世风日下,道德沦丧!- 13岁少年意图强奸少女
网友来函,当事人当时位在Jalan Munshi Abdullah Shell油站的女士厕所,当时一名13岁的少年冲入内,意图强奸当事人。幸好当时受害者高声呼救,引来油站员工和一位女士以及一位男士伸出援手,成功阻止该名少年,并把该名少年困在厕所内,等待警方的到来。被捉后警察来到时,问受害者是否要释放嫌疑犯!
Dear all, i was nearly been raped by a 13 year old malay kid at Shell Petrol Kiosk female toilet (Jalan Munshi Abdullah). I stop by there for a poo break and he stormed in when i opened the door after m done.
With such a young mind, he manage to hold me and shut my mouth..he kissed my cheeks and molested my breast... While i struggled to fight him off ... I shouted my lungs out till the opposite Bank Simpanan Nasional staff and customer heard my shouting..In between of fighting him off, i manage to bite his fingers.. After a few attempts of trying to open the door, finally i heard a few person outside the toilet.. With that i try even harder to open the door and manage to slot my palm in between the door to avoid the door being shut again .
And thank god the shell assistant was right outside the toilet with another malay lady and malay man after the door was partly open. They caught him and keep him in the male toilet till the police are here.
And what was even heart breaking , is that the police ask me whether to let him go or continue with the police report.. Y on earth should i be letting him go??!!! And i m being questioned that did i make a lie??!! How sad is this that i m being questioned in such a way just because he is a kid....,
Thank god he was not armed with any tool nor he is with other adult that may even harm me more.. And now i m in Hospital Besar Melaka for check up and will proceed with another investigation and report at IPK .
And a reminder to all the ladies and men out there, the world has changed. A kid of 13 years old has managed to do such a criminal thing.Age doesnt matter when it comes to crime...please take extra precaution when u r out there.
本帖最后由 gogotan 于 1-1-2013 07:56 PM 编辑