本帖最后由 niii 于 2-9-2016 05:46 PM 编辑
防蚊喷雾Mini Aerosol Mosquito Repellent (MAMR)
Dr. K 环保防蚊喷雾, 无香精,低刺激。
问& 答
问:防蚊喷雾比一般蚊油的好处是什么? 答:没有刺鼻味道,无香精及化学成分,适合小孩或婴儿房间。
答:户内8小时,户外2 小时。 户外活动的时候,可喷在袜子,裤子及婴儿车,就有防蚊功能,但是不能直接喷在皮肤。
Do you know ? Current Mosquito Household Product
1. Conventional Insecticide Aerosol Spray - used higher active ingredient per hour
2. Mosquito Coil - used higher active ingredient (smoke generated equal to 100 cigarettes)
3. Mosquito Mat - spent higher cost per night
4. Mosquito liquid vaporiser - used higher active ingredient in % w/w
5. Mosquito trap - needed power supply
Mini Aerosol Mosquito Repellent (MAMR)
A quality active ingredient of Japan
High-tech product of Sumitomo Chemical, Japan
 Used nano micro-technology
 Used slow release technology
Mini aerosol mosquito repellent is a synthetic pyrethroids-based aerosol insecticide.
The micro-particle technology that makes the anti-mosquito agent last for 8 hours and effective for killing mosquitoes entering the room after several hours of application.
How does it work?
• With just 4 push, the micron particles will spread around the room & may even reach inaccessible areas, such as under the bed or table.
• It is more effective than large/conventional aerosol mosquito repellents.
• It is safer than large/conventional aerosol mosquito repellents. Use the lowest amount of chemical compared with conventional aerosol repellents and does not leave any residue.
12/2013 修改价钱
“Dr.K 驱蚊剂不像市面上的蚊油般气味浓烈,因此消费者误以为杀蚊效果不强,其实在室内4个上方角落各喷一下,可有8小时驱蚊功效,无气味,无刺激。室内蚊子闻到Dr.K 蚊油将会逃离,逃不及就会晕眩,继而死亡。”
自制网片 ::::: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0XhOvvZeJs&feature=youtu.be
本帖最后由 niii 于 1-8-2014 07:58 PM 编辑