in a public place like any normal person, which at the end of the day is what I am.

My second season in the First Division was even better than the first. At nineteen years old I made my debut with the National Team, and at twenty I was playing in the European Championship. On top of that I scored twenty league goals, a good total. Nonetheless there were two big disappointments for me: the first with Atletico de Madrid, in that after having been in the European places for much of the season, we missed out on the last day of the season- despite winning at San Mamés (home of Athletic Bilbao); the second big let-down was the European Championship- I still can’t understand how we didn’t beat Portugal- it was a disaster for all of us that got to me a lot, we had a great chance and I still don’t know how we let it slip away from us.

Things did not go as well as we had hoped for Atletico in the 2004-05 season. Although I played in all the League games, scoring 16 goals, it wasn’t enough to get us into Europe. We even lost in the Cup semi-finals against Osasuna. All our hopes of getting a title for Atletico faded away and we were all dreadfully disappointed.
The season’s positive note was the National Team’s classification for the World Cup in Germany. Although we had some difficulties, we had to play the playoffs against Slovakia and we fulfilled our aim of getting classified.

Atleti made a secure bet to the season 05/06. The club signed a very good coach. Carlos Bianchi won everything with Vélez and Boca, but with us he wasn’t very lucky. The truth is, he didn’t adapt himself to the squad neither the squad adapted to him. That’s why; the first months of the season weren’t good enough. The League was getting very hard. The arrival of Pepe Murcia was like a balm and we overcame winning six consecutives matches. The previous dynamic was dangerous and the new coach gave us enough moral to straighten the way. Pitifully, we didn’t keep that regularity acquired before and we couldn’t achieve the European place.
The nicest face of the season I lived it with the National Team at Germany’s World Cup. Representing my country in the greatest championship of the World and playing against the best players of the world has been for me a dream come true. I suffered the elimination in France’98 and Korea on television, but by the first time I was able to try helping to change history. The motivation of the group was extraordinary and all of us were prepared because we knew it could have been the Spain World Cup.
We overcame the first phase very good. At collective level, the team stood out with good play and goals, while the coach gave me his confidence and I scored three goals. I even leaded the classification of goal scorers after the second round of the championship. At eights to final, we had to compete against one of the strongest teams, France. We did the worst match of the tournament and we had to make the luggage. The experience of a veteran rival affected more than the quality and the courage of our national team. However, I understand that at Germany we built a young team and with quality that I am sure in the future will give a lot of happiness to the supporters.
The performance at the World Cup make people talk about my future. Summer, like always, was spotted of the offers I rejected. Sincerely, several teams were interested formally on me, but we said to all of them I wasn’t moving from Atleti. To demonstrate my faithfulness to my colours of all my life, I decided to accepted the proposal of the team to wide my contract for one more season, until June 2009.
In the season 06/07 we are in European places since the beginning of the League. My wish is to achieve, finally, a European place to play in Europe next campaign. Another of my dreams was gone: not to play the final of the King’s Cup.

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 楼主| 发表于 15-6-2008 01:04 AM | 显示全部楼层

Things started to pick up in February when I won the Algarve Tournament with the National under-16s, in the Algarve. I really wanted to play in the under-16s European Championship which was to be held in England the following May, but it wasn’t going to be easy, me having been injured and not having taken part in the qualifiers. In the end Juan Santiesteban and Armando Ufarte gave me the chance to play.

  &szlig; Right after turning sixteen I played in and won the European under-16 championship. I was top scorer and chosen as Player of the Tournament, the same as had happened at cadet level. One of the most noticeable effects of that tournament was that when I got back to Madrid people would stop me in the street. Nothing like that had ever happened to me before.

&szlig; After the under-16s championship I played a match with the under-18s, and I also played in the final of the Youth Champions Cup. A few days later Futre called me to tell me I was going to train with the first team, as I was going to be involved in the pre-season preparation and I might as well get integrated into the set-up. That was a Tuesday; the Wednesday I went to training, the Saturday I was in the squad and on Sunday I made my debut in El Calderon against Leganes- the 27th of May 2001.

The following week I scored my first goal, against Albacete, and a few weeks later I suffered my first great professional disappointment when we missed out on promotion to the First Division, on goal difference, after the game against Getafe.
That year I got to know all about success and failure. For me personally it had been a great season, but as a team we had not accomplished our objective, and the disappointment was intense. I’d been in the first team for a month and I’d already been through things which some footballers might not experience in their whole career. And my career had only just begun.

In November I played in the under-17 World Cup, in Trinidad and Tobago. It wasn’t a good experience as far as results on the pitch are concerned, but nonetheless it helped me grow professionally. I began the new season with the first team.

That year we achieved promotion a few weeks before the end of the season, and despite not having had a great year personally, I was very happy that we had reached our goal. Two years previous the club had incurred a great debt to the fans, and we’d paid it back by getting back to the place we never should have left in the first place, the First Division.

In July, 18 by now, I played in the under-19s European Championship in Norway. We arrived with great expectations, we had a good team, even though we did make thing a bit complicated for ourselves by drawing with the Czech Republic. We made up for it with victories over the hosts, Norway, and Slovakia, playing excellent football. We beat the Germans in the final, I was sharp enough and lucky enough to score the winning goal in a game in which both teams played exceptionally. We were champions again, and once again I was both top scorer and Player of the Tournament.

After a year in the Second Division which hadn’t gone too well for me the fans were waiting to see what I’d be capable of in the First Division. It was a good season, I scored thirteen goals and played well all year- especially in the home games against Barcelona and against Deportivo La Coru&ntilde;a. Those two games marked my footballing career, in a way, because after those games the fans really started to believe in me, in my ability.

In the First Division there’s more technique, more space, and that works to the advantage of attractive and spectacular football. Different from the Second Division, where tactical play is more important and many teams often make up for lasck of talent with an excess of toughness. That year I also made my debut with the under-21s, won more sep towards fulfilling my dream of playing for the full National side. With professional success comes recognition, and with this recognition comes fame.

I’m an accessible person. I think signing autographs after a training session is almost a duty, a moral obligation. I’m aware of the enthusiasm and excitement that the fans feel towards me, the respect and affection they have for me. In fact, not long ago I was one of them. Being important to the fans is a source of pride and satisfaction for me. What I don’t like so much is the loss of privacy, not being able to have a good time with friends in a public place like any normal person, which at the end of the day is what I am.

My second season in the First Division was even better than the first. At nineteen years old I made my debut with the National Team, and at twenty I was playing in the European Championship. On top of that I scored twenty league goals, a good total. Nonetheless there were two big disappointments for me: the first with Atletico de Madrid, in that after having been in the European places for much of the season, we missed out on the last day of the season- despite winning at San Mamés (home of Athletic Bilbao); the second big let-down was the European Championship- I still can’t understand how we didn’t beat Portugal- it was a disaster for all of us that got to me a lot, we had a great chance and I still don’t know how we let it slip away from us.

Things did not go as well as we had hoped for Atletico in the 2004-05 season. Although I played in all the League games, scoring 16 goals, it wasn’t enough to get us into Europe. We even lost in the Cup semi-finals against Osasuna. All our hopes of getting a title for Atletico faded away and we were all dreadfully disappointed.
The season’s positive note was the National Team’s classification for the World Cup in Germany. Although we had some difficulties, we had to play the playoffs against Slovakia and we fulfilled our aim of getting classified.

Atleti made a secure bet to the season 05/06. The club signed a very good coach. Carlos Bianchi won everything with Vélez and Boca, but with us he wasn’t very lucky. The truth is, he didn’t adapt himself to the squad neither the squad adapted to him. That’s why; the first months of the season weren’t good enough. The League was getting very hard. The arrival of Pepe Murcia was like a balm and we overcame winning six consecutives matches. The previous dynamic was dangerous and the new coach gave us enough moral to straighten the way. Pitifully, we didn’t keep that regularity acquired before and we couldn’t achieve the European place.
The nicest face of the season I lived it with the National Team at Germany’s World Cup. Representing my country in the greatest championship of the World and playing against the best players of the world has been for me a dream come true. I suffered the elimination in France’98 and Korea on television, but by the first time I was able to try helping to change history. The motivation of the group was extraordinary and all of us were prepared because we knew it could have been the Spain World Cup.
We overcame the first phase very good. At collective level, the team stood out with good play and goals, while the coach gave me his confidence and I scored three goals. I even leaded the classification of goal scorers after the second round of the championship. At eights to final, we had to compete against one of the strongest teams, France. We did the worst match of the tournament and we had to make the luggage. The experience of a veteran rival affected more than the quality and the courage of our national team. However, I understand that at Germany we built a young team and with quality that I am sure in the future will give a lot of happiness to the supporters.
The performance at the World Cup make people talk about my future. Summer, like always, was spotted of the offers I rejected. Sincerely, several teams were interested formally on me, but we said to all of them I wasn’t moving from Atleti. To demonstrate my faithfulness to my colours of all my life, I decided to accepted the proposal of the team to wide my contract for one more season, until June 2009.
In the season 06/07 we are in European places since the beginning of the League. My wish is to achieve, finally, a European place to play in Europe next campaign. Another of my dreams was gone: not to play the final of the King’s Cup.

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发表于 19-6-2008 11:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
又厉害又帅,如果liverpool多几个厉害的team mate,他早就成为c.ro的角色了

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 楼主| 发表于 22-6-2008 10:41 AM | 显示全部楼层

2008.06.15 欧锦赛小组赛 D组第二轮 瑞典1-2西班牙


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