


楼主: 三法印


 楼主| 发表于 30-10-2010 07:57 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 三法印 于 30-10-2010 08:08 PM 编辑

回复 360# 清池

所以不要把神通用智慧来盖掉, 你信的"教主"是没有神通的, 我们都很清楚..

佛陀和他的圣弟子讲的正法能令人証果, 初果至四果, 让人解脱.

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 楼主| 发表于 30-10-2010 08:04 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 三法印 于 30-10-2010 08:21 PM 编辑


如何死才有好处和坏处,  嗜拿教的经典有它的见解..


In this ocean (of life) with its currents (viz. births) difficult to cross, one man has reached the opposite shore; one wise man has given an answer to the following question. (1)

These two ways of life ending with death have been declared: death with one's will, and death against one's will. (2)
有二种死亡方法:   1)在自己意愿下死亡, 2)不在自己意愿下死亡

Death against one's will is that of ignorant men, and it happens (to the same individual) many times. Death with one's will is that of wise men, and at best 1 it happens but once. (3)

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Mahâvîra has (thus) described the first kind in which an ignorant man, being attached to pleasures, does very cruel actions. (4)
无知的人, 贪恋爱欲,  做出残酷的恶行.

A man attached to pleasures and amusements will be caught in the trap (of deceit). (He thinks): 'I never saw the next world, but I have seen with my own eyes the pleasures of this life.' (5)

'The pleasures of this life are (as it were) in your hand, but the future ones are uncertain 1. Who knows whether there is a next world or not?' (6)

The fool boasts: 'I shall have the company of (most) men 2.' But by his love of pleasures and amusements he will come to grief. (7)

Then he begins to act cruelly against movable and immovable beings, and he kills living beings with a purpose or without. (8)

An ignorant man kills, lies, deceives, calumniates, dissembles, drinks liquor, and eats meat, thinking that this is the right thing to do. (9)

Overbearing in acts and words, desirous for wealth and women, he accumulates sins in two ways 3, just as a young snake gathers dust (both on and in its body). (10)

Then he suffers ill and is attacked by disease; and he is in dread of the next world when he reflects on his deeds. (11)

I have heard of the places in hell, and of the destination of the sinner, where the fools who do cruel deeds will suffer violently. (12)

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Then going to the place where he is to be born again according to his deeds, he feels remorse, as I have heard (from my teacher). (13)

As a charioteer, who against his better judgment leaves the smooth highway and gets on a rugged road, repents when the axle breaks; so the fool, who transgresses the Law and embraces unrighteousness, repents in the hour of death, like (the charioteer) over the broken axle. (14, 15)

Then when death comes at last, the fool trembles in fear; he dies the 'death against one's will,' (having lost his chance) like a gambler vanquished by Kali. (16)

Thus has been explained the fools’ 'death against one's will;' now hear from me the wise men's 'death with one's will!' (17)

Full of peace and without injury to any one is, as I have heard (from my teachers), the death of the virtuous who control themselves and subdue their senses 1. (18)

(Such a death) does not fall to the lot of every monk, nor of every householder; for the morality of householders is of various character, and that of monks is not always good throughout. (19)

Some householders are superior to some monks in self-control; but the saints are superior to all householders in self-control. (20)

Bark and skin (of a goat), nakedness, twisted

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hair, baldness--these (outward tokens) will not save a sinful ascetic. (21)

A sinner, though he be a mendicant (friar), will not escape hell; but a pious man, whether monk or householder, ascends to heaven. (22)

A faithful man should practise 1 the rules of conduct for householders; he should never neglect the Pôsaha fast 2 in both fortnights, not even for a single night. (23)

When under such discipline he lives piously even as a householder, he will, on quitting flesh and bones 3, share the world of the Yakshas. (24)

Now a restrained monk will become one of the two: either one free from all misery or a god of great power. (25)

To the highest regions, in due order, to those where there is no delusion, and to those which are full of light, where the glorious (gods dwell)--who have long life, great power, great lustre, who can change their shape at will, who are beautiful as on their first day, and have the brilliancy of many suns--to such places go those who are trained in self-control and penance, monks or householders, who have obtained liberation by absence of passion. (26-28)

Having heard (this) from the venerable men who control themselves and subdue their senses, the virtuous and the learned do not tremble in the hour of death. (29)

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A wise man having weighed (both kinds of death) and chosen the better one (taught in) the Law of Compassion, will become calm through patience, with an undisturbed mind (at the time of death). (30)

When the right time (to prepare for death) has arrived, a faithful (monk) should in the presence (of his teacher) suppress all emotions (of fear or joy) and wait for the dissolution of his body. (31)

When the time for quitting the body has come, a sage dies the 'death with one's will,' according to one of the three methods 1. (32)

Thus I say.

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发表于 30-10-2010 08:19 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 清池 于 30-10-2010 08:29 PM 编辑

神通 - 梵語 abhijna ,巴利語 abhinna 。音譯作旬。又作神通力、神力、通力、通等。即依修禪定而得的無礙自在、超人間的、不可思議之作用。

梵語 abhi - 更高,jana / jna -智慧

以佛、阿羅漢所具有之三通(宿命通、天眼通、漏盡通)最為殊勝,故稱為三。-  明 就是智慧, 说能观因缘法则,观因知果,观果知因


如龙树,天台,日莲等只所 能通佛藏,辨才无碍,就是得道的一种成就,也是得了- 神通力/更高智慧,
能转大乘法轮,影响后世,也是得了- 神通力/更高智慧,

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发表于 30-10-2010 08:41 PM | 显示全部楼层
又不是东业人, 他们的恩怨因缘他们自己能解, 我们是外人,只能帮倒忙

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 楼主| 发表于 30-10-2010 08:45 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 三法印 于 30-10-2010 10:35 PM 编辑

回复 363# 清池




===六通就是神通, 明归于神通内.









此由于功力的深浅,使得所达范围的大小和保持时间的长短有所不同,是属于有为、有漏、 有执著的,跟解脱道无关,当然,也不是菩萨道,所以圣人必须另得漏尽通。 


阿罗汉和佛有, 菩萨不可能有!!! 说菩萨有这是大乘人一厢情愿的讲法.

为何如此说, 很简单的逻辑,  佛陀在成佛前是
菩萨(将成佛的人),  依大乘的观念是九地菩萨才能成佛, 若漏尽通也是菩萨有的, 1)那成佛也没有殊胜, 2)漏尽通也不能漏尽通(完全不漏/完全断去烦恼)应叫"有漏"..


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 楼主| 发表于 30-10-2010 08:56 PM | 显示全部楼层
如龙树,天台,日莲等只所 能通佛藏,辨才无碍,就是得道的一种成就,也是得了- 神通力/更高智慧,
能转大乘法轮,影响后世,也是得了- 神通力/更高智慧,
而且魔有时也辨才无碍, 所以也骗得很多的跟随者,
魔罗都对佛陀放话, 他会出身佛门从里面破坏佛教...

最大的破坏力其实就是造假经文和著论,  欺骗后世想学佛法的人. 引导他们偏离正法..
最后很少人能成就解脱, 每个都只能傻傻的轮回或做住成佛的梦...

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发表于 30-10-2010 09:40 PM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 30-10-2010 09:46 PM | 显示全部楼层




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发表于 30-10-2010 09:59 PM | 显示全部楼层
如龙树,天台,日莲等只所 能通佛藏,辨才无碍,就是得道的一种成就,也是得了- 神通力/更高智慧,
能转大 ...
三法印 发表于 30-10-2010 08:56 PM



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 楼主| 发表于 30-10-2010 10:00 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 三法印 于 30-10-2010 10:02 PM 编辑

佛陀有制戒说出家人不能制佛牌,符咒之类的来"维生", 泰国出家人都有人供养衣食, 一般若有给佛牌也是应众免费给于, 那也没犯戒吧, 至于有人制造佛牌,符咒之类来买卖, 那也是纯属个人行为, 佛法和藏律有僤明, 要守不要守那个是很个人的问题...

而且耆那教也没有製造佛牌、神牌、書寫符咒等行為, 如何说泰国出家人所作屬於耆那教的作為呢?

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发表于 30-10-2010 10:06 PM | 显示全部楼层

wusen: 清池先把神通形容为最高智慧,然后说他们的教团可以使用最高智慧去弘杨佛的三德,主德护生 ...
wusen 发表于 30-10-2010 02:49 PM


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发表于 30-10-2010 10:09 PM | 显示全部楼层
佛陀有制戒说出家人不能制佛牌,符咒之类的来"维生", 泰国出家人都有人供养衣食, 一般若有给佛牌也是应众免费 ...
三法印 发表于 30-10-2010 10:00 PM


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发表于 30-10-2010 10:16 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 30-10-2010 10:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 368# 清池

我讲的对不对, 不重要, 重要的是要自己懂得去明辩是非.

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 楼主| 发表于 30-10-2010 10:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 三法印 于 30-10-2010 11:10 PM 编辑

回复 373# 持明

友呀,  不是穿迦纱就是圣人,出家后也要努力修行的, 不是年长者就是智深德广, 更真实不是每个佛教徒都有正信....

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 楼主| 发表于 30-10-2010 11:08 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 369# 真神弥赛亚

哈哈, 就说辨才无碍的马大辩论员都得道了。

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发表于 30-10-2010 11:11 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复  真神弥赛亚

哈哈, 就说辨才无碍的马大辩论员都得道了。
三法印 发表于 30-10-2010 11:08 PM


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发表于 30-10-2010 11:22 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复  真神弥赛亚

哈哈, 就说辨才无碍的马大辩论员都得道了。
三法印 发表于 30-10-2010 11:08 PM


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 楼主| 发表于 30-10-2010 11:36 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 三法印 于 30-10-2010 11:37 PM 编辑

回复 377# 真神弥赛亚

对清 来说, 辩才无碍, 就是得道的証明... 呵呵呵

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 楼主| 发表于 31-10-2010 12:18 AM | 显示全部楼层


By what acts can I escape a sorrowful lot in this unstable ineternal Samsâra, which is full of misery? (1)

p. 32

Quitting your former connections place your affection on nothing; a monk who loves not even those who love him, will be freed from sin and hatred. (2)

Then the best of sages, who is exempt from

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delusion and possesses perfect knowledge and faith, speaks for the benefit and eternal welfare, and for the final liberation of all beings. (3)

All fetters (of the soul), and all hatred, everything of this kind, should a monk cast aside; he should not be attached to any pleasures, examining them well and taking care of himself. (4)

A stupid, ignorant sinner who never fixes his thoughts on the soul's benefit and eternal welfare, but sinks down through hatred and the temptation of lust, will be ensnared as a fly is caught on glue. (5)

It is difficult to cast aside the pleasures of life, weak men will not easily give them up; but there are pious ascetics (sâdhu) who get over the impassable (Samsâra) as merchants cross the sea. (6)

Some there are who call themselves Sramanas, though they are like the beasts ignorant of (the prohibition of) killing living beings; the stupid sinners go to hell through their superstitious beliefs 1. (7)

One should not permit (or consent to) the killing of living beings; then he will perhaps be delivered from all misery; thus have spoken the preceptors who have proclaimed the Law of ascetics. (8)

A careful man who does not injure living beings, is called 'circumspect' (samita). The sinful Karman will quit him as water quits raised ground. (9)

In thoughts, words, and acts he should do

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nothing injurious to beings who people the world, whether they move or not. (10)

He should know what alms may be accepted, and should strictly keep these rules; a monk should beg food only for the sustenance of life, and should not be dainty. (11)

He should eat what tastes badly, cold food, old beans, Vakkasa Pulâga, and for the sustenance of his life he should eat Manghu (ground badara). (12)

Those who interpret the marks of the body, and dreams, and who know the foreboding changes in the body (aṅgavidy&#226 1, are not to be called Sramanas; thus the preceptors have declared. (13)

Those who do not take their life under discipline, who cease from meditation and ascetic practices 2, and who are desirous of pleasures, amusements, and good fare, will be born again as Asuras. (14)

And when they rise (in another birth) from the world of the Asuras, they err about, for a long time, in the Samsâra; those whose souls are sullied by many sins, will hardly ever attain Bôdhi. (15)  (菩提)

And if somebody should give the whole earth to one man, he would not have enough; so difficult is it to satisfy anybody. (16)

The more you get, the more you want; your desires increase with your means. Though two mâshas would do to supply your want, still you would scarcely think ten millions sufficient. (17)

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Do not desire (women), those female demons 1, on whose breasts grow two lumps of flesh, who continually change their mind, who entice men, and then make a sport of them as of slaves. (18)

A houseless (monk) should not desire women, he should turn away from females; learning thoroughly the Law, a monk should strictly keep its rules. (19)

This Law has been taught by Kapila of pure knowledge; those who follow it, will be saved and will gain both worlds. (20)

Thus I say.

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